April 22, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 8:33 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Carlson were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner noted some grammar errors in the minutes from the April 15, 2019 minutes. Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Commissioner Berry did not sign the minutes because he was not at the meeting)
Commissioner Carlson attended the Safety Meeting April 18, 2019. There was an inspection of the Commons and some of the pervious violations were fixed. They need to find someone to inspect the hood to the oven and they need to add the fire extinguishers at the Commons to the list for the company that does the Courthouse. Mr. Carlson said the shelving at the Food Bank and Golden Thimble are a concern. The Thimble shelves can be anchored and Mr. Carlson will talk to Maintenance Supervisor Jett about it. The shelves at the Food Bank need replaced by something sturdier. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said they think they can come up with at least 3 shelving units. Mr. Carlson is going to call Derin Gebhardt to see if he can get the coal out of the coal bin at the Commons. Commissioner Borner did not have any meetings. Commissioner Berry has a Hospital Board meeting this week.
Commissioner Berry said he thinks the community is receptive to the purchase of the Wells Fargo building. Commissioner Carlson has had some people remark about the roof of the building and the cost of remodeling.
Commissioner Borner will be speaking with Mark Qualman about the hail damage and the next steps to be taken. Ms. Borner is meeting with the ground keeper at the fairgrounds this evening to go over what needs done. Fawcett Construction is replacing the north steps of the courthouse. There a few people that would like some of the silt at the fairgrounds. Ms. Borner reminded them to record their hours and take pictures. The Commissioners are going to e-mail County Attorney Peterson again about the Flood Plain Violation. Commissioner Berry is going to talk to the person with the violation to see if they can work on the issue. Commissioner Borner will contact Bonnie Stensvad about leasing the County owned property East of town. Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert mentioned that the County pit is right in the middle of where they are wanting to lease. They need to come up with a template for leasing County property. The Commissioners are going to talk to Kathie Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development Corp. about what needs done at the old Farmers Union property to make it a clean title to sell. The other County owned properties they want to sell will be put on the website and have a list in the lobbies of the Courthouse and ambulance barn. The Commissioners are going to do a term contract with Stahly Engineering for the Farrel Bridge and Goffena Bridge projects. Commissioner Borner said that they are going to be sending a memo to all Department Heads about Coal Board Grants to be proactive when planning and that they must come before the Commissioners when they are going to apply so they know what the need is and can prioritize. Ms. Borner also mentioned that Kathie Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development told her that the Coal Board frowns on the administration fees being written into a grant.
9:00– Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Commissioner Carlson told Ms. Jett about the shelving at the Golden Thimble. Ms. Jett informed the Commissioners that she has turned the heat off in the Courthouse. Meeting ended at 9:16
9:25– Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners
Public comment on the Environmental Evaluation of a Coal Board Grant for a mower and side arms:
There was no public comment.
Public comment on the alteration of #4 Road as petitioned.
There was no public comment.
Ms. Kenner asked the Commissioners if they could ask the accounting department to call if there is a question with a claim instead of taking action. It would save her a lot of time. Ms. Kenner told the Commissioners they received the contract form the Coal Board for the new side dump trailer and she will be sending a thank you letter. Last week: most of the crew went to flagging certification class. 4-H Road is open. They started on Stillwater and are doing spring maintenance. They are used the reclaimer on E. Parrot Creek and Dailey Road. This week: continuing spring maintenance, running reclaimer on the rest of Hay Basin, blading on Hay Basin, Melstone-Custer to Adams then all of Adams, Hawk Creek and Fattig Creek. Commissioner Carlson had a call about Hawk Creek and there was a call about Eagle Rock. Meeting ended at 9:36
10:01- Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Accounting Supervisor Angel joined the meeting. How funds can be used for a grant the Sheriff’s Department received was discussed. Ms. Angel said it can be used for training, personnel or equipment. Mr. Lesnik asked if we had heard from Mark Qualman about the steps at the jail? Commissioner Borner has plans to call him today. Commissioner Carlson suggested using metal grated steps at the jail? Mark Qualman will be asked about them. Mr. Lesnik is trying to get specs together about the impound building and go out for bids, he does not want just a pole barn. Meeting ended at 10:55.
10:55- Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Angel talked about the payroll module from Black Mountain. The new exchange server is $13,000.00 to $15,000.00. Ms. Angel and DES Coordinator Fisher met last week to go over the FEMA Grants to get the soft match amounts and check that all grants are in place. Meeting ended at 11:16
11:16- Hawk Creek VFD Chief Brad Pfeiffer was also present. Mr. Pfeiffer gave an update on the building that was taken down at the FEMA buyout property and is going to the Hawk Creek VFD. The building was taken down and moved in 2 days. Mr. Pfeiffer had a spreadsheet showing who all participated in the project (there were 17 from the department and 15 Amish citizens) the hours worked and all equipment used.
11:24- DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Ambulance Director Solberg was present. Mr. Fisher is going to take the brush hog at the fairgrounds to get serviced. The Commissioners suggested looking for demolition companies to remove the metal from some of the buyout properties and to make sure they are insured. They need to find a place for all the tires from the properties. There was a protest against a Flood Plain Permit and a violation notice sent against another property. The Commissioners may need to discuss separating the DES/Fire Warden and Rural Addressing and Flood Plain. The river is starting to come back up due to the warm weather and rain. Mr. Fisher sent the paper work to the County Attorneys office for the reimbursement for the Dean Creek Fire Department responding to a fire to a residence that did not have a burn permit. The Commissioners are looking into rewriting the EOP (emergency operations plan). Meeting ended at 12:11
12:11- Ambulance Director Solberg gave the Commissioners the bid for the ambulance barn roof. The Commissioners will suspend the rules at 3:00 to vote on the bid. Meeting ended at 12:15
1:30- Public comment for the Coal Board Grant Environmental Evaluation for the purchase of equipment or planning activities for Roundup Memorial Hospital: Theresa Doumitt was present.
There was no public comment. Meeting closed at 1:40
1:41- Public comment for the Coal Board Grant Environmental Evaluation of heating materials for Hawk Creek VFD:
There was no public comment. Meeting closed at 1:42
2:09- Jeffrey Samuels with Fisher Technology met with the Commissioners. Ron Solberg was present. Mr. Samuels did a network assessment of our server last week and gave the report to the Commissioners. Mr. Samuels will bring in options for the Commissioners to look at during the April 29, 2019 meeting. Meeting ended at 2:40.
3:00- Public Comment:
Virginia Carlson, Deb Adolph and Jim Borner were present.
No public comment.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve sponsoring the Road Department in going for a Coal Board Grant for a new mower and 2 side arms. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve sponsoring Hawk Creek VFD in going for a Coal Board Grant for heating materials in their new building. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve sponsoring Roundup Memorial Hospital in going for a Coal Board Grant for the purchase of planning or equipment. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for a new mower and 2 side arms submitted by the Road Department. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for heating materials in a new building submitted by Hawk Creek VFD. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for the purchase of planning or equipment submitted by Roundup Memorial Hospital. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for new mower and 2 side arms for the Road Department. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for heating materials for the new building for Hawk Creek VFD. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for planning or equipment submitted by Roundup Memorial Hospital. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to suspend the rules to review the bid for the ambulance barn roof. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to accept the bid for the ambulance barn roof from Montana Made Projects. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
3:45- Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners with an employee issue and to let the Commissioners know she may have to buy new election equipment if the Governor signs SB291 Automark Replacement. Meeting ended at 3:45.
4:00- Firstcall via telephone about their products, services and prices.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried
Last modified: July 30, 2019