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Commissioner Minutes April 1, 2019

April 9, 2019

April 1, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner.  Commissioner Berry and Carlson were present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda after a 4:00 meeting with Accounting Supervisor and Cody Samuelson from Key Insurance to discuss insurance hail claims, was added.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the March 25, 2019 agenda after a typo was corrected.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson attended the Refuse Board Meeting and the lease with the City was discussed. The City Attorney and County Attorney were reviewing the lease.  Commissioner Carlson will talk to the City Attorney and ask the County Attorney if this has been resolved. Mr. Carlson also attended the MCCOA meeting.  Because of the pharmacy being closed they now qualify for Medicaid Travel. They are trying to replace the caravan and are going to be having a 50/50 fund raiser. The drawing will be at the Birthday meal.

Commissioner Berry went to the Hospital Board Meeting.  The new CEO will start May 6, 2019.  Commissioner Berry said he was concerned about how much of the budget goes to the traveling nurse. Commissioner Borner wondered if other rural communities had the same problem.  The new pharmacy is opening soon.  Mr. Berry said the word is that they will not be open on Saturdays which might cause a problem for residents that go to the clinic not being able to get a prescription filled.  The shelf life of anti-venom is now longer. They are looking for a new board member.

Commissioner Borner did not attend any meetings.

Commissioner Borner said her and Commissioner Carlson met with Accounting Supervisor Angel on Thursday March 28, 2019 to go over building insurance coverage. They talked about maybe getting new appraisals.  Commissioner Berry said that appraisals can be very expensive. They can change some of the insurance from stated amount to replacement amount. If the replacement value is fair, MACo might accept. They need to be careful on the stated amounts. Commissioner Borner said that maybe Mark Qualman can help with the amounts.

Old Business:

Commissioner asked if we should try to negotiate the price of the Wells Fargo building? We need to see if buying the building is even feasible with the initial coast, monthly utilities and maintenance and the remodel. They will talk to accounting about it.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Someone is going to look at the locks at the Musselshell County Central Commons this week.  Commissioner Carlson asked Ms. Jett if she could get a quote on new handicapped doors at the Commons. There has been no response to the job announcement that is in the paper so they are going to make some changes to the ad.

Boiler Bids for the Courthouse.

Montana Boiler Services                                             $1,916.00        w/ultrasound testing

Midland Mechanical                                                   $11,750.00      no testing

Pioneer                                                                        $3,640.00        no testing

Commissioner Berry asked Ms. Jett if she had any input?  Ms. Jett said that she would like to go local but if anything major happens she would call Montana Boiler Services.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to accept the bid from Montana Boiler Services per the quote.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old business continued.

Commissioner Borner said that Servpro was at the Extension Office but can’t continue working until the roof is fixed. They will discuss the issue with Mark Qualman at the meeting today.  They will also talk about the steps at the jail and Courthouse.

We are still waiting on word from the County Attorney on the Flood Plain Violation.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Kenner checked the Gas Tax map and Hougardy Lane is on it, so gas taxes are received. The County was awarded $389,969.00 from the Coal Board for the replacement of Farrel Street Bridge. The got a great deal on a new 2019 pickup after trade in and a Government Fleet discount. We will be scheduling the public meeting for the #4 Road alteration.  4-H Road is closed at this time and they will be working on it today to get back open.  They have signs up on Alex Roy Road.  It is very soft and cars may not get through and trucks will have to use 4-wheel drive. They have diverted oil field trucks to North Gage or Big Wall as well as other traffic. Fattig Creek hill is being bladed today. Two crew members will be at the MACRS meeting this week. The Road Department has been pursuing the MFLAP Grant (Montana Federal Land Access Program) to refurbish Fattig Creek and Old Divide Road paved surfaces. Thanks to Commissioner Borner for bringing the MFLAP information to the Road Department, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert, Secretary Kenner and the entire road crew.  Without them we would not have had this opportunity.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Deputy Potts graduated from the academy last week.  She will be doing a scenario-based training in Billings for the next 2 weeks.   There was a search warrant served over the weekend and dangerous drugs were confiscated. The department is now looking at how to have and properly store Narcan.  Mr. Lesnik received a bid for the window and is waiting on one for the tubing. They are also working on a design for the impound building.  The Census gentleman that is going around has been verified as a true census worker.

Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Angel got with Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development Corporation in regards to County Mills and how much cash reserve we have.  Ms. Angel talked with Debbie Messerli with MACo and we may be in the next round of building appraisals for insurance. Ms. Messerli will also be sending Ms. Angel a list of all checks sent from MACo for insurance. Ms. Angel asked the Commissioners about the CDBG Loan that was given to the hospital that was never paid back fully.  Commissioner Berry suggested waiting until the new CEO of the hospital is settled to bring it to her attention. Commissioner Berry asked Ms. Angel if she thinks we should negotiate with Wells Fargo about the price of the old bank.  Ms. Angel said we should start somewhere. Commissioner Carlson asked if there was a way all departments could be signed up to Black Mountain in a read only capacity to review their budgets?  Ms. Angel said some departments could others would have to come to the Courthouse to view.  It will be discussed at the Department Head Meeting on April 8, 2019.

