April 30, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:10 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from April 16 and 23rd were not reviewed by the Commissioners.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett met with the Commissioners Human Resources Rep. Tomassi was also present. They will be running an ad for a full-time temporary maintenance worker/RAS (Rural Addressing System) address sign installer.
Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Accounting Supervisor Angel is going to meet with the County Attorney regarding the interpretation of the County Policy regarding Holiday Compensation. Ms. Kenner had Commissioners Goffena sign the Gas Tax SFY 2019 map and corresponding letter. Ms. Kenner asked if they are going to hire a part-time seasonal RAS person to put up road signs? The Commissioners are looking into it. Pot hole repairs have started.
Shirley Parrot had the Commissioners sign a DNRC Application for Admin/Operating Grant Funds for the Lower Musselshell Conservation District.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report. The office parking lot is being worked on for a new antenna tower.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report. Treasurer Nelson and Darcie Hetrick were present. Ms. Nelson is requesting to be able to change the part-time position that is available to full-time and then after her retirement the office can hire a 32 hour employee. Ms. Angel said that the budget allows the change. All Commissioners agreed. Ms. Angel told the Commissioners that she is working on an agreement with the County Attorney for the use of the Musselshell County Central Commons. Ms. Angel also told the Commissioners that they will have to decide on giving “banked time” for hours worked on a holiday or pay time and a half for hours worked. This will have to be implemented at budget time. It also needs to be understood that the time can never be used as overtime.
County Agent Walter met with the Commissioners with an update. Mr. Walter’s assistant will be gone all next week for training. Will Donahue will start working at the fairgrounds on May 1st, 2018. Three (3) of the trees planted last year have died. They will be starting tree trimming at the fairgrounds and campgrounds. New cameras and vents in the horse barn are going to be installed while they have the trimming lift.
DES Coordinators Fisher and Russel met with the Commissioners with a personnel issue and then gave their weekly report. Mr. Russell wanted to ensure that all department heads notify them before doing any work or giving out information regarding the FEMA big buyout. The Riverside burn and demo is completed. They have been in Contact with Fish Wildlife & Parks, and they are still very interested in a fishing access at the site. FWP are drawing up drafts of an agreement for the County. The soft match from the burn and demo equal $18,805.97 and hard match for County Road Department time and equipment totaled $5,294.92 totaling $24,100.89.
Weed Coordinator Beck met with the Commissioners to give them the updated Weed Plan for Musselshell County. The Plan is revised every two (2) years. The RFP (request for proposals) for the weed building will go into the papers next week.
Under Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners to give them a sample resolution regarding Stage 2 Fire Restrictions.
Fergus County Commissioner Ross call the Commissioners to let them know that they will have to look elsewhere for a Flood Plain Coordinator. They feel that theirs is too busy to assist Musselshell County.
Mark Qualman from Quest Service Corp, Brian Johnson and Kari Kaske from Collaborative Design Architects met with the Commissioners. Brenda Vescovi, Natalie Hazelton and Pam Liggett were present. Mr. Qualman told the Commissioners that the roof is done on the Commons but they still need to do the flashing and trim. (Duane Snook entered the meeting) The Cabinets are on site and most of the tile and flooring are down. WHC is working on the ADA ramp and it needs done before the inspection. The health inspector has been in and everything is fine. After the crew is notified we can start moving stuff in but we cannot take possession. Mr. Johnson said that the contractor still says that May 15th is still the finish date. During the bidding process some of the kitchen equipment was taken out and needs to be purchased as soon as possible at an extra cost. ( Mr. Johnson has researched the lowest prices for the equipment) $5,450.00 for stainless steel wains coating, $2,811.22 clean dish table, $300.00 for 2 hand sinks and $1,380.00 for a 2 compartment sink. Commissioner Borner made the motion to suspend the rules to vote on the added purchases. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve the additional purchases mentioned. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Qualman said that the inspection for the jail will possibly be May 7th, 2018 and then we can do a request for proposals for both the Courthouse and the jail.
There was no Public Comment on the CDBG Planning Grant for the Community Center.
Brenda Vescovi, Natalie Hazelton, Pam Liggett, Lisa Laliberte, Don Adolph, Ann Adolph, Stan Pisle, Larry Isle, Larry Lekse Rose Martin and Duane Snook met with the Commissioners to discuss a Lease Agreement between the County and The Musselshell County Council on Aging, The Food Bank and The Golden Thimble for the use of the Musselshell County Central Commons. Accounting Supervisor Angel was present also. Ms. Laliberte was the spokesperson for the Council on Aging and gave the Commissioners a proposal. They would like to have a bigger partnership with the County and be the overseers and possibly schedule events to where the County could give them $300.00 of the $650.00 they used to pay for rent for in kind services. Commissioner Borner said that on the surface it looks like a great plan but will need to be looked at closely. Commissioner Goffena reminded them that the utilities also were included in the rent at the museum. Mr. Lekse said that the seniors were a big part of the reason the bond passed for the school because they thought they would have a place that could be fixed for them. He thinks the County Commissioners should stick beside the seniors and give them their support. Accounting Supervisor Angel said that the problem is that it is budget season and we will be milling our maximum amount and that means that we will have to cut services somewhere else. Commissioner Borner said that the County is very excited to have the facility coming in, it is great for the infrastructure but being the “landlords” we have to be responsible and do it the right way. Commissioner Berry said that we need to work together to figure something out and we need to have an agreement in place before May 15, 2018. Ms. Adolph said it is important to have a good place with a happy atmosphere for the seniors.
Public Comment:
Commissioner Berry was not present.
Dave Liggett, Adam Carlson and Deb Adolph were present.
Ms. Adolph said that Wade Rongen asked her to ask what the status is of the HR issue? Commissioner Borner said she did not know. Commissioner Goffena said that since it is an HR issue it can’t be discussed.
Linda Picchioni entered the meeting.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Inter Local Agreement with Melstone School for Transfer Cases. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Contract for Professional Services Agreement between Musselshell County and Snowy Mountain Development Corporation for grant writing services to the Coal Board for End Dump Equipment. Commissioner Goffena second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to suspend the rules and add another Encroachment Application to the agenda. ( there was one that was received on Friday after the agenda was posted) Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign the Encroachment Application for a Communication Line in multiple Sections in Township 8 & 9 North, Range 27, 28 & 29 East on multiple roads submitted by Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc. and another communication line in Section 2, Township 8 North, Range 25 East, Airport Road. Commissioner Goffena second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to appoint Dave Dembek to the Refuse Board. Commissioner Goffena second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena closed the business meeting.
Last modified: March 4, 2019