August 3, 2020
The meeting was opened at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Goffena was present.
Mike Turley was also present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the minutes from the July 27, 2020 meeting. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Borner attended the Refuse Board meeting on July 28, 2020. The board is looking into a memorandum of understanding with republic regarding the use of equipment.
There were no other board meetings.
The work at the Extension office is moving forward. They are going to have to fix the bathrooms again because they were not fixed properly the first time.
They have to decide how big of a building they want for storage at the Courthouse.
They are waiting to hear from Snowy Mountain Development regarding the groundwater monitoring.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Work at the Extension office was discussed.
Sheriff Lesnik introduced new Deputy Sam Rock to the Commissioners. Mr. Rock will be going to the Academy this fall.
The Commissioners discussed the Lease Agreement with Fish Wildlife and Parks. There needs to be more detailed information regarding the lease. Commissioner Borner is going to reach out to other Counites to see what their leases are like. They need to know who is liable for injuries, responsible for maintenance and weeds and garbage. They need to look at the cost closely.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. There are some concerns that need clarified regarding the MDT (Montana Department of Transportation) and County Agreement for the Goffena Bridge. The Refuse site had a problem with their skid steer and needed the Road Departments assistance to push trash into the crusher. Mr. Stockert would like to task train Larry Olson on the backhoe if needed. The Commissioner told them to also have the Refuse Board reach out to the City for assistance. They are not going to go to the Coal Board for funding for a well at the County Shop but they are waiting on more information from DNRC & the BLM for possible assistance with funding as it would be a water source for emergencies. They are waiting for the permitting process for working in the creek on the Farrell Street Bridge project. They did the Queens Point Road culvert replacement; some blading was done on Golf Course way out in the district and today they are working on Johnson Road.
DES Coordinator Harper and Fire Warden Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. FEMA monitoring visit is August 7, 2020 and Mr. Harper would like it if a Commissioner could be there. Mr. Russell told the Commissioners that the fire staffed stations are in Roundup today and Bull mountain and Hawk Creek. Burning season is still closed. They are working on a lease with the School to move the DES Office to the Wells Fargo building. They gave the Commissioners the current road sign inventory list.
Airport meeting. Steve Aldinger, Veronica Meyer and John Bach were present from Interstate Engineering were present via telephone. Craig Kind and Dave Resch from Knife River were present via telephone. Mike Turley and Airport Manager Kelly Gebhardt were present also. Topic of the conversation was the fabric issue at the airport and how to fix and pay for it. Mr. Aldinger said that Geo Tech had done some coring of the runway before the project and they showed that there was possible fabric. When they started milling, they think there was not enough bonding agent added to the fabric and it broke up and fell apart. They feel that they didn’t do anything wrong and the problems was from prior work. To complete the project the FAA has added funding but they want the County to put up approximately $191,000.00 for the milling. Commissioner Borner said that she does not feel that the tax payers should have to pay for it. Mr. Gebhardt said that it is a lot of money for Musselshell County to pay. Mr. Turley said the engineers fails and they want to put it on the County. The Commissioners will discuss and think about the issue and vote on it at the 3:00 business portion of the August 10, 2020 meeting. The telephone conference ended. Mr. Gebhardt said that the road is now all tore up and thinks that they went to deep when they were milling and should have seen the fabric. Mr. Gebhardt was there when Knife Rivers engineer was grading and there was fabric hanging off of the grader and when Mr. Gebhardt tried talking to him, he said that he only answered to interstate Engineering. Now they are taking the gravel and making a huge pile instead of laying it where needed. They were supposed to start paving on the 16th of June and it still isn’t done. When there was a problem, they should have talked to everyone right away and not waited until today. Now weather is a concern and he has no sympathy for them Meeting adjourned.
Public Hearing for the Preliminary Budget.
Mike Turley, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi and Sue Olson were present. Deb Adolph was present via GoToMeeting.
Ms. Tomassi talked about the changes made this week. There were some changes on the expenditures. The raises were lowered to .25. DES added a line for budgets GIS got put back in the budget. The Fire Department budgets have been worked on and they added Justin Russell to the Fire Council budget. Victim witness needed some the budget & mirror. They are looking into Broadview VFD being added and they are going to add to the Extension Budget. Ms. Olson said the Coal Gross Proceeds are based on the prior year’s mills and asked what was done with the reserves. Commissioner Borner said it was put into the capital improvements but they are not done with the budget yet they have been waiting on the Certified Values from the Department of Revenue which they received this morning. Denning, Downey and Associates are going to be helping with the process. The Public meeting was recessed until August 10, 2020.
There was no 3:00 business.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 692 to correct postage account taken out of Victim Witness instead County Attorney for April 2020.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 693 to correct travel expense from Victim Witness instead of County Attorney.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 694 to correct postage taken out of Victim Witness instead of County Attorney in May, 2020.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 695 to correct postage taken out of Victim Witness instead of County Attorney in June, 2020.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 696 transfer County Transportation funds to the schools for 2nd semester.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 698 Melstone School expenditure line item transfer.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 699 Melstone School recording business manager salary expenses to transportation fund.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 700 Melstone School recording business manager salary expenses to transportation fund.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 701 Melstone Elementary moving contracted technology expenditures to Tech Fund.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 702 Melstone HS moving business manager insurance to transportation expenditures.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 703 Melsone Schools reallocating Elementary construction/Vo-Ag class supplies to High School State Vo-Ed monies.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 704 Melstone Elementary reallocating Misc. expenditures to high School Misc./Int. monies.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 706 Melstone School moving contracted Technology expenditures to Tech fund.
Commissioner Borner singed Journal Voucher 707 Melstone High School moving business manager insurance to transportation expenditures.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 708 Melstone School miscoded TRS, FICA unemployment expenditures transfer to retirement fund.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 709 Melstone Elementary transfer acting administrator stipend to cares Act Grant.
Last modified: November 2, 2020