April 20, 2023 Water District Meeting.
Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Pancratz, Commissioner Goffena and County Attorney Larsen were present. Also attending were the individuals listed on the attached Middle Musselshell Water Meeting sign-in sheet. Three individuals participated via zoom.
Commissioner Turley stated that the meeting was for proposed water district public comments and provided speaking introductions. Further stated that anyone choosing to speak would have a three-minute public comment period regarding the Water District, and whether they were for or against the proposal.
Commissioner Pancratz stated that purpose of this meeting is the final public meeting to discuss water district boundaries and that once the final Professional Engineers Report (PER) is received, election by those within the boundaries of the proposed district will be held 85 days later.
County Attorney Larsen discussed qualifications to be on Water District Board of Directors. If you are interested in being on the water district board, you must file for the candidate position with the Musselshell County Clerk and Recorder’s office. Also discussed 85-day voting rule, and the qualifications to be determined a water district. County Attorney Larsen provided the majority of advice and answered questions during this meeting.
The following issues were discussed and addressed:
- Is there a proposed district map available? Yes.
- What if an owner did not opt out? Robert Pancratz stated that you are in the district, and are eligible to vote.
- How many district board members would there be? Mr. Larsen stated there would be 5 positions voted on.
- Are you allowed to obtain the CMRWA water if you are not in the proposed water district? Mr. Larsen answered yes. The proposed water district would have no authority to exclude anyone outside the district from accessing CMRWA water independently.
Commissioner Turley said these are all valid concerns, and are open to answer questions that may arise in the future.
County Attorney Larsen said anyone can opt in later if the water district exists. Once the boundaries are set, then an election with mail out ballots. Mr. Larsen clearly noted that each property owner has one vote regardless of how many lots they own.
Commissioner Pancratz explained to the attendees that another meeting will be held if deemed necessary.
Commissioner Goffena reiterated that district water grant funding and favorable lending sources are available for what initially appears to be impossible projects. Such funding sources can make impossible district projects feasible, and are not available to private individuals.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M
Last modified: May 19, 2023