December 11, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner was present. Commissioner Berry was absent, but called in for the business meeting.
Commissioner Borner reviewed and approved the minutes from the November 27, 2017 meeting, Commissioner Goffea had already approved them. The minutes from the December 4, 2017 meeting were not reviewed by the Commissioners.
Brad Howel and Theresa Doumitt met with the Commissioner to have them sign a claim for equipment from a Coal Board Grant.
Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners regarding making the Musselshell County website ADA accessible.
Road Department Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Continuing work on roads while the weather holds. Thanks for the Christmas gift, it really helped morale. Blading done: Fattig Crk hill, Horsethief, East Parrot, Chandler, N. Gage. Prep/Road built up the last 3 miles of Big Wall. More signage put up on N. Gage and Big Wall. Mowing is finally done for the year. Musselshell Shop annual; safety inspection complete, hope to do Roundup soon.
Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Thomas gave the Commissioners a proposal/contract from Jares Fence Co. For fencing around the County Impound Lot in the amount of $5,997.00. Mr. Thomas would like to have at least 1 bay concrete. The roof of the Sheriff’s Office was discussed. They both feel that just a new membrane isn’t going to work because the building is shifting and cracking. Something else needs done. The Commissioners will discuss their concerns with Mark Qualman from Quest Service Corp. And Brian Johnson with Collaborative Design when they meet with the this afternoon.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners. The empty lots across the alley from the EOC (emergency operations center) building were discussed. They are not needed for EMT services.
Mark Qualman from Quest Service Corp., Brian Johnson and Kari Kraske from Collaborative Design and Sheriff Thomas met with the Commissioners. The Commissioners told Mr. Qualman, Mr. Johnson and Ms. Kraske about the concerns of the roof on the Sheriff’s Office. Mr. Johnson said that it is not as easy as putting trusses up to fix the roof. It is going to be hard to find a contractor to do more than put a membrane on the roof. Mr. Qualman and Mr. Johnson both suggested getting a structural assessment of the building. The Central Commons was discussed. There is a meeting today with the General Contractor, Cucancic Construction at 2:00. Mr. Johnson said that Ms. Kraske will be more onsite of the project and that to save in cost Mr. Johnson will only be visiting maybe once a month, unless needed. Mr. Qualman will still be visiting weekly. Mr. Qualman gave the Commissioners the County copy of the Cucancic Construction Contract for their records.
There was no Public Comment.
Linda Picchioni, Bette Goffena, Adam Toombs, Adam Carlson and Amy Angel were present. Commissioner Berry was present via telephone. The meeting was RECORDED.
Item #3 to discuss the Wireless Point to Point estimate submitted by High Point Networks and Adam Toombs was tabled to try to get more bids. DES Coordinator would like the information to see if they could use this for EMPG (emergency management performance grant). Item #6 to approve and sign the Encroachment permit for a communications line for Section 19, T-7-N, R-26-E, Juniper Road submitted by Mid-Rivers Communications was taken off the table because juniper Road is public but not a County Road.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to vote on adopting the 2017 Acquisition Policy. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to accept the bid for Appraisal Services for the Mitigation Grant Programs from Barta Appraisal Services in the amount of $26,000.00 based on priority properties bing done first. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.
There was discussion about making the County website ADA compliant. IT Specialist Toombs said he is trying to gather more information on this and that there is no true road map on what is needed. He is going to keep working on it to try to get more answers. Discussion is being held and we are trying to get the issue resolved.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign Certificate of Survey 2017-9RB for the SW4 of Section 25, and the SE4 of Section 26, T-6-N, R-26-E submitted by Musselshell Resources and James H Amerson. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There was discussion of the request by the County Attorney to have Teresa Fauth and Tami Allen appointed as notaries. All Commissioners agreed to the request since it is a small fee that will come out of the County Attorney and Victim Witness Advocate budgets.
There was discussion regarding getting a rental agreement with Beverly Eiselein for the County owned property on Mine Road. Ms. Eiselein was given an extension on her time to vacate the property until December 1, 2017. DES Coordinator Carlson will get the documentation. Commissioner Berry is worried about any liability to the County.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: January 10, 2018