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Commissioner Minutes January 29, 2018

February 23, 2018

January 29, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 9:15 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.

Adam Carlson was present.

The January 16th and 22nd meeting minutes were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett met with the Commissioners regarding a personnel issue.

Musselshell County Treasurer Nelson met with the Commissioner and told them that she has been buying Bonds for the Treasurer from Western Surety Company through Key Insurance for years and was sent something from MACo PCT that says through their fidelity and crime policy, she is provided a blanket bond for coverage up to $500,000.00 and any additional bonds are not required. Ms. Nelson just wanted to make sure the Commissioners are ok with her not getting the additional bonds. All Commissioners agreed.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Secretary Kenner was absent. Mr. Stockert reminded the Commissioners of the TSEP meeting this afternoon at 1:30. Jan. 30, 2018 at 10:00 A.M. is the final walk thru for our Queens Pt. bridge. Mr. Stockert will be there. Mr. Stockert had a MOA( memorandum of Agreement) between WFLHD(Western Federal Lands Highway Division) and Musselshell County for the Commissioners to sign. There was a call from Bill Bergin regarding the new Queens Point Bridge and his cattle. Mr. Stockert will talk with him today.

Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The ice is terrible and everyone is fighting it. They are getting ready to do bids for the new impound lot building. The deputies are getting caught up on reports. Under Sheriff Lesnik joined the meeting. The fencing company is waiting on the weather to break for the fencing around the impound lot. There are mailbox vandals on #4 road. They are going to have a Sheriff’s sale soon and try to get rid of a big generator.

Mayor Jones and County Agent Mat Walter met with the Commissioners regarding the ball fields at the fairgrounds and who can use them. Commissioner Goffena said that those are the Mills Memorial Fields and that they are for youth. County Agent Walter said that the Fairboard voted that youth are the priority and that any other players need to work around the youth schedule. Commissioner Borner said that there are enough parks that there should not be a problem. Mr. Walter said that he is hoping that the water will be turned on by early April.

Sheriff Thomas stopped back in and told the Commissioners that the County Attorney said there needs to be an Ordinance to keep people off County owned property at the Fairgrounds.

Deputy DES Coordinators Floyd Fisher and Justin Russell met with the Commissioners. Accounting Supervisor Angel was also present. The Commissioners signed the Annual Certification Form for the 2017/2018 EMPG(emergency management performance grant) Grant for both Mr. Fisher and Mr. Russell. Ms. Angel told the Commissioners that there is a Sub-Recipient Questionnaire Risk Assessment on the agenda from FEMA. Nadene Wadsworth will be visiting on the 8th of February, 2018. Ms. Wadsworth suggested getting a policy in place for PDM (pre disaster mitigation) which will say how the hiring process will be for contractors and how to deal with and handle disputes. This will be for the contractor and County to sign. All mitigation reports are up to date and letters of extension have been sent. Gary Barta with Barta Appraising will be here approximately the 8 or 9th of February, 2018 to start the appraisal process. Ms. Angel also told the Commissioners that it would be good to get a grant writer for the County. Mr. Russell said that they are working on getting settled in and working on splitting things out at the DES Office and trying to form part-time Fire Managers to be a liaison between the County and fire departments for reports. Commissioner Borner asked who’s budget that would come out of? Mr. Russell said that they are just starting to work on it.

Mark Qualman from Quest Service Corp., Brian Johnson and Carrie Kraske from Collaborative Design met with the Commissioners to let them know the progress of the Musselshell County Central Commons. The sewer line from the elementary part needs to be replaced there was a change order put in for $4,116.26. And the building inspector said that the ADA ramp and door on the Golden Thimble side will need to be replaced. There was an estimated cost of $14941.84 from the contractor but Mr. Johnson said he is going to look in to it more.

Public Meeting on the Bridges for the TSEP( Treasure State Endowment Program) Grant: Present were:

Greg Benjamin with Stahly Engineering, Tom Stockert, Amy Angel, Adam Carlson, Arlene Goffena, Brenda Goffena, Jessie Simondi, Sue Olson, Ed Raastad, Bob Price, Joe H Stahl, Don Ewell, Christine Kirk, Jason Goffena, Cathy Kombol, Paul E. Goffena, Mike Goffena, George Goffena, Duane Snook, Ralph Goffena, Bruce Hoiland, John Bedford, C. W. Widdicombe, Curt Goffena, David M. Goffena, Chad Sealey, Elsya Selloro, Rosalie Dimmick and Terry Kombol. Letters of support were sent in by Kathy Pfister(Delphia Bridge), Linda Picchioni, Bruce Hoiland, Paul &Brenda Goffena and Cheryl Goffena.(all Goffena Bridge)

Mr. Benjamin started the meeting with tell everyone that it is important to sign in for to show support from the community. The TSEP program is one of the main sources for a County to replace bridges. In the previous meeting details were shared of 5 bridges, now there are 2, the Delphia & Goffena bridges. The Commissioners need to pick a bridge. Everyone