Justice of the Peace
Justice of the Peace and Roundup City Judge: Brad Marking
Clerk of Court Administrator: Carole McInnis
Phone: 406-323-1078
Fax: 406-323-1734
Contact Form
26 Main St. (Timber Tracts Building)
PO Box 565
Roundup, MT 59072
Get Directions
Judge Hours
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Clerk Hours
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Ticket Arraignments and Initial appearances
Every Monday and Wednesday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Civil Court
Monday or Wednesdays as scheduled per case
Functions of the City Court
- Misdemeanors
- Sheriff Department Citations
- Landlord Tenant Disputes
- City Ordinances
- Weddings
Functions of the Justice Court:
- Small Claims actions under $7,000
- Civil actions under $15,000
- Landlord Tenant Disputes
- Temporary Orders of Protection
- County Attorney Complaints
- Misdemeanors
- Highway Patrol Citations
- Sheriff Department Citations
- Fish and Game Citations
- Dept. of Transportation Citations MCS
- Felony-Initial Appearances
- Montana Department of Livestock Citations
- Weddings
Filing Fees:
- Criminal Background/Employment checks for information through our City and Justice courts only-AS OF 1/2/2020 WE CHARGE $25 PER NAME/DOB
- Civil Actions: $50.00 (FILINGS UNDER $15,000.00)
- Small Claims: $30.00 (Small Claims limit 10 per year) (FILINGS UNDER $7,000.00) MUST BE FILED IN THE COUNTY WHERE DEFENDANT LIVES
Be advised this office cannot give legal advice
Online Fine Payment
Choose Musselshell County Justice Court OR Roundup City Court (depending on where citation was issued)