February 26, 2018
The meeting was opened at 9:15 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
Adam Carlson was also present for the day.
The minutes from February 20, 2018 meeting were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners.
Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Lesnik said that this afternoon they will have information to release on the “Paint Ball Bandits”. There is an issue with dead cattle on private property on Grazing District Road. Mr. Lesnik would like to talk to Accounting Supervisor Angel regarding vendor line item questions on their budget.
Ronnie Burns entered the meeting to observe for the day and introduce himself.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioner. (Deputy DES Justin Russell was also present) Commissioner Borner is worried about losing our satellite office for our Mental Health Center and would like to know how much it would cost to up our contributions. Ms. Angel said it would go up half a mill and be $3,854.76. Ms. Angel asked when will they know about the closings. Commissioner Borner said they didn’t know but they were hoping by April 1st, 2018. Commissioner Berry asked how the grants were going and where we stand. Ms. Angel said that the generators are in and they did file an extension but they haven’t gotten the official word yet. Mr. Russell said that Musselshell School would like to have an Interlocal Agreement with the County to be covered from liability. Commissioner Berry said that he did go with Barta Appraisals a few weeks ago for the appraisals for the properties with the big buyout and Mr. Barta said it should be about 3 weeks. Commissioner Berry asked if the big buyout was going to be covered and how fast we could purchase. They had a conference call with Scott Graham and Jason Seyler from the DEQ and they will need to get the site assessment before they can do anything. Nadene Wadsworth will be able to answer a lot of questions at the meeting on February 28, 2018. Also if the participants in the buyout have any questions they need to call the DES office and not Ms. Wadsworth. Mr. Russell said that they have rescheduled the burn for the Riverside and Eiselein properties for April 22, 2018. Ms. Angel said that she had met with Snowy Mountain Development Corporation and they suggested that with the purposed fishing access they try other arenas of recreational groups as sponsors and maybe pay for maintenance. Commissioner Borner asked Mr. Russell if they had heard anything about the EMPG(emergency management performance grant) building for the repeaters? Mr. Russell said that Deputy DES Fisher is checking on it. The Commissioners are going to get a list of questions together for Ms. Wadsworth and try to learn from past mistakes. It is really important to start the conversation with all concerned parties ( Sheriff, Road, EMS, DES Hospital) of concerns and the need for organization and tracking of events. It also needs to be made known that during an event, DES is the primary contact. Mr. Russell said that they have ordered the new plotter and there will not be a trade in on the old one. They would like to donate the old one to the school. The Commissioners liked the idea. They were going to be attending the Melstone City Council Meeting on Monday February 26, 2018 but the meeting was cancelled because the Melstone Boys Basketball Team were going to Playoffs!!!!
Legion Commander of the American Legion Post 18 Brad Marking met with the Commissioners. Mr. Marking told the Commissioners that President Trump signed the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, establishing March 29 as National Vietnam Veterans Day and Mr. Marking would like to do a flag raising celebration in front of the Courthouse this year and would like to include all three of the County Commissioners in the celebration. Mr. Marking told the Commissioners that Montana is 2nd in the Nation per capita with the most Vietnam Vets. The Commissioners told Mr. Marking that they are in support of the celebration and that it is on the 3:00 business agenda to vote on.
Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp. and Kari Kraske of Collaborative Design gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. (Kathy Pfister was also present) Everything is on schedule and there may be some credits from the contractor. There was a window broken. Mr. Qualman asks that we put out there that the Musselshell County Central Commons is an active work area and is NOT open to the public at anytime. For questions or a possible scheduled tour they can reach Mark Qualman at mark@costgurus.com. The Commissioners are going to be talking to Mr. Qualman next week regarding roofs on the Musselshell County Central Commons, the Courthouse and the Sheriff’s Office. Commissioner Berry said that he had gotten a complaint that the contractors at the Commons were wasting wire. Mr. Qualman said that the contractor will stand by using new wire because the old wire does not match with the updated equipment.
Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners regarding the library hours. They are going to maintain their hours and go to an “ask to enter procedure”. Ms. Pfister also said she needed to talk to the road crew regarding bus routes.
Public Comment: RECORDED (unfortunately due to a blown fuse, the meeting was not recorded)
Meriel Beck and Tom Vanderberg from the Weed District were present. Mark Higgins was present and asked the question if was able to record the meeting. Commissioner Borner said that as long as he let everyone know it was allowed. Troy Evans, Wade Rongen, Ronnie Burns, Amanda Liggett, Dave Liggett, Bette Ross, Danny McCaffree, Adam Carlson ( Mr. Carlson gave the Commissioners a letter he received from the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation selecting him to be the recipient of the Lewis & Clark Local Floodplain Manager Award for 2018. Available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office) and Davie Ponte were present. There was a letter from Donna Pedrazzi with the Lower Musselshell Conservation District regarding the safety of Roundup residents and the future of the town and the continuation of the Roundup River Reach Projects.( Available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office.) There was also a letter from Shirley Parrott with the Musselshell Watershed Coalition Board of Directors expressing concern for the Musselshell County Flood Mitigation and Roundup River Reach Projects. (Available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office)
Item #1 to discuss & vote on the placement of the new Weed Building was tabled by Commissioner Berry for a few more weeks until they can find out if there is water on the County owned property East of town. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Item #4 to Sign Resolution 2018-8 asking the Board of County Commissioners to Submit The Question Of Placing a 20 Mill Levy on the Ballot for the County Hospital District was tabled by Commissioner Borner until they received the proper information from the Department of Revenue. Commissioner Berry seconded.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to move forward on having a celebration on March 29, 2018 for National Vietnam War Veterans’s Day requested by Brad Marking-American Legion Post 18. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Proposed Water Main Replacements for the City of Roundup since there is no longer a Floodplain Administrator. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion that there was going to be an Executive Session to discuss & hire Harlan Krogh for our HR Services. And said that everyone needed to leave the room. Commissioner Borner asked what we are litigating and why are we expending public funds? Commissioner Berry second the motion. Commissioner Borner said Nay. Motion carried.
David Liggett, Troy Evans, Mark Higgins and Danny McCaffree left under protest.
Commissioner Berry invited everyone back in and on the advice and legal counsel of Mr. Krogh made the motion to hire an HR Attorney to investigate the matter of Adam Carlson so they can keep the County harmless from future liability. Commissioner Goffena second the motion. Commissioner Borner said nay. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena said that is the end of our business. Meeting was adjourned.
Last modified: March 4, 2019