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Commissioner Minutes January 2, 2019

January 7, 2019

January 2, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Clerk & Recorder Tomassi. Commissioner Borner, Commissioner Berry and Newly Elected Commissioner Carlson were present.  Nominations for Chairperson were opened.  Commissioner Carlson nominated Commissioner Borner for Chairperson. Commissioner Berry seconded the nomination. No other nominations were made for Chairperson. Carried.  Nominations for Vice- Chairperson were opened. Commissioner Carlson nominated Commissioner Berry. Commissioner Borner seconded the nomination. Carried.  No other nominations were made for Vice- Chairperson. Nominations closed.

Commissioner Borner opened up the regular meeting at 9:05.

Pledge of Allegiance

Old Business:

Old ambulance barn roof. The Commissioners will get the dimensions to get this going.

Roof on new ambulance barn. Same as above.

Bids for the Extension Office/Servpro. Mark Qualman will be contacted 1 more time and then it will be done by the Commission Carlson.

Relocation of #4 Road. There will be a meeting with the Pedrazzi’s on January 7th, 2019.

Wells Fargo Building. Waiting on the numbers for heating and maintenance.

Maintenance of County owned property. Spring

Storage in District Courtroom. Find out about retention of files.

County Complex Office(s) for JP. Being worked on.

Steps at the Courthouse. Will call Fred Winkler

Mower/snow remover from the school. The Commissioners will Call Chad Sealey to see where they are with this.

Damaged wiring on cameras at the Courthouse. Waiting on estimate.

Heat in the Courtroom. Still working on this.


Commissioner Borner gave the Commissioners the new Board Assignments and would like to share weekly what is going on with each Board and to let each other know if able to attend or would like to attend another meeting. Should be flexible.

Commissioner Berry would like to talk to Lobbyist Bob Gilbert about caps on mills and also contact MACo regarding this.


The Road Department did not attend the meeting because of the December 31, 2018 meeting. There was nothing new to report.


The Sheriff Department did not attend due to an emergency.


The Accounting Office did not attend.


Elected Officials sworn in by Judge Spaulding:

Clerk & Recorder Chery Tomassi

Treasurer Darcie Hetrick

Commissioner Adam Carlson

Justice of the Peace Bard Marking

County Attorney Kevin Peterson (at a different time)

Sheriff Shawn Lesnik (at a different time)

Under Sheriff M. Jason Bednar (at a different time)


DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Fisher will be working on the Quarterly report for the FEMA buyout program and how it is going. Mr. Fisher will be bringing in for review the next property buyout on January 7, 2019 so the process can get started. Commissioner Borner asked for a map of phase 2.  Mr. Fisher will be putting ads out for Public Hearing on an Ordinance for fees to go with the Burning Permits. The Hearings will be January 14th, January 22, 2019 at 11:00 in the Commissioner’s Office and will be voted on January 22, 2019 at 3:00 business.  Mr. Fisher will be working on updating the Road Map of the County.  There have been many changes since the last update in 2016. Mr. Fisher will talk to the fire Departments and some other County Departments to see if there is anything they may need at the Lekse Property before it it’s disposed of.


Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. We are waiting for a Boilers License for Bradley Goffena. If they County can purchase the mower/snow remover from the School, Ms. Jett would like the maintenance manual for it.  We are going to be checking on getting the lines blown out on the registers in the Courtroom and possibly the whole Courthouse.


Director of Technology Toombs met with the Commissioners to let them know that he is still waiting on an estimate on the hail damaged wiring for the security cameras on the Courthouse. Commissioner Carlson asked if we could get an estimate on tablets or laptops for the Commissioner’s for County business instead of them using their own personal devices. Mr. Toombs mentioned something like a drop box to separate the 2 environments and will get an estimate as soon as possible.


There was no Public Comment.

Clerk & Recorder Tomassi was present.


Item #10 to discuss and decide on hiring an attorney for probate for the re-location of #4 Road was tabled until we can get more information.


Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2019-1 setting reimbursement for County Employee’s business use of a vehicle to .58 cents per mile. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2019-2 setting Legal Holidays for 2019. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2019-3 establishing regular meeting dates and times of the Musselshell County Commission. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Last modified: March 4, 2019

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