April 10, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from the April 3, 2017 meeting were not reviewed by the Commissioners. Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the
Commissioners. The road department mechanic put in his resignation so there will be an add in the Roundup Record. There were some questions regarding money to be reimbursed from FEMA that needs to be discussed with accounting.
Under Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners to go over some of the departments budget issues.
County Agent Walter met with the Commissioners. Mr. Walter gave the Commissioners Fairgrounds Calendar for the months of June and July. (Kinda …still waiting for June) someone would like to use the show ring for a wedding. As long as they show proof of liability insurance ( special event insurance policy) there is not a problem. Mr. Walter is having an arborist from Montana Tree Care out of Billings, come in to work on the trees in the campground. A bid for the stairs in the grandstands is in the paper. 4-H is going to rebuild the hog pens. Water should be turned on this week at the camp and fairgrounds. Mr. Walter is checking into bench covers for the top half of the grandstands and would like to re-deck the old set of bleachers by the ball field. Seed potatoes are for sale at the Extension Office.
DES Coordinator Carlson met with the Commissioners. Beverly Eiselein and Attorney Todd Gunderson were present. Moving forward with the third offer for the Eiselein property in the Flood Mitigation Assistance program with FEMA. Attorney Gunderson stated that in their perspective the appraisal from Barta Appraisals ($100,000.00) was miss stated and didn’t include a lot of things. Ms. Eiselein had her own appraisal done by Source Appraisal Services and it was for $185,000.00, the Fair Market Analysis estimate was $167,500.00. Attorney Gunderson asked for another appraisal from a party in the Billings Multiple Listing Search (which Barta Appraisals was not a part of) and Ms. Eiselein would be willing to pay half of. Commissioner Goffena said that it is bothersome that the numbers are so different and he thinks that all appraisals are flawed, that the house value is taken away because it is in the flood zone. Attorney Gunderson said that it should not be based on wether or not it is in the flood zone. Commissioner Goffena said that it is an issue. Commissioner Goffena that there are water rights that are tied to the property and can be moved but they would have to go through the DNRC to get it done. DES Coordinator Carlson said that the basis of the grant is to move people out of the floodplane to eliminate repetitive loss properties. The County is not purchasing the property to rehabilitate but the long term goal is for a larger recreational area. FEMA has gone over all the information and is willing to pay the amount of the Fair Market Analysis Estimate (which is what FEMA used as the estimate of the property for the grant) saving the worry about the other claims. The County match is already met. Also a third appraisal is already covered by the grant and there would be no additional cost to either party. Commissioner Borner said that her opinion has not changed and her motion of $150,000.00 stays withing the parameters of the grant. There will be a vote on this at the 3:00 Business.
Lori Jett from maintenance met with the Commissioners to let them know that the Judge’s office is getting bids on fixing their door. Ms. Jett is also going to check with all employees to make sure they are ok with her painting areas of the courthouse during the work day.
Forrest Sanderson and Carl Jackson with KLJ met with the Commissioners to discuss moving forward with the EOC (emergency operations center) repair. The Commissioners want more of a breakdown for design ,bidding and construction. Next Monday April 17, 2017 at noon, Forrest Sanderson and Matt Popa will meet with the Commissioners over a working lunch to clear up the terms of expectations.
No Public Comment.
Item #2 to hire Mark Qualman with Cost Gurus was tabled to gather some more information. Item #4 to sign the Encroachment Application for Sec.6, T- 6-N , R-26-E submitted by Cary Olson was tabled until they supplied the site distance.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to reject Beverly Eiseleins offer on her property for the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion with discussion. Commissioner Berry motioned not to go for a third appraisal and feels like the FMA of $167,500.00 is to much for the property. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion of no third appraisal with an amendment of Commissioner Berrys motion to offer $150,000.00 as a more fair price. Motion died from a lack of a second and goes back to the first motion of $140,000.00 and no third appraisal. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign the Encroachment Application for Sections 10 into 9, T-7-N, R-27-E for a water pipe submitted by Parrot Creek Ranch. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion with a stipulation that they will flag the area while digging. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign the Roundup AIP 3-30-0066-013- 2016 Grant Amendment Request Letter submitted by KLJ. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried. 2017-O-510
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: May 17, 2017