8:15 Call to order.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Commissioner Board information
Old business
- Extension Office and Fairgrounds repairs
- Discuss the County’s next move on Flood Plain Violations
- #4 Road alteration.
- Accounting Audit
- Deed for the Melstone property.
- Updated Phone system.
- Lights at cemeteries
- New County website
- New Business
- Election Audit Committee.
- Storage for the Courthouse departments
- Rural Development/Commons sidewalks
8:30 Clerk of Court Halverson
- Budget
9:00 Lorie Jett
- Budget
- Capital Improvement Plan
9:30 Road
- Budget
- Allen Goffena East District Gravel Pit update
- Farrel St. Bridge detour update
- Hot mix repairs
10:00 Sheriff
- Budget
- Capital Improvement Plan
10:30 Victim-Witness/Tami Allen
- Budget
11:00 DES
- Budget
- Capital Improvement Plan
- Hold harmless agreement.
- Protocol for burning
11:30 Treasurer Hetrick
- Budget
11:45 County Agent Fosjord
- Budget
- Capital Improvement Plan
12:00 LUNCH
1:00 Weed/Meriel Beck
- Budget
1:30 Justice of the Peace/Brad Marking
- Budget
2:00 Ambulance/Ron Solberg
- Budget
2:30 Roundup Memorial Healthcare CEO/Audit regarding the DLA Grant
3:00 Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commission.
- Vote on members of the Election Audit Committee.
- Sign Resolution 2020-13 ordering Musselshell County Treasurer Hetrick to issue Tax Deeds.
- Hire Attorney Mike Meloy to represent Musselshell County on certain legal matters.
- Discuss and apply for the COVID-19 Behavioral Health Crisis Response Grant.
- Review and sign Certificate of Survey 2020-6 The Dillman Minor Subdivision in the SE4 of Section 8, T- 6 -N, R- 26 -E.
- Review and sign Certificate of Survey 2020-7 Tracts 1 & 2 of Certificate of Survey 2008-3FC in the NW4 of Section 26, T-8-N, R-25-E submitted by The Bohlmans.
Meeting Closed.
Last modified: May 29, 2020