December 31, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry was present. Commissioner Goffena was absent.
Adam Carlson was present to observe.
The minutes from the December 24, 2018 meeting were approved by all Commissioners present. The December 10, 2018 minutes were approved by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry was not present for the whole meeting on the 10th but did call in for 3:00 business. The 3:00 business minutes were also approved by Commissioner Berry.
Old Business
Old ambulance barn roof. Mr. Solberg will talk to Mr. Lekse on the specs.
Roof on new ambulance barn. Mr. Solberg will talk to Mr. Lekse on the specs.
Bids for the Extension Office/Servpro. We will contact Mark Qualman again and if we get no answer Commissioner Berry and Adam Carlson will do them.
Relocation of #4 Road. Waiting on a letter from the Pedrazzi’s
Wells Fargo Building. Waiting on the numbers for heating and maintenance. Commissioner Berry feels that the agent for the Wells Fargo building is being put in a bad spot with trying to help the County. Mr. Berry is a licensed Real Estate Agent and can try to work with Wells Fargo to save the County money. Commissioner Borner said that it will be discussed further and as long as information is open at meeting and we get legal advice from the County Attorney and MACo- she does not have a problem with it.
Maintenance of County owned property. Spring
Storage in District Courtroom. Find out about retention of files.
County Complex Office(s) for JP. Need to check on security area
Steps at the Courthouse. Call Winkler excavating.
Mower/snow remover from the school. Wait for add to run in paper
Damaged wiring on cameras at the Courthouse. Waiting on estimate
Heat in the Courtroom. Will need to be addressed further. Contact Midland Mechanical or MT Boiler Services.
Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The new 2014 motor grader walk through took place last Thursday. All is good. The new pump installation will begin on the 7th as long as the electric is done. Ms. Kenner asked if we had received the letter from the Pedrazzi’s regarding the relocation of #4 Road. Ms. Kenner will contact them.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There are 3 inmates now and 1 being held in Lewistown and they are waiting for extradition. They are looking for 2 Deputy’s, but all large agencies in the State are hiring. There will be a Deputy going to the Academy in January.
DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They need to figure out what they are going to be doing with the garbage at one of the County owned FEMA properties.
Brad Marking met with the Commissioners regarding the Justice of the Peace office at the County Complex. Mr. Marking wants the one wall proportioned, a bench for arraignments, signs and a solution for security. Mr. Marking said they are going to be out of the City Office by the 18th of January. Commissioner Borner told him he needs to prioritize on what needs done. The budget has already been set for this fiscal year and it can be worked on at the next fiscal budget. He will need to get dimensions and take measurements of what he would like. Mr. Marking said he wants an Inter-Local agreement with the City if he is going to have to travel back and forth from the Complex to the City Office that determines a pay. There was also a question about Wi-Fi security.
There was no public comment.
Item #1 to discuss and decide on hiring an attorney for probate for the re-location of #4 Road was tabled until we can get more information. Item #3 to review discuss and sign the Oil & Gas Lease for various legal descriptions in Musselshell County submitted by 1889 Energy Group, LLC until they can get more information.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to review and sign the final request for payment for Grant Agreement RITP-18-0139 Davis Mine Site Assessment submitted by DEQ. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign Resolution 2018-26 Determining Fair Market Value and Order for Sale of County Owned Property for the East half of Section 33, Township 11 North, Range 31 East, tract 3 of COS 1973-1. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business Commissioner Borner closed the meeting at 3:10.
Last modified: March 4, 2019