April 29, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Carlson were present. John Bedford was also present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasure Hetrick and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners with a personnel issue.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda as amended after adding “making a decision and vote on the MACo Medical Insurance Renewal and Life Insurance. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the minutes from the April 22, 2019 meeting. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.
Weed Coordinator Beck had the Commissioners sign papers for the Big Clearing Agriculture Grant.
Commissioner Berry did not make the Hospital Board meeting due to a prior commitment. Commissioner Carlson did not have any board meetings. Commissioner Borner, Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson met with Congressman Greg Gianforte this week about Medicaid expansion in rural hospitals. Ms. Borner attended a Mental Health Board meeting; the staff reported about pay rates that may help with keeping their services. Big Horn County is terminating their contract with Mental Health Center and they still need a Member at Large on the board. Fergus County Commissioner Carl Seilstad told Commissioner Borner that they are having an Elected Official workshop May 1, 2019 regarding Federal Agency requirements for State lands. Ms. Borner met with the ground’s keeper for the fairgrounds Will Donahue and will be implementing a work schedule for the equipment. They have talked to Duane Brewer, Stu Sanner and the 4-H club about removing the silt at the fairgrounds.
Old Business.
Commissioner Berry will call the realtor for the Wells Fargo Building again and see if they can get a different price. Commissioner Borner said if we consider renovating the Wells Fargo Building, we consider going for a Coal Board Grant to do engineering and feasibility cost for a remodel of the building. They will talk to Mark Qualman to see if he has any idea of cost and what it will take to make it work for the offices that would be going in. They also will be reaching out to Mr. Qualman about the warranty for the Commons and getting a letter to Cucancic Construction to fix what needs fixed. Commissioner Carlson has not heard back from County Attorney Peterson regarding the Flood Plain violation. Commissioner Berry will call the resident this week to try to come up with a plan.
Commissioner Berry said he will not be at the May 20, 2019 Commissioner meeting. Commissioner Carlson said he will not be at the May 13, 2019 meeting in the afternoon and will not be there all day at the June 10, 2019 meeting.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report. John Bedford, Arlene Goffena, Kit Nilson, Maureen Thiele, Mike Duben, Vince Goffena, Pat Thiele, Henry Nilson, Lynne Champion and Robert Champion were present.
Public comment on the alteration of #4Road.
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Borner and Supervisor Stockert looked at the soft spots on Alec Roy and looked at Dean Creek, Eagle Rock and Goulding Creek Road. Mr. Stockert said the hot mix is using up the gas tax money. His budget is slim and he isn’t going to be able to get gravel. Ms. Kenner gave the Commissioners the joint applications for proposed work in a Flood Plain.
Fattig Creek Road shoulder pull: Residents attended the meeting to submit their concerns with the condition of the road. Many of the concerns were founded. Once all comments were heard, moving forward there will be e-mail blasts, postcards and general public involvement and awareness to prepare the public for road work that is going to be done on their road so they can plan ahead. There was an e-mail from Sue Olson (available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office) applauding Mr. Stockert for trying to do something about the road with a few suggestions to take into consideration. Mr. Stockert asked the residents to be patient and apologized for road construction. End of meeting.
Sheriff Lesnik had nothing to report and had to leave on a call.
Accounting Supervisor Angel and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners in regards to an employee working in her office part time especially during the audit, (the audit is going well) and about the tension in the Courthouse. Commissioner Borner said that Commissioner Carlson reached out to MACo about training and mediation and they will get back to us with dates for training after the Legislative Session.
Amy Angel met with the Commissioners regarding a personnel issue. (closed door)
Pam Walling with MACo called into the meeting to go over the medical and life insurance rate increases and their plan selections. The Commissioners will sign the forms at the 3:00 business meeting. Open enrollment will be May 28, 2019.
Thad McGrail with Morris & Maierle Systems met with the Commissioners to go over their IT services and will get a quote to us by the weekend. Ron Solberg was present.
Cody Samuelson from Key Insurance and Shannon Shanholtzer the MACo Trust Administrator met with the Commissioners to go over the renewals for Property, Liability and Workers Comp. Insurance. They will have the numbers after the Commissioners are done reviewing the property schedules. There will be a meeting May 7, 2019 with Cody Samuelson to do the review.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert stopped in to let the Commissioners know he wasn’t sure how long he is going to be able to keep Alec Roy Road open.
DES Coordinator Fisher met with the Commissioners. Mr. Fisher met with fairgrounds keeper Donahue and he is willing to help with mowing and cleanup of the FEMA big buyout properties. They will need to consider this when they do the budget for the fairgrounds. Mr. Fisher received the EPA report on the buyout properties and will send the report to Kathie Bailey at Snowy Mountain Development Corp. to see if there are any grants that can help with the cleanup costs. Mr. Fisher turned in the Flood Plain permits for the City limit FEMA properties. The river will be coming back up with the warm weather.
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2019-14 amending Resolution 2019-3 setting Commissioner meeting days for claims. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion for discussion. Commissioner Carlson said it was discussed at the last Department Head meeting and everyone agreed that it would reduce late fees and the amount of manual checks being issued. Commissioner Berry said he’s for it but it might be hard to get in with ranching. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to vote to move forward with the alteration of #4 Road. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Transaction Fund Work Order for the Musselshell County Burn Permit Term Contract submitted by Montana Interactive, LLC. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to suspend the rules to sign the MACo Medical Insurance Renewal and Life Insurance renewal. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the MACO Medical Insurance Renewal with 1 high deductible plan included. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the MACo Life Insurance renewal. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The meeting with High Pointe for IT services was cancelled by High Pointe due to car issues.
Jeffrey Samuels with Fisher Technologies met with the Commissioners to give them their quote for IT Services.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
April Payroll – $108,810.06 Check # 23634 – 23659
April Claims – $145,675.87 Check # 64930 – 35078
Last modified: July 30, 2019