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Commissioner Minutes February 5, 2018

April 5, 2018

February 5, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:15 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.


Brad Howell from Roundup Memorial Hospital met with the Commissioners with the Financial Statements from December 2107. (Available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office) Mr. Howell also had a letter from the Hospital District Board meeting on January 9, 2018, were a motion was unanimously passed to request that a 20 mill levy be placed on the ballot for the primary election 2018.  The request also stipulates that this levy be effective for each of the next 5 years, generating approximately $253,000.00 each year.  The funds will be used to assist with capital and operational expenditures in the hospital and clinic, which include malpractice insurance, health and general liability insurance, capital equipment and payment of long term debt.  The Commissioners will put a Resolution on the agenda accepting the request to put a 20 mill levy on the Primary Ballot.


Road Secretary Kenner called in for the Road Departments weekly report. There were some issues (guard rails)with the final walk through of the Queens Point Bridge that road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert went to. The Montana Department of Transportation are going to be working on solving the problems. Freezing culverts have been discovered.  When the weather warms there may be some water crossing roads. The crews are out working on the snow.


Director of Technology Adam Toombs met with the Commissioners regarding investigating the transfer of records from the Sheriffs Office to the County Attorneys Office.


Jeff Gates with the State DES, Deputy DES Justin Russel and Floyd Fisher, Amy Angel and Marcia Balich met with the Commissioners. Mr. Gates was here on behalf of the State to help with any questions regarding the mitigation program in process. Mr. Gates told the Commissioners that the County will get the full purchase price for the property being bought.  Then the soft match starts coming in. Commissioner Goffena said he would like to know the amount of the soft match for the big buyout before purchase.  Mr. Gates says it doesn’t work like that and you will not know until the assessment study from DNRC comes in. The process has already begun so it all goes to soft match.  Everything can go towards soft match, eg. every time the Commissioners or an employee (who’s pay is not funded from a program) have discussed the program or gone to a meeting.  Having a building taken down and put back up someplace else is counted as soft match.  The road department hours can be used as soft match. Fire department training can also be used. But we can not get money from salvage.  State Hazard Mitigation Officer Nadene Wadsworth entered the meeting via telephone.  Any salvaging project income needs to come off of the top of cost.  There will need to be a cost estimate of anything that was taken and salvaged and it will come off the top of what we get back. Ms. Wadsworth said that the County is in the process of getting new flood maps and the previous Flood Plain Administrator worked on keeping the buyout area out of the mapping until the area was completed, because the County had to determine what the buyout would do to the flood plain.  Ms. Wadsworth said that demolition  needs to be done within 90 days of purchase.  Commissioner Goffena asked if there could be an extension.  Ms. Wadsworth said only with a reason. Commissioner Borner said that the County has prioritized the properties wanting to be purchased with the ones that are going to make a difference with flooding. Mr. Gates said that it relieves back up pressure.  Ms. Wadsworth is going to be coming to Roundup to meet with DES and hopefully the Commissioners on Thursday February 8th, 2018 (weather permitting) to go over some things and help with understanding.

Mr. Fisher said that T-mobil needs an address and he wanted to get clarification on the process. The Commissioners said to go out and use the GPS for accuracy. Commissioner Berry told everyone that Gary Barta from Barta Appraising called and said he might not make it this weekend due to the weather.  Commissioner Borner mentioned that the City called and has a flood plain permit that needs done.  Mr. Fisher said that he hopes the County gets an agreement for the Flood Plain and that Adam Carlsons proposal would be a perfect fit because he knows what they are doing.



Public comment:

Dave & Pam Liggett, Duane Brewer, Bill Milton, Troy Evans, Bill & Norma Trent, Amy Angel and Danny McCaffree were present. There was a letter addressing  item #1 and Item #4 from Erin Janoso. There was a letter addressing Item #1 and Item #4 on the agenda from Terry Vidic. There was a letter addressing Item#1 and Item #4 from Wendy Beye.  There was a letter addressing Item#1 and Item #4 from Linda Yount.  All letters are available for public view in the clerk & Recorders Office.


Mr. Liggett asked about the old trailer that is down at the fairgrounds. Commissioner Goffena said he will mention it to the Fair Board. Mr. Liggett also mentioned the ball fields. City Council agreed to move the fences at the park and the Commissioners agreed that adult softball can play at the fairgrounds.  Commissioner Borner said that it is contingent on scheduling with the kids.


Mr. Evans said that he has been watching economic development and the River Walk and trails are a tremendous asset and help small business thrive and 70 or 80 years of public use should be a prescriptive use easement.


Mr. McCaffree asked who built the fairgrounds? Mr. McCaffree said that he’s not sure but thinks the coal miners built it as a public service. Commissioner Goffena said that it was donated by Newtons and there are papers recorded that say that.


Mr. Milton said that if there is an ordinance to close public use of the fairgrounds that there is historic public use of the trails. Some ore in the City and some are in the County and those trails were built with Fish Wildlife and Parks grants that the County co sponsored.  Commissioner Goffena said there is no intention of closing the trails.  Mr. Milton also said that if they are continuing to pursue the HR issue regarding the DES Coordinator , he supports the least costly source.

Ms. Ligget asked why they are pursuing the HR issue. Commissioner Goffena said it cannot be discussed.


Duane Brewer said he’s worried about the road going through the fairgrounds because he has an easement and he understands the problem with vandalism living so close to it.


Commissioner Goffena said that they need to talk to the County Attorney more about this but the main things are vandalism and liability.


Commissioner Borner said that her views regarding the fairgrounds are not secret and that MACo has mitigation tools to help the issues such as signs like “not maintained” or “leaving County property” and those tools are more effective.


Commissioner Berry said that vandalism is a big problem and that he would never vote to keep the public out of County property but we do need to do something about the vandals.


Item #1 to discuss and decide on an Ordinance for keeping people off the County owned property at the fairgrounds was tabled. #4 to discuss why the County is continuing the contract with an HR Consultant after the resignation of Adam Carlson was taken off the table by Commissioner Goffena because he was directed by the County Attorney that it is an HR issue.


Commissioner Berry made the motion to keep working on qualifying projects for the EMPG (emergency management performance grant) and getting them in on time and keeping the Commissioners informed. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Commissioner Borner made the motion to accept the offer by AMD Planning and Consulting for Floodplain Management Services for $2,000.00 annually plus permit fees. There was no second. The motion died for a lack of second.


Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss and decide on the cost of the DES advertisement in the Billings Gazette Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. After discussion that the cost of the Billings Gazette is to high they were going to find another place to advertise but always in the Roundup Record.  Motion carried


There being no further business Commissioner Goffena closed the business meeting.



Last modified: March 4, 2019

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