March 30, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Carlson was present. Administrative Assistant Hagstrom was present via phone.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the March 23, 2020 minutes after adding the signing of the Emergency Resolution 2020-11at the Department Head meeting on March 19, 2020. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There were no board meetings.
Commissioner Borner worked with MACo regarding a request for qualifications for the Chief Financial Officer and questions about the resolution enacting the 2 mills. Commissioner Borner also worked on a Human Resources issue. There is going to be a Central Montana Health District meeting at 1:00 today
There are at least 5 people that are interested in the Financial Advisory Committee. The Commissioners will decide on the committee at the 3:00 business on Monday April 6, 2020 3:00 business.
There was some work done on the Extension Office over the weekend and they are supposed to be starting to work on the grand stands at the fairgrounds at the end of the week.
Attorney Swimley’s firm is continuing work on the #4 Road alteration.
The 2015 audit is done and we are just waiting on the hard copy. The 2016 & 2017 AFR’s (annual financial report ) have been reported to the State and they are going to start working on the 2016 audit and the 2018 & 2019 AFR’s.
Commissioner Borner had an Airport meeting regarding the engineer’s scope of work. We are waiting on word from the FAA (Jason Garwood) regarding additional funds.
Connex boxes (oversea transportation boxes) were discussed for storage solutions. They would be cheaper than a building but would be unsightly.
Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. They will now be paying 1.50 a yard for gravel from the Eliasson pit. DEQ gets .45 of the 1.50. There are more issues with obtaining the Jensen property for the #4 alteration so they may do a “30 foot easement for an emergency route” on the City owned property. They will talk more with Attorney Swimleys office to find out the next move. With this easement they will no longer have to try for the EDA Grant. They are going to eliminate the newly opened position and make some waged adjustments. Amid the COVID 19 concerns there is a question if 2 people can ride in a vehicle. The Commissioners said that at this time it is ok as long as the employee monitor themselves.
Pam Walling with MACo and Bret Tate from Allegiance called in to visit with the Commissioners regarding a HAS plan option for employees. There is no set up fee or annual fee but there is a $2.00 charge per account holder per month. Mr. Tate is going to send the information to the Clerk & Recorder to be given to the employees before open enrollment.
DES Coordinator Harper gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. We are still waiting on the approval from the Federal side for the FEMA scope of work change and budget amendment. COVID 19 update: Roundup Memorial Hospital and Wheatland will be sending any symptomatic person to test in Billings. Billings will be sending all non-symptomatic people to Roundup and Wheatland. They have gotten some PPE (personal protective equipment) in and are getting more. They now have a 3-D printer and can make approximately 7 masks a day.
Public comment:
There was no public.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to table decide and award the Airport pavement rehabilitation bid until the scope of work by the engineer is reviewed and we hear from the FAA about additional funding. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign Resolution 2020-12 choosing to do a Mail in Ballot ONLY for the June 2, 2020 Primary Election to minimize direct contact with people due to the COVID-19 virus. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. All in favor? Commissioner Borner an Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Troy Evans entered the meeting via GotoMeeting and the Commissioners let him know what the motions were and how they were voted.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner signed Journal Voucher 535 putting interest that was put into 113 but should have been into 114 into 114. Submitted by Treasurer Hetrick.
Journal Voucher 536 putting District Court warrants into the correct funds with the correct object codes submitted by Treasurer Hetrick.
Journal Voucher 582 Reallocation cost of Facility inventory report from Flexibility Fund to Building Reserve Funds with use of School Major maintenance aid. Submitted by Brayden Wacker.
Journal Voucher 583 per Superintendent of Schools Hetrick transfer Transportation Distribution for 1st semester payment.
Journal Voucher 584 per Brayden Wacker Expenditure line item transfer, moving CTE Professional dues to Carl Perkins Expenditure.
Journal Voucher 585 per Brayden Wacker Expenditure line item transfer: moving Cleartouch Panel Expenditure to Signal Peak Grant.
Journal Voucher 586 per Brayden Wacker Expenditure line item transfer: Moving Cleartouch Panel Expenditure to Signal Peak.
Journal Voucher 587 per Brayden Wacker Expenditure line item transfer: moving 2019 National BPA Expenses from State VoEd Funding to general Funding.
Journal Voucher 588 taking money from General Funds to pay for deposit slips per Cheryl Tomassi.
Last modified: April 17, 2020