April 17, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from the April 3rd and 10th meetings were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Secretary Kenner was not present. The Gibbtown Road project turned out to be a big challenge and is not repaired yet. Spring maintenance is in full swing. Thing to be done: shaping roads weather permitting. (Hochmuth/Harris, W. Parrot, Fattig Crk, Adams, 4 Mile, Hay Basin)
Sheriff Thomas stopped by to check in and let the Commissioners know that he is back on light duty after shoulder surgery.
DES Coordinator Carlson, Forrest Sanderson and Alex Huffield from KLJ and Ambulance Coordinator Ron Solberg met with the Commissioners. The Public Hearing on the Growth Policy was opened at 11:00. There was no public comment. There will be a final Resolution in 30 days. Hearing closed at 11:05. Final Accounting on the Growth Policy. The updated budget was $66,667.81. Used $36,755.28. Approximately $30,000.00 under the project budget.
DES Coordinator Carlson gave his weekly report. Mr. Carlson is working on the PDM (Pre Disaster Mitigation), DNRC Planning Grants and will be closing on the HMGP (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program) Riverside property on April 19, 2017. There will be reviews with Marty Thompson ( Historical, Architectural and Environmental Specialist) with FEMA Region 8 on April 24th and 25th. Mr. Carlson will not be in the office until April 24th. He is going to be picking up the new DES vehicle.
Alex Huffield and Forrest Sanderson with KLJ met with the Commissioners over a working lunch to discuss the ongoing Musselshell County Emergency Operations Center Stabilization project. Ambulance Director Solberg and DES Coordinator Carlson were present. Three (3) options have been given as to the best stabilization for the cost , time frame and accessability. Option A- Compacting Grouting ( Interior/Exterior), Option B- Helical Piers Exterior/Compaction Grouting Interior and Option C- Helical Piers Exterior Only. After looking at the pros and cons of all options. (Available in the Clerk and Recorders Office) it was decided that Option C would be best mainly because there would be no displacement of the EOC equipment, will only take approximately 4 weeks and offers the best warranty. The official decision will be voted on at today’s 3:00 business.
Hawk Creek Fire Chief and Chairman of the Fire Council Pfeiffer and Bull Mountain Fire Chief and Co-Chair of the Fire Council Gates met with the Commissioners for Support of the Fire Line and Fire Fighters. Mr. Pfieffer and Gates were concerned with the reduction of overtime for County Employees especially DES Coordinator Carlson. They supplied the Commissioners with a list of duties of the DES Coordinator and just how vital the position is for the fire line. Mr. Pfeiffer and Mr. Gates both told the Commissioners that Mr. Carlson has done an outstanding job as the DES Coordinator. They also let the Commissioners know that Rob Mihalovich is the new County Fire Chief.
There was no public comment.
Item #4 to approve and sign the letter to First Security Bank for the Musselshell County Sheriff’s
Department to apply for a credit card was tabled due to a failed motion. The Commissioners want to know what the line of credit is for.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve hiring Mark Qualman with Cost Gurus. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion with discussion. There needs to be specific hours and duties to evaluate KLJ’s work tasks on the EOC (emergency operations center) and Senior Services Center. There was an amendment to the motion that duties will be specified and the work will be on the EOC building and Senior Center for now and the Commissioners will decide if they will move forward on other projects. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign Encroachment Application for Section 26, T-6-N, R-26-E Old Divide Road for an approach submitted by Cary Olson. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. 2017-O-511
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve Resolution of Intent 2017-9 to adopt the 2016
Musselshell County Growth Policy Update submitted by the Planning Board and create a 30 day public comment period. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Resolution 2017-9
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2017-10 APPOINTING SPECIAL DEPUTY COUNTY ATTORNEY OR SPECIAL ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Resolution 2017-10
Commissioner Borner made the motion to ask for an extension for a PER (Preliminary Engineer Report) on the TSEP Grant for the Delphia Bridge. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to decide on Option C : Helical Piers Exterior- submitted by KLJ for the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) Building project. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion- the warranty is better and no displacement. Motion carried.
Court Compliance Officer Vohs gave the Commissioners a printout of Revenue and spending for the program.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: May 17, 2017