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Commissioner Minutes April 9, 2018

April 17, 2018

April 9, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.


The minutes from the February 5th and 26th, March 5th, 12th, 19 and 26th meetings were approved by the Commissioners.


Adam Carlson was present.


Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The meeting with the Road Crew was rescheduled to April 23, 2018 at 3:45 P.M. Ms. Kenner suggested that the Commissioners mention the “Holiday Worked” ideas at the Department Head Meeting. They are working with a lot of mud.


Under Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Sheriff’s building has approximately 6 buckets for water from the ceiling. There is an issue with the Jail Records Management Program they are presently using. It is never updated only supported.  They may have to budget for a new program platform. Mr. Lesnik told the Commissioners that they really need to think of ways to retain Officers.  Accounting Supervisor Angel joined the meeting and suggested going hourly but advised that they should look into it more closely.


Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The Flood Plain Administrator from Fergus County, Pam Vosen, would like the Musselshell County Commissioners to contact the Fergus County Commissioners for an agreement for her to work along with Musselshell County. The Auditors will be back in May and will be needing an office. Ms. Angel has talked to Ms. Gifford in the Department of Revenue Office and Ms. Gifford will find out if they can use their other office. The Auditors want any purchase order over $500.00 to be approved and delivered to the Courthouse to be picked up.  If it is a large purchase someone from either the Accounting Office or Clerk & Recorder’s Office will need to go and sign for it.  They will discuss this at the Department Head meeting today. Also they want a separation of power for check and balances.  There cannot be one person that bills, collects and does write offs.  There will be a new “claim check day” instead of the last day of the month it will be the day the checks are written and go out. Ms. Angel talked to the County Attorney regarding coming up with a lease or rent agreement for the people that will be using the Musselshell County Central Commons.  There also needs to be a fee schedule for private use.  Commissioner Goffena suggested talking to the Coal Board for the cost share for the big buyout.  Ms. Angel told the Commissioners that DES State Hazard Mitigation Officer Nadene Wadsworth wanted it clarified that she has never agreed to taking any property by eminent domain, FEMA does not allow that. Ms. Wadsworth also wants it known that she always has given correct information regarding salvage for any buyout properties.  Also Ms. Wadsworth said that the priority for buyout properties are for structures not vacant lots.  The whole idea of the FEMA programs are to get people out of the flood zone.


Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners regarding putting safety meeting minutes on the website.


Brian Johnson and Kari Kaske of Collaborative Design Architects gave their weekly report of the Musselshell County Central Commons progress. Mark Qualman of Quest Service Corp. was not present.  They have started on the roof and they are still on schedule as long as there are no problems. Mr. Johnson asked that all visits are cleared with the Contractors first.


Dave Liggett, Linda Picchioni, Deb Adolph, Gary Van Dyke, J.K. Kuzara, Tana Cates-Pinkerton, and Rich Borner were present for Public Review of proposed Resolution 2018-11 regarding public comments and meetings. The model Resolution was handed out to those present for review and will be on the agenda for public comment on April 16, 2018 to be voted on April 23, 2018. MS. Picchioni asked if the final comments would go into a draft?  Commissioner Goffena said he assumed the recommendations would go on the website. Mr. Liggett asked if this was going to be voted on, on the 23rd?  Ms. Adolph asked if they were entertaining questions? (Wade Rongen, Betty Ross and Rich Durgin joined the meeting) Commissioner Goffena said that the discussion is for next week and the County Attorney told him to hand out the model for review and this is not a public hearing.  Commissioner Borner said that this process was confusing for the public and herself and feels this is not the manner to hold public meeting. Commissioner Berry said that changes should be made available for review and he has no problem if they have to wait and vote on it after the 23rd.  Mr. Kuzara asked what statute the County Attorney used for the Resolution?  Ms. Picchioni asked if Commissioner Goffena would asked the County Attorney what statute was used for the Resolution model?  Commissioner Berry moved to put the document for public review on the 16th and will be open for public comment and hear any proposed changes, if there are changes they will be available for public review and may be voted on the 23rd or 30th.  Commissioner Goffena second the motion.  Commissioner Borner said that is not following proper meetings rules and would prefer we use correct rules for holding meetings.  Commissioner Goffena said it was following the County Attorneys advice and the meeting is adjourned.


Public Comment:


Dave Liggett, Linda Picchioni, Deb Adolph, Gary Van Dyke, J.K. Kuzara, Tana Cates-Pinkerton, Wade Rongen, Bette Ross, Rich Durgin and Rich Borner were present.


Linda Picchioni asked the Commissioners to do a special vote to put a Public Notice in the local papers:

Public Notice

There is an important Resolution regarding how the Commissioners interact and communicate with the public for public review and comment on April 16, 2018. On April 23 they will vote on or table the revised Resolution for public comment and voted on April 30, 2018. It is available in the County Courthouse at the Clerk & Recorder’s Office or on the County’s website Comments will be accepted at 2:00 P.M. on Monday April 16, 2018 either verbally or in writing.

Deb Adolph asked the Commissioners why we use appraisals in the FEMA buyout programs and not go with Fair Market Value? Commissioner Goffena told her that we were told we cannot use Fair Market Value and have to get appraisals. The land owner then has the right to get their own appraisal and then Musselshell County will make an offer.

Item #1 to decide on making a commitment to the Sheriff’s Office to back them on a Federal grant for an extra officer was tabled by Commissioner Borner until there is more information.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to make a decision on who will get the Engineering Contract for the Airport after the SOQ were reviewed by Mark Qualman. KLJ, Interstate Engineering or RPA (Robert Peccia and Associates.) Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  After discussion of location and efficiency Commissioner Berry made the motion to hire Interstate Engineering.  Commissioner Borner second the motion.  Motion carried.


Commissioner Berry made the move to suspend the rules and vote on putting the Public Notice, brought to the Commissioners by Linda Picchioni in both of the local News Papers. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Goffena closed the public meeting.


Under Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners to discuss item #1 on today’s agenda. Accounting Supervisor Angel was present.  There needs to be more information gathered.


There was no further business.


Last modified: March 4, 2019

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