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Commissioners Agenda May 30, 2017

May 26, 2017


Public Comments on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission

9:30 Road Department Official Agenda May 30, 2017
1. Time sheet issues.

Blading on Homestead and Dean Cr., Grazing District, Melstone Custer area where we will be working. Cattle guards cleaned on Hawk Cr., Four Mile, Mosby, Johnson (all of them). Gravel site for Melstone Custer started.

10:00 Sheriff
11:00 DES
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Ryan Jenkins/Big Sky Linen – Front Rugs

Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the
Commission that is not on the agenda.

All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.

1. Approve and sign the Encroachment Application for Section 25, Township 8 North, Range 26 East W. Parrot Creek Road submitted by Dr. Don Preston.

2. Review the list of Musselshell County residents that are interested on being on the Fair Board. Standford Pisle- At Large, Shelley Halvorson- At Large, Ryan Stahl-Roundup Rodeo Committee, Lyn Ohl- Brothers in Arms, Jeremy Erickson- Chamber of Commerce.

3. Discuss and approve the County offer of $25,000.00 towards the Physical Therapy Room at the Roundup Memorial Hospital only with a $25,000.00 match from the Community. (RMH is $50,000.00 short on what they need to complete the project)

4. Sign the Request for Transfer of Nonprimary Entitlements for transferring NPE funds from Roundup Municipal Airport to Ekalaka Airport. Submitted by KLJ.

5. Make a County Policy that all FEMA Buyouts go by the County Tax Appraisal at Cost Plus 35% or 135%.

4:00 County Attorney

Last modified: May 26, 2017

Comments are closed.