COMMISSIONER’S AGENDA February 5th, 2021
8:30 Call to order.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Commissioner Board information
Old business
- Extension Office repairs
- Storage for Courthouse Departments
- COVID-19 reimbursement money.
- Fergus Easement
- Chip Seal on Old Divide Road.
- Training opportunities for employees.
- Budget amendment
- Financial Policy & Procedure in written form.
- Belveal Property
- Ruhland Property
New Business
- Rural Development/Commons sidewalks
- Historic Tourism Grant/MT Dept of Commerce next Fall
- Montana Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program
9:00 Maintenance
- Capital Improvement
9:30 Cade Overstreet/Yellowstone County Field Office
10:00 Sheriff
Impound Building/Coal Board Grant
Carbon County Jail
10:30 Kenneth Davis/Roundup Herald
11:00 DES
- Capital Improvement Plan
11:30 Treasurer Hetrick/Clerk & Recorder Tomassi
11:45 County Agent Fosjord
- Capital Improvement Plan
12:00 LUNCH
1:00 Andy Koval/Youth Probation
1:30 Justice of the Peace Marking/Office
2:30 Public Hearing on Budget Amendments.
3:00 Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commission.
- Appoint Nicole Borner, Stan Pisle, Kurt Lang and Jon Goffena to the Fair Board.
- Approve and sign Draw Down #5 for The Brownsfield RLF payable to WWC Engineering in the amount of $1,827.00
- Review and discuss the Roundup Non-federal/2022-loan and Grant letter from the Montana Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division.
- Review and discuss the FEMA-FMA-PJ-08-MT-2016-01 letter from the Department of Military Affairs for the State of Montana regarding the Carson property.
- Review and sign the 2021-2022 PCT renewal Scheduled Property Acknowledgement Form for Montana Association of Counties submitted by Key Insurance.
- Review and sign the Federal Financial Report for the Cares Act Grant 3-30-0066.016-2020
- (TO BE VOTED ON FEBRUARY 12, 2021 AFTER PUBLIC COMMENT) Review Resolution 2021-9 for budget amendments for the following funds:
2172.430300.330 Airport FAA Grant Pub/Dues $ 2,217.60
2172.430300.930 Airport FAA Grant IMP $792,311.90
2182.420340.357 JUV SRVC Admin Fee $ 6,200.00
2264.430200.300 Big Buyout Purchase SRV $ 975.10
2264.430200.390 Big Buyout PUR SER $254,647.35
2345.420400.390 VFA/RFA Grant $ 15,279.41
2800.440500.357 Alcohol Rehab Admin Fee $ 12,196.00
2821.430201.221 BARSAA $ 58,011.40
2840.431100.220 Weed Grant $ 19,263.50
2919.431100.250 Helicopter Grant Chemicals $ 18,778.75
2919.431100.360 Helicopter Grant Repair $ 23,660.50
2940.440220.700 Hospital Grant $ 30,880.64
2973.440170.300 MCH CARE Purchase SRV $ 4,351.98
3200.510300.110 EMP Payoff Salary $ 2,309.53
3200.510300.140 EMP Payoff SSI $ 143.19
3200.510300.141 EMP Payoff Unemployment $ 5.77
3200.510300.142 EMP Payoff Workers Comp $ 120.23
3200.510300.144 EMP Payoff Medicare $ 33.49
3200.510300.145 EMP Payoff PERS $ 31.21
3200.510300.145 EMP Payoff SRS $255.68
4010.411200.390 CAPIMP GEN Other Purch SRVP $10,335.50
4010.411200.900 CAPIMP GEN Cap Outlay $ 32,894.64
4030.420100.940 CAPIMP Sheriff Mach/Equip $ 14,500.00
4040.420401.220 CAPIMP Fire County FD $ 5,200.00
4040.420402.220 CAPIMP Fire HCVFD $ 5,200.00
4040.420403.220 CAPIMP Fire MVFD $ 5,200.00
4040.420404.220 CAPIMP Fire BMVFD $5,200.00
4040.420405.220 CAPIMP Fire DCVFD $5,200.00
4042.420400.940 Fire MVFD $ 18,444.40
4060.411202.940 CAPIMP COMPLX $8,178.00
4080.431100.940 CAPIMP Weed $ 95,000.00
4401.411030.300 Senior Service Grant $ 184.99
4805.430200.940 MFLAP $330,115.23
1000.411860.540 Taxes County Owned Prop $ 4,241.34
1000.411870.300 Tax Deed Process/Prch SRV $ 1,198.60
1000.411870.330 Tax Deed Process/Pub/Dues $ 2,613.60
1000.410580.355 IT Support $10,081.72
Meeting Closed.
Last modified: April 22, 2021