Brad and Patty Pfeiffer visited with the Commissioners.  DES Coordinator Fisher was present.  Mr. Pfeiffer wanted to talk to the Commissioners about the previously discussed removal of a building at a County owned property for the Hawk Creek Fire Department. Mr. Pfeiffer wanted the Commissioners to know that the equipment rental cost is approximately the same as quoted last year. For 3 days the cost is $2,320.00 which is what they are hoping for.  If it runs into another day it will be $3,060.00(the Commissioner all agreed to the rental) Mr. Pfeiffer said there are a lot of volunteers and donated equipment that is going to be used and he has made a data base to put in hours, people and equipment for records.  Pictures will also be taken. There will be some long loads, with pilot cars and they will let the Sheriff’s department know.

DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners.  Mr. Fisher has been talking to FEMA about a property in the big buyout area.  The paperwork for the property was handed in to DES after the deadline and all buyout property information had been submitted to FEMA. The question is, now that they have had someone in the program that has turned down the offer can that property be added? We are waiting on an answer from FEMA.  The Commissioners okayed the addition since the paper work had been turned in.  Mr. Fisher thinks there will be more high-water next month with snow melt in the mountains.  Public hearing for Flood Plain Permits is in the paper and are set for April 3 and 10, 2019 and ending on April 17, 2019.  Fire Council meeting April 4, 2019. Mr. Rodeghiero will be in after April 15, 2019 to discuss an easement.

Kelly Gebhardt met with the Commissioners to look at papers the Commissioners received regarding the airport.

Lunch break.

Commissioner Berry was not present for the afternoon meeting.

Ruth Mayo visited with the Commissioners regarding and encroachment on Farrel Street.

Kathie Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development Corp. called to talk to the Commissioners about grant applications that she knows about. Roundup Fire Department wants a new fire truck and the Hospital is going after a new generator. Commissioner Borner said that she thinks the Road Department needs a new building to store all the new equipment in.  Ms. Bailey suggested going for a planning grant. Commissioner Carlson said that he thinks Hawk Creek Fire Department is planning on asking for insulation and a concrete floor for their new  The Coal Board will be meeting June 19 & 20, 2019 and any application will need to be in by May 6, 2019.  Commissioner Borner asked how much funding was available through the Coal Board?  Ms. Bailey said she did not know but when they meet in September there should be new appropriation funds available.

Weed Coordinator Beck met with the Commissioners.  4H Road is now opened. Ms. Beck wanted to know if she could move some of her equipment to the Quonset at the fairgrounds for now?  The Commissioners said it was ok.

Public Comment.

Jim Borner, Rich Borner, Virgil Merfeld, Virginia Carlson, Deb Adolph and Dave Liggett were present.

There was no public comment.

Item #1 to adopt the New State Fire Burn Permit System with a $6.00 fee attached was tabled because they are waiting on the data from 911 Director Solberg.  Mr. Liggett asked how people that do not have computers will fill out the permit? The Commissioners said they will have to go in to the DES Office and Mr. Fisher can add their information.  Then it is just a phone call when they are going to burn.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Oil & Gas Lease from 1889 Energy Group, LLC for various properties in Musselshell County. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the 3 Contracts for Professional Management Services between Musselshell County and Snowy Mountain Development for a Side Dump Trailer, Roundup Hospital Call Center and Roundup Memorial Hospital Beds. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Certificate of Survey 2019-4 for a retracement of Highway R-O-W of U.S. Highway 12 in the SW4 of Sec. 33, T-8-N, R-25-E, submitted by Montana Department of Transportation. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Certificate of Survey 2019-5 for a retracement of Highway 12 R-O-W in Sections 13, 22, 23, 24 and 27 in T-7-N, R-24-E submitted by Montana Department of Transportation. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Commissioner Borner read a letter of response that will be sent to Larry Lekse and concerned citizens regarding a public information request. (available for public review at the Clerk & Recorders office)


Commissioner Borner said that they are going to be revisiting the availability of audio recording of public record.  They are finding out that there is a lot more to the process than was thought such as server space and the time it takes to capture.  Commissioner Borner also said MACo has said that anything written is available to the public.


There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.


On Thursday April 4, 2019 Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson did claims for the month of March 2019.


March Payroll = $104,850.49                                                             Check # 23605 – 23633

March Claims = $521,365.90                                                             Check # 64774 – 64923



Last modified: July 30, 2019

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