Senior Services
Musselshell Council of Aging
Phone: 406-323-2015
Fax: 406-323-3166
Contact Form
610 2nd Street W
Roundup, MT 59072
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Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:am to 2:pm AND Wednesday 9:am to 12:pm
Area II Agency On Aging Serves eleven Counties and two reservations. Area II is an umbrella organization for local Councils on Aging. Area II also provides some services directly to seniors.
Senior Services
Phone: 406-323-2015
Use Our Contact Form
Director: Brenda Vescovi
Administrative Assistant: Natalie Hazelton
Head Cook: Cheryl Goffena
Assistant Cook: Tom Hazelton
610 2nd ST W
Roundup, MT 59072
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Musselshell County Council on Aging Provides Services to Senior Citizens:
- Meals at the Central Commons: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
- Meals on Wheels: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from the Central Commons. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday meals are contracted from the Roundup Memorial Hospital.
- Bus Service:
- Local to the Central Commons for meals and some activities.
- Medical: Roundup Clinic and Billings Appointments
- Activities: Monday-Music; Wednesday- Cards; Thursday-Bingo; Craft Time as scheduled
Medicare Plans For Nursing Home Eligibility
Retired Senior Volunteer Program – RSVP
Director: MeLinda DiTonno
RSVP Volunteer Coordinator: Shelley Halvorson
Phone: 406-323-1403
Email: rdprsvp2@midrivers
Face Book: South Central MT RSVP
Use Our Contact Form
7th Avenue
Roundup, MT 59072
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Office Hours:
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
RSVP works with citizens over the age of 55 who volunteer and want to be active beyond their home in the local community. RSVP is managed by a local Board of Trustees. RSVP serves 5 counties: Musselshell, Golden Valley, Petroleum, Fergus and Judith Basin.
RSVP Volunteers work locally with: Meals on Wheels, Food Bank, Gold Thimble, Senior Kitchen, School Lunch, America Reads in the Elementary School, Children’s Bazaar, RIDE\4th of July, Summer Dinner Theater and Camp, Musselshell Valley Museum and various other programs that support the local community.
RSVP provides Income Tax Aide to Senior Citizens.
RSVP recruits help for yard work and snow removal for Senior Citizens.
RSVP Volunteers are recognized for their work with a Volunteer Recognition Banquet.
The Travel Schedule is listed on the Face Book Site along with other notices.