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Commissioner January 6, 2023 Minutes

January 13, 2023

January 6, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Clerk & Recorder Tomassi. Commissioner Goffena Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Pancratz were present. Ms. Tomassi said the meeting was open for nominations. Commissioner Goffena nominated Commissioner Turley as Chairman of the Commission. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion.  Commissioner Goffena nominated Commissioner Pancratz as Vice Chairman of the Commission. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the December 23 and December 30, 2022 minutes as written. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The Commissioners were advised that there will be another Brownsfield Petro Board loan for the Farmers Union property.  This will be a reimbursable loan and will be done through Snowy Mountain Development.

Board meetings:

Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Pancratz attended the Fire Council meeting on Thursday January 5, 2023. They are working on setting their social media policies. Commissioner Pancratz was impressed with the continued training they are doing.

Commissioner Turley attended a Hospital Board meeting on January 5, 2023: Minutes done by Commissioner Turley.  Monthly financial performance in December continues to be affected by contract labor and 102-day old average accounts receivable. Wipfli Audit completed a year end Audit opinion that stated the audit was favorable; and made note that their opinion is based upon information provided by the Hospital Board. RMH maintains an increase in clinic visits due to Dr. availability. Billings Clinic also stated that they have a clinic request from West Yellowstone, which is another positive note for RMH’s relationship with Billings Clinic

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. They need more shelves at the Thimble. The Complex will be receiving a new hot water heater.

County Attorney Larsen met with the Commissioners.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They will be doing interviews on Wednesday January 11, 2023.  They have a good hiring pool. They will be purchasing 2 Watch Guard Camera systems out of the Capital Improvement fund. Sheriff Lesnik would like to do a “Welcome Packet” for new residents to help them understand Musselshell County.

DES Director Russell and Rural Addressing Assistant Gomez gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The Fire Council meeting was discussed. They are thinking about getting pilots license to be able to use drones during fires.  They have been working on the County Resource List. Corrections were sent back for the Old Milwaukee Railroad Bridge removal. It will be attached to the benefit cost analysis that will be reviewed next week and then sent to FEMA.  The generator for the High School/Hospital was fixed.  There were questions about claims.

Treasurer Hetrick met with the Commissioner regarding the next step in a resident that cashed a County check after signing an indemnity bond form. The resident will be contacted. Melstone School has a new clerk and the final budget was signed. First Security Bank revised their website and the format we use does not work with it.  The County will need to pay $500.00 to be able to use it.

Bronya Lechtman, Pat Thiele, Steve Charter, Boyd Charter and Tom Baratta from the Bull Mountain Land Alliance met with the Commissioners to discuss the impacts and damages of mining activity to water and land in the Bull Mountains. They would like the Commissioners to write a letter regarding these concerns to DEQ before the January 27, 2023 comment period for the Mines permit renewal.

Public Comment:

Joe Sthal met with the Commissioners regarding subdivision regulations.  A copy was sent to Mr. Stahl.

End of public comment.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-1 reimbursement rates for mileage set at 65.5. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-2 setting Legal Holidays for 2023.  Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-3 establishing Commission meeting dates and times. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-4 establishing Travel and Meal reimbursement rates for 2023. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-5 establishing the Elected Official Salary Compensation Board. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-6 setting the Fire Season for Musselshell County for 2023.Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Goffena did the first run of claims for January 2023 on Thursday January 5.

Claims for the first run of January 2023 = $139,153.83


January 9, 2023 Road Department minutes

Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Goffena, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Newman were present.

They are going to buy a 2-year warranty for 3 of the vehicles at the department. The money will have to be transferred into the maintenance account. The new equipment shop is just about finished and is going to be a big asset for the County.  (The Commissioner went to look the building after the meeting) They are going to be purchasing treated wood posts from Gebhardt’s for the bigger signs up North.  The wind has been bending the metal posts they are using now.  Mr. Stockert will be checking out a possible new gravel site on C.A. Road in the near future.

End of meeting.

Last modified: January 13, 2023

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