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Commissioner Meeting Minutes April 3 2017

April 3, 2017

April 3, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena.  Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.

The minutes from the March 27, 2017 meeting were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners with a few corrections in spelling.

Under Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Lesnik is working on the grant for the Signal Peak Community Foundation for a new vehicle.  All is going good with the grant and he hopes to get the vehicle this fiscal year.  The two (2) deputies that were at the academy have graduated and will be starting to patrol with an officer.  Mr. Lesnik said that he had spoken with Sheriff Thomas and he is improving from shoulder surgery.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners.  A portion of Gibbtown Road was closed to be built up.  The Road Department is getting reimbursed for money spent during the 2013 & 2014 floods.  More information is needed from Accounting to determine which account the money will go into. Don Widhalm (Broadview School District) phoned and wanted to thank the crew for taking such good care of the bus route.  Deb Goffena with 54 Livestock Inc. is getting permission papers ready for the County to use gravel from their site for free. Mr. Stockert will be doing a webinar on turning paved roads to unpaved on Tuesday April 4, 2017.  Millings on County East Site done, now working on Fairgrounds, then to Mushroom Mine Emergency Road. There was a personnel issue discussed with the Commissioners.

DES Coordinator Carlson gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The application process has opened for the 2017 VFA (Volunteer Firefighter Association) Grant. Mr. Carlson will meet with the fire council to see what the needs are April 7, 2017.  Mr. Carlson will also let the departments know that the yearly fire rosters are needed for recording at the Clerk and Recorders Office. Bev Eiselein rejected the 2nd offer from the Commissioners with the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program through FEMA.  Commissioner Berry said  the comparables  that were received were not in the flood zone and he will not vote to go higher than $135,000.00.  Mr. Carlson said that there is not a fair market value in a flood plain appraisal.  The FMA (fare market analysis) which was used for the application process is $167,000.00.  The issue is on the 3:00 business agenda for today.

Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners to let them know that there was a small accident with the County blazer.  He was not ticketed and there was no damage. Also the ambulance hit a deer on the way back from Billings.

Carl Jackson and Whitney Kross from KLJ met with the Commissioners.  KLJ will be putting together a final design on the EOC ( emergency operations center) and construction services proposal for the Commissioners for next week.  They will continue to keep in communication and give the Commissioners a detailed budget on all projects thus far.

No Public Comment

Beverly Eiselein , Kim Blau and DES Coordinator Carlson joined the meeting.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2017-8 Re-organization of the Fair Board.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion with amendments.  Amendment #1 One of the five (5) board members will be At Large. #2 Review the Statement of Policy for Insurance/Fee clarification. #3 The Resolution includes the recommendations from the MSU Extension office/County Agent. #4 Change the words require and must to may in the Resolution. #5 Mandatory 2 year term then sit out or grace of 1 year term. Commissioner Berry made the motion to accept the Resolution with amendments.  Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to move forward without the final paper work on the purchase of the Central School Building from Roundup Public School District #55. The title and paper work can be done at a later date.  Commissioner Borner seconded the motion but with hesitation.  Ms. Borner wanted to see the numbers of what the cost is going to be for future use and maintenance of the buildings.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to continue into negotiations with  Beverly Eiseleins  on her property for the Flood Mitigation Program. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion with discussion.  Commissioner Borner said that the appraisal from Barta Appraisals was flawed, the Fair Market Analysis was estimated at $167,500.00 and the appraisal that Mrs. Eiselein received was $185,000.000.  Commissioner Borner stated that she had previously made the motion to offer $150,000.00 and it still stands based on the information given to her .  It is more of a fair offer.  Commissioner Berry said that he thinks the second appraisal of $185,000.00 is flawed also and can be used as an comparable for future projects and can reflect badly on the County. DES Coordinator Carlson said that the focus should be on the Fair Market Appraisal by FEMA, no floodplane is attached and the County chose to go with the FEMA appraisal at the beginning. Ms. Blau asked the question of isn’t this grant process  for people that had insurance and is a different process because of the insurance?  Mr. Carlson said that yes it is because they (FEMA) is trying to remove repetitive properties to reduce costs Commissioner Goffena said  it is in the flood zone and is to much money for what it is worth and we have to think about projects to come. Ms. Blau said that she thinks the County Commissioners should apply what information is in front of them instead of what might happen.   Again Commissioner Borner said that she is going by what information is presented to her at this time. Commissioner Borner made the motion to Continue negotiations. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Commissioner Berry Nay.  Ms. Eiselein asked that the Commissioners come and look at the house inside and outside before a decision is made.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss continuing the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) project being worked on by KLJ Engineering, and continue using KLJ for the project. They will be getting an evaluation of costs and task orders from Mark Qualman with Cost Gurus. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion- when they get the scope of work done and to be done.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2017-9 appointing Special Deputy County Attorney Kent Sipe or any of the Fergus County Attorney’s Office prosecutors to serve while the Musselshell County Attorney is out of state. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  For emergency services.  Commissioner Berry Nay.


Commissioner Berry made the motion to continuing to pay for basic medical insurance  coverage for County employees for FY 2017/2018, after the 11.8% increase of renewal rates from MACo. Discussion.  County employees did not received a raise just 1% longevity this year due to cuts and it is only fair.  Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Commissioner Goffena also stated that he agreed.  Motion unanimous.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.

March Payroll = $100,922.36                                Check # 22788 – 22821

March Claims = $123,625.58                                 Check# 61177 – 61328

Last modified: May 17, 2017

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