8:30 Call to order.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Commissioner Board information/Legislative Bill watch
- Old Business
- Wells Fargo
- Bids for Extension Office.
- Storage in Courtroom
- Steps at the Courthouse
- Fairgrounds hail damage
- Discuss the County’s next move on the Flood Plain Violation.
- Discuss Bonnie Stensvad’s proposal to lease the grass on the County owned 80 acres East of town.
9:00 Maintenance- Lorie Jett
- Courthouse & County buildings maintenance
- Vault door in the Clerk & Recorder’s Office
- Heat in the Courthouse
9:30 Road Department
- #4 alteration/petition
- FEMA Projects
- Pump replacement
10:00 Sheriff
a. Impound building.
b. Hail damage windows
10:30 Accounting
11:00 DES
- Discuss the New Burn Permit Process.
11:30 EMT
- Ambulance barn roof
12:00 LUNCH
Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.
- Discuss and vote on hiring an Engineering firm for Central Common’s structural issues.
- Discuss and sign the Oil & Gas Lease from 1889 Energy Group, LLC for various properties in Musselshell County.
- Vote on hiring a MACo recommended Attorney to investigate Cameron Road.
- Discuss and vote on the Musselshell County Commissioner’s preserving the audio and recorded meetings for availability to the public.
- Discuss and vote on having MACo provide training regarding the proper and professional way to treat County Officials and employees.
Meeting Closed.
Last modified: July 30, 2019