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Commissioner Minutes May 7, 2018

May 15, 2018

May 7, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.

The Minutes from the April 16th and 23rd were reviewed and approved by the Commissioners.

Road Secretary Kenner gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The ad did go into the paper for part-time Rural Addressing.  They are going to be receiving their culverts that were purchased from gas tax funds. There is a lot of blading happening now.

Lorie Jett met with the Commissioner with a personnel issue.

Under Sherif Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There was a burglary in Melstone. The Structural Engineer (Greg Benjamin with Stahly Engineering) will be in on Friday to look at the Sheriff’s Office.

Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners to discuss the agreement with people that use the Musselshell County Central Commons. The Commissioners do not want an office on the stage and the County will be the hosts of scheduled events. Holiday worked pay for the Road Department was discussed. It was decided that they will get an extra 8 hours or however many hours were worked to use whenever they are needed and it will begin in the new budget season. (July 1, 2018) Ms. Angel also said that we need to put Administration Fees into any grant we are writing.

DES Coordinators Fisher and Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They are keeping an eye on potential fires from the lightning storm. They are working on the moving agreement for the PDM (Pre Disaster Mitigation) grant with Stratton’s Butcher Block and they closed on May 3rd, 2018. They are waiting on a better demo date on the Eiselein property in the FMA (Flood Mitigation Assistance) grant. And they are in the final phase development status in the Riverside HMPG (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program).  There was a subdivision complaint regarding an unauthorized road that was given to the Planning Board to look at.  They have had several new applications for addresses.

Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp. Brian Johnson and Kari Kaske with Collaborative Design Architects gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Troy Evans, Kathy Pfister and Amy Angel were also present. Mr. Qualman told the Commissioners that 95% of the painting is done in the Commons and the plumbing should be done on Tuesday May 8. Mr. Johnson told that Commissioners that the cabinets and casework are in.  Ms. Angel had some questions regarding some of the bills that are coming from the contractors. Brenda Vescovi and Cheryl Goffena entered the meeting. Ms. Angel told the Commissioners that the County already is having additional costs with the Commons.  Commissioner Berry suggested running 1 mill levy?  Even 1 mill levy would help. Ms. Goffena asked about a new oven.  The Commissioners said that the County does not have the money for a new oven.  Commissioner Berry suggested trying The Signal Peak Foundation in September for funds for the oven.

Kathy Thompson from Stahley Engineering called the Commissioners regarding the May 21, 2018 Public Comment regarding the cost estimate for the TSEP (Treasure State Endowment Program) Grant for the Goffena Bridge. Erosion on the Delphia Bridge will also be discussed.

Public Comment:

Deb Adolph, Troy Evans and Danny McCaffree were present.

Deb Adolph commented on the Yellowstone County web-site and Public Meetings and thinks that it is a very transparent and good system.

End of Public Comment.

Item #1 to Discuss and vote on a Lease/Rent/Use Agreement for the Musselshell County Central Commons was tabled until an agreement can be drawn up but Commissioner Borner made the motion to discuss. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Commissioner Borner said that after last week’s meeting with the Council on Aging she feels like we are moving closer to an agreement.  Commissioner Berry agrees but feels like the scheduling should go through the Clerk & Recorders Office and payments, if any, to the Treasurer’s Office.  There are budget restraints that are going to have to be dealt with for utilities. Commissioner Borner said that once The Commons is open she would like to have a Grand Opening.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign the Order to Cancel Uncollected Property Taxes (Mobile Home Taxes) in the amount of $7,346.77. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign the change order in the amount of $594.39 for a water filtration system at the Musselshell County Central Commons submitted by Cucancis Construction, Inc. and to suspend the rules for approval of $704.53 for the Bingo board outlet and 2 more outlets in the office at the Commons. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign the 10 Encroachment Permits from Mid-Rivers Communications which is planning construction to upgrade the cable facilities in the N. Ryegate Exchange.           Commissioner Berry second the motion.  Motion carried.

Business is closed.


April payroll= $106,164.34                                                      Check # – 23213 – 23239

April Claims= $481,429.40                                                      Check # – 63160 – 63304

Last modified: March 4, 2019

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