June 29, 2020 Commissioner Meeting Minutes June 29, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner, Commissioner Carlson was present. Administrative Assistant Hagstrom was absent at today’s meeting so Clerk and Recorder Tomassi will be taking the minutes. There was no public present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the June 22nd minutes as amended. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson did not have any board meetings this past week.
Commissioner Borner and Mark Qualman did a walkthrough of the repairs that took place at the Extension Office and Fairgrounds. There are some small things that needs to be corrected, but all of the work has been pretty much completed.
Commissioner Borner, Treasurer Hetrick and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi will be doing an exit interview on Tuesday June 30th at 1:00 p.m. with Kim Denning from Denning, Downey & Associates for the 2018-2019 audits.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett is on vacation and not able to attend this week’s regular schedule meeting.
Road Secretary Kenner and Supervisor Stockert gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Supervisor Stockert went over an example of fuel tax revenue and how the money is spent. The Commissioners will be speaking with SMDC today at 2:00 regarding the future coal board grants. Commissioner Carlson and Supervisor Stockert will be attending a meeting today at 1:30 with Signal Peak to discuss Fatting Creek maintenance issues. Signal Peak would like some kind of liability release contract to assist in the maintenance of Fatting Creek during the current construction. Road Secretary Kenner asked the Commissioners if there could be a deputy out there right after the road department blades so that they can try and stop people from speeding. Secretary Kenner will post a notice to let the residence off of Fattig Creek know that there will be road construction starting. Supervisor Stockert reported that there was a big rock slide off of Golden Creek Road and the road department will be taking care of it.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Deputies patrolling Fattig Creek road during construction was discussed along with audits being completed and the upcoming events happening over the 4th of July weekend at the fairgrounds.
DES Coordinator Harper and Fire Warden Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They handed the Commissioners their new County Cell Phones and will be asking all Department Heads at the meeting on the 13th if they are interested in receiving one. Mr. Harper reported that WHC INC. is almost finished with the demolition project. DES Coordinator Harper also reported that he got together with Mr. Barta on June 26th and Mr. Barta issued the county a reimbursement check. The check needs to be corrected so Mr. Barta will be sending the county a new check soon. Mr. Russell will be closing burning season on July 1st. Mr. Russell also reported that he has picked up the new duty truck, but he has to set the truck up prior to use. Commissioner Carlson told Mr. Russell to wright a policy for use of the truck and the Commissioners will review it prior to signing.
Treasurer Hetrick gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The 2016 – 2019 books between the County and Roundup School District are now balanced. Treasurer Hetrick will be on vacation and out of the state all next week.
County Agent Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. They discussed claims and what account the new lights will come out of. Ms. Fosjord wanted the Commissioners know that the 4-H building metal roof is blowing up. Ms. Fosjord reported that she spoke to Levi about the horse sale and she gave him Central Montana Health Districts phone number so that he could get everything worked out prior to the sale.
Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson had a phone conference call with Kathy Bailey and Kathy Barta from SMDC to discuss Coal Board Grants and the Farmers Union building.
Commissioner Borner opened Preliminary Budget public hearing at 2:37. Deb Adolph was present via GoToMeeting. Commissioner Borner discussed the cemetery which is a fiduciary fund and that they should have their own budget and that after the cemetery board finishes their budget and if they need more money, then they come to the county and request how many mills they will need.
There will also be a change in the fire council budget since they have now hired Justin Russel as the fire warden.
Commissioner Borner discussed that the Commissioners and Department Heads now have an option of receiving a county phone to use in place of using their own personal cell phones for county business. If the Department Head does take the option to receive a county cell phone, then they would need to budget for it.
Troy Evans joined via GoToMeeting.
Commissioner Borner discussed correcting the extension office budget for building repairs because last year’s budget only had $1,000 in it for repairs which was not enough.
The 16-17 budget corrected action was turned into Denning, Downey & Associates office and tomorrow we are closing on the 18-19 FY budget.
Soon we will be working on correcting and transferring the cap imp accounts.
Commissioner Borner discussed the Covid Cares money that the county will be receiving and how this money works within the budget.
End of Public Hearing for the Preliminary Budget. There was no public comment. Meeting closed.
3:00 Business was opened for any public comments. Troy Evans is still on the GoToMeeting. There was no public comment.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2020-21 establishing Justin Russell as the Fire Warden/Fire Investigator moving him from part-time to full-time voted by the Musselshell County Fire Council. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting ended.
County Agent Fosjord came back in to talk with the Commissioners again. There is now a leak in the Extension Office building roof. Commissioner Borner told Ms. Fosjord to send the Commissioners an email regarding the roof and they will forward it onto Mark Qualman that can get ahold of Stone Contracting.
There was no more business for the day.
Commissioner Borner opened meeting at 5:12. Present was Commissioner Carlson, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, Treasurer Hetrick, Clerk of District Court Halverson. Absent was County Attorney Peterson, Derin Gebhardt, Patty Pfeiffer. Also present was Sheriff Lesnik.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi made a motion for a .50 cent raise for Elected Officials only because that way the Sheriff Deputies get a raise like other county employees. Commissioner Carlson 2nd the motion for discussion.
Sheriff Lesnik explained how the Sheriff Deputies pay is figured out and the history behind their raises. If there is a freeze on the Election Officials this year, then his Deputies lose out on longevity.
Also discussed was bringing the starting rate up to $12.00 instead of $10.00 for county employees.
Motion for .50 raise died.
Treasurer Hetrick made a motion for a .25 cent raise for Elected Officials. Clerk of Court Halverson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting closed.
Last modified: July 31, 2020