8:30 Call to order.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Commissioner Board information
Old business
- Extension Office repairs
- Storage for Courthouse Departments
New Business
- COVID-19 reimbursement money.
- Fergus Easement
- Chip Seal on Old Divide Road.
- Training opportunities for employees
- Budget amendment
- Financial Policy & Procedure in written form.
- Rural Development/Commons sidewalks
- Historic Tourism Grant/MT Dept of Commerce next Fall
- Montana Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program
9:00 Maintenance
9:30 Road
- A concern regarding Farreltown Road needing bladed.
- Fire on Smokey Road.
- Chipper
10:00 Sheriff
Impound Building/Coal Board Grant
10:30 Justice of the Peace Marking
11:00 DES
- Capital Improvement Plan
- FWP Fishing Access
- Floodplain violations
- Future land use
11:30 Treasurer Hetrick
11:45 County Agent Fosjord
- Capital Improvement Plan
12:00 LUNCH
3:00 Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commission.
- Approve and sign Resolution 2021-1 changing reimbursement rates for mileage to .56.
- Approve and sign Resolution 2021-2 setting Legal Holidays.
- Approve and sign Resolution 2021-3 establishing Regular Meeting Dates of the Musselshell County Commission and to Describe Procedure for Public Participation.
- Approve and sign Resolution 2021-4 establishing Travel and Meal Reimbursement Rates for County Employees.
- Approve and sign Resolution 2021-5 establishing the 2021 Elected Official Salary Compensation Board.
- Approve and sign Resolution 2021-6 setting the Fire Season for the County of Musselshell for 2021.
- Review and sign the EMPG Funding Commitment Letter submitted by DES Coordinator Harper.
- Review and sign Draw Down #4 to WWC Engineering for work on the Farmers Union Brownsfield RLF in the amount of $3,629.25 submitted by Snowy Mountain Development.
Meeting Closed.
Last modified: January 19, 2021