February 20, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner was present. Commissioner Berry was not present for the day but called in at 3:00 business.
Adam Carlson was present for the meeting.
The minutes from January 29th were reviewed and approved by Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Borner.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners with a personal issue.
Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Kenner did a review of the MFLAP (Montana Federal Land Access Program) grant and Coal Board extension. We will be looking for another MOA late summer early fall and that ask for an extension from the Coal Board on the match grant for $154,154.00. Accounting has asked where the switches go for the generators, one to Roundup High School one to Musselshell School and one to the Melstone Community Center. Accounting Supervisor Angel joined the meeting and discussed with the Commissioners that with the extreme cold weather and snow event there may be a change in the Road Department Budget for overtime and fuel.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Angel told the Commissioners that Commissioner Berry met with Gary Barta with Barta Appraisals on Tuesday February 13, 2018 and did 4 appraisals for property in the Flood Mitigation Program. Mr. Barta said that the appraisal will be back in a few weeks.
Under Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Lesnik told the Commissioners that they will be getting a $8,500. 00 credit (from car dealer Bob Veto) towards the purchase of vehicle that was not given in the past. They also traded in the Charger. They will be getting 2 useable vehicles, a brand new Explorer and a used Explorer that is already set up with the required equipment. Mr. Lesnik told the Commissioners that it is really important to try to find funding for a new jail. Mr. Lesnik also told the Commissioners that there have been accusations that he has been campaigning out of his patrol vehicle. Mr. Lesnik wanted the Commissioners to know that is absolutely false.
DES Deputies Floyd Fisher and Justin Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Troy & Coila Evans, Dave & Pam Liggett, Jake Barthoule and District IV DES Rep. Jeff Gates were also present. Mr. Russell told the Commissioners that there was a citizen that came to the office for sand bags. Do we have sand bags? Adam Carlson said there are some in the semi behind the Extension Office. Commissioner Borner said they are welcome to the bags but the County is not going to supply sand. Mr. Fisher wanted the Commissioners to know that he has put a program together on the website advising people regarding flooding and to keep them informed. Mr. Fisher would also like to get out with the Commissioners as a team to talk to people. Mr. Russell asked the Commissioners if there were any policies regarding the use of the DES vehicle? The Commissioners said it can be used anytime there is something going on with DES, such as meetings. Mr. Fisher gave the Commissioners 2 quotes from Selbys for a Plotter/Scanner. The recommend going with the HP instead of the Canon. Commissioners agreed to the purchase. There will be a meeting on February 28, 2018 at 7.00 P.M for the people in the buyout program with Nadene Wadsworth and the 41 property owners.
Barb Beck, Warden Randy Hutzenbiler and Mike Ruggles with Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks, Scott Graham and Jason Seyler with the Department of Environmental Quality and Collette Le Mieux from Pioneer Technical Services met with the Commissioners. Troy Evans, Adam Carlson, Dave & Pam Liggett were also present. Mr. Ruggles said that the proposed access site and fishery at the Stagestop property were approved by the Game Commission. They would like to get together with the Commissioners to come up with a lease agreement. Mr. Ruggles said that since the property was acquired with FEMA funds they do not want to own it but they would manage and maintain the property. Commissioner Goffena asked about restrooms and said it would be great to have them but they would be in the flood zone. Mr. Ruggles said that yes they are considering it and that they would incur the cost. Mr. Ruggles said that as for the Meathouse site they are in support of going forward and he understands that there is a matter of water right to be figured out. Commissioner Goffena said that it will be an issue to be resolved. Mr. Ruggles said that is the intent and there will also be cleanup work to be done and they aren’t sure yet what that will involve. Commissioner Borner asked Mr. Ruggles about the water right and if it can be converted? Mr. Ruggles said it would be the Counties water right. Mr. Graham said that moving forward on the Meathouse property is a great idea and it will be good to get Ms. Lemieux and Fish Wildlife & Parks working together. There may be a way to get around some of the water right issues. First they need to design and study and the DNRC Planning grant needs to be done by May of 2018. And then there will be a construction grant. Commissioner Goffena said that if they were guaranteed to get the funding that would be the soft match it would be easier and would like the soft match before we dig a hole. Mr. Graham said we need to take the construction grant to the legislature and beg but he thinks that it will rank high and they should ask for the maximum amount. There are a lot of positives. Mr. Ruggles said we need to ensure support on the County level. Mr Seyler said that he also works with the Brownsfield Program and Snowy Mountain Development Corporation has been working on an assessment fund and that you have to assess before you buy. Additional funds that are Federal will not go towards the match. Ms. Beck asked who is the contact person now? She was told Floyd Fisher and Justin Russell. Mr. Graham said it is the roll of the County to stay with the tracking and signing off on applications. There will be meetings. Commissioner Borner said that there were abatement forms for asbestos are going out to land owners in the program. What if they don’t know? Mr. Seyler said that the Environmental Protection Agency will provide service. Any demolition needs to have an asbestos inspection first.
Ms. Beck said that samples where taken from the hunt that closed February 15, 2018 for CWD (chronic wasting disease is a protein that can be transported by root plants that creates holes in the brain. It is not known to spread to people, cows, sheep or horses)) and the results were pretty low. The season was very successful. Commissioner Goffena said but now there are a lot of calves that are having a hard time with the bad weather. Ms. Beck said she will look into that information. There will not be a grizzly bear season this year. Legislature has cut time for the Wardens. Warden Hutzenbiler said that he has been working with the Sheriffs Office on some calls. Ms. Beck said that the funding for the aquatic invasion species inspection program has been cut and that the Watershed Coalition has been really good and helped a lot with the program.
Mark Qualman from Quest Service Corp. Gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Qualman had pictures of the updates at the Musselshell County Central Commons for the Commissioners.
Lydia Ciotti met with the Commissioners with a complaint about a neighbor using an abandoned well. The Commissioners told her that she needs to contact the Central Montana Health District.
Public Comment:
There was a letter from Adam Carlson requesting the contents of his file. Commissioner Goffena said that yes he has access to everything in his file.
Adam Carlson, Dave Liggett, Troy Evans and Wade Rongen were present.
Mr. Evans said that today at the 11:00 DES meeting with Jake Barthule the meeting was not opened to the public. If something is not open to the public in the future can it be known to the public? Secretary Hagstrom told him that she did not know that it was not open to the public and that she would try to find out from now on what is and what is not open to the public. Commissioner Borner said that she didn’t know that it wasn’t open to the public either.
Commissioner Borner said that she wanted it on record that there was a letter from Greg Wilhelmi regarding the “Demolition and donated services applied to match”. And she had also gotten a letter of support from Donna Pedrazzi with the Lower Musselshell Conservation District regarding the “PDM Buyout Program” Available for review at the Clerk and Recorders Office.
No more public comment.
Commissioner Goffena asked Secretary Hagstrom if Item #1 on the agenda was something the County Attorney requested they do? She said yes.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign Resolution 2018-8 appointing a Special Deputy County Attorney. Commissioner Goffena said ” I guess I’ll second that unless you want to Tom, you are here on the phone. Commissioner Berry said “yes I’ll second that I think..(Could not understand) Commissioner Goffean said “since we have a motion and a second is there any discussion? If not I’ll call for the question? Both Commissioner Borner and Berry said “I”
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
January Payroll = $115,717.73 Check # 23129 – 23155
January Claims = $466,532.33 Check # 62686 – 62843
Last modified: March 4, 2019