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Commissioner December 23, 2019 Minutes

December 30, 2019

December 23, 2019

The meeting was opened at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the December 23, 2019 agenda. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. All in favor?   Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the December 16, 2019 minutes. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Carlson said aye. Commissioner Berry said nay. Commissioner Borner said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson did not have any board meetings.

Commissioner Berry had a Hospital Board meeting and there was also the Hospitals annual meeting. At the board meeting the changes were discussed, they are going to rearrange the Dr. schedules so they can see more patients. There were a lot of positive things. Budgets and changes were discussed at the annual meeting.

Commissioner Borner did not have any board meetings but did get the draft of the 2015 audit from Wipfli. Now the Commissioners are going to have to do a corrective action report. They are getting a timeline from Denning Downey & Associates for the other audits. The Supreme Court findings regarding Sheriff Lesnik’s case was discussed.

Commissioner Carlson is gathering the information to send to Attorney Susan Swimmley for #4 Road and the Floodplain violation. Commissioner Borner asked if they could get possible estimated hours for the added cost of having to hire an outside attorney.

Commissioner Borner asked Commissioner Berry if he could go over the “hold harmless” and “user agreements” for County facilities, because of his insurance background.

Commissioner Borner told the Commissioners that they are going to have to update the County phone systems because they are out of date and not supported any longer.   Adam Toombs will meet with the Commissioners next week for a possible solution.

Andrew Marum with Interstate Engineering met with the Commissioners to introduce himself.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Secretary Kenner was not present due to vacation. Sheriff Lesnik was present. They are working on cattle guards this week. There was an accident on Fattig Creek Friday due to speeding on a section of the road were there was ice. The Sheriff’s Office requested sand on the gravel road for Officer protection. If the Road Department is going to have to sand gravel roads, they will need to have more funding in the budget. Residents need to slow down or chain up.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There are 6 inmates presently. The Canine Officer is doing a great job.

DES Coordinators Fisher and Harper gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Safe-tec completed the abatement of the hazmat buyout building. There have been many training sessions at the buyout properties also.

Public comment:

Deb Adolph was present. Ms. Adolph asked if the Commissioners could put what happened with the budget in the paper or somewhere, so the public can understand, why there was an increase and where the money went. Commissioner Borner said they were recommended to do what they did because yearend transfers were not transferred and wait to see where the County stood. The Commissioners are setting up a work session in January to go over line item by line item to help understand more. Last week the Commissioners voted on setting up a Financial Advisory Committee to get the public involved and understand.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to donate for use the Melstone property, lot 8 of block 16 of the Original Townsite of Melstone. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign the Independent Fee Estimate (IFE) for Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation Construction Phase Services for the Roundup Airport submitted by Mead & Hunt. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign Certificate of Survey 2019-9 for Section 20, T-8-N, R-28-E submitted by KLJ for Kite Cattle Company. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign Certificate of Survey 2019-10 for Section 29, T-8-N, R-28-E submitted by KLJ for Kite Cattle Company. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to review and sign the Lease Agreement for Musselshell County-City of Roundup Refuse District/Transfer Site. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Discussion. Commissioner Carlson said that all department had met 3 different times and had reviewed the agreement from the City of Troy and they are kind of the same. Commissioner Berry said he didn’t see anything wrong with it. All in favor? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson did claims on December 19, 2019.

Last modified: March 10, 2020

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