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Commissioner Minutes July 2, 2018

July 18, 2018

July 2, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.   Secretary Hagstrom was on vacation.  Minutes were taken by Clerk & Recorder Tomassi.

Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. They no longer are interested in the big building on the purchased Lekse property due to the cost of tearing it down. They are working on clearing title on land for re-routing #4 Road. They are going to check on getting gravel from the City for #4 Road. Fred Wipf joined the meeting regarding maintenance of Colony Road. They are building a very big barn and are going to have a lot of trucks traveling the road. They would like to maintain and do improvements on the road when needed. Mr. Wipf asked if they can fall under the Counties umbrella insurance coverage while doing repairs?  The Commissioners will check with MACo regarding the Counties legal responsibilities for the road. Mr. Wipf invited the Commissioners and Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert to go and look at Colony Road and visit with them on July 16 from 11:30 to 2:30.

The insurance adjuster came to look at the Judge’s chambers and roof.

Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They are working on preparing for the 4th of July parade and activities. The Commissioners told Sheriff Thomas that there are no County ordinances regarding fireworks. Only 4 Sheriff’s vehicles were not damaged by the hail. The new radio towers that were installed in the parking lots were discussed.  They are concerned about ice buildup during winter.

County Attorney Peterson met with the Commissioners to tell them that he cannot do anything to clear the title of the property to re-route #4 Road and that the family should use a title company. Mr. Peterson also discussed emergency proficiency regarding the Courthouse roof. It needs a permanent fix ASAP.

The adjuster came back in and told the Commissioners that they need to get someone up on the roof to tarp it until it can be 100% fixed.

Commissioner Berry left the meeting to go to the ground breaking for the new physical therapy building.

DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Fisher gave the Commissioners a copy of the contract between the Department of Natural Resources & Mussleshell County. Mr. Fisher is working on finding space available for campers during the 4th of July. There is no air conditioning at the EOC Building and they will be getting it fixed.

Elected Officials Compensation Board Meeting. Present were Clerk & Recorder Cheryl Tomassi, Clerk of Court Barb Halverson, Brad Howell, Joe Picchioni, Accounting Supervisor Amy Angel, Commissioner Nicole Borner and Commissioner Bob Goffena.  Commissioner Berry was absent but wanted a message relayed. “The County has way too many expenses right now after the storms so he recommends no raises this year.”

Ms. Tomassi said that cost of living allowance is 1% this year which is about .23 going off her salary so she made the motion for a 1% raise. Mr. Howell second the motion. Discussion followed. Ms. Angel said she would like to see a raise this year but it will be tricky.  The County hit their mill cap last year but revenue will be up a little.  We are reliant on the coal mine and we can’t function as a County if it goes away. Budgeting in a raise will be tight. Mr. Picchioni asked if revenue is down and expenses are up?  Commissioner Borner said that we have now taken on the maintenance of the Musselshell County Central Commons and that the insurance premiums are up as well.  Commissioner Goffena said that a good thing is that the long wall at the mine will be in Musselshell County this year which will give the County some money. Mr. Howell made the motion to amend his motion to approve a 1% only if funding permits. Ms. Halverson second the motion based on the fact that if the money continues to be funded.  Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve if funding is available.  Commissioner Goffena second the motion.  Motion carried.   Ms. Halverson made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Ms. Tomassi seconded the motion.  Motion carried

Cody Samuelson with Key Insurance called and told the Commissioners that it is ok to proceed with permanent repairs to the Courthouse roof.

Public Comment:

Larry Isle discussed the lease agreement with the Golden Thimble and Food Bank that was on the agenda. Mr. Isle would like a set of keys for the buildings.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign the Lease Agreement with the Golden Thimble for the use of the Musselshell County Central Commons Facilities. Commissioner Berry second the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign the Lease Agreement with the Food Bank for the use of the Musselshell County Central Commons Facilities. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to decide on a Bridge/Bridges for the Off System Bridge Nomination submitted by the Montana Department of Transportation. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion. Nominating the bridges needs done by the 13th of July, 2018. Commissioner Borner, in no particular order made the motion to nominate Farreltown/Klein Bridge, Goffena Bridge and Delphia Bridge. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  All approved.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and approve the Encroachment Permit for a parallel line in Section 22, T-8-N, R-26-E, Bender Road, submitted by Mid-rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc. upon Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockerts approval. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve Commissioner Goffena to travel to Washington D.C with Mayor Jones for Montana Day with expenses paid by the County. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Borner said that she signed up to go also but thinks that it is something that should not be paid by the County. Commissioner Berry said that Mayor Jones asked the Commissioners to go to benefit the County and City and thinks that the Chairman should go. Commissioner Borner said that all Commissioners were invited and she was paying for herself. Commissioner Borner said that it is not right to have the tax payers pay for the expenses and she will pay for hers herself.  No more discussion.  All in favor.  Commissioner Berry and Goffena said aye.  Commissioner Borner said nay.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to go out for adjustments for Courthouse hail damages and County Infrastructure /hail damage per MCA-7-5-234 because it is an emergency due to health and safety of employees and public.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Nelson would like to use the computer budget to get a new computer for her office. Ms. Nelson had a quote from Director of Technology Toombs in the amount of $898.00.  Commissioner Goffena and Borner both said that was fine.  Commissioner Berry was not present at the time.

End of meeting.




Last modified: March 4, 2019

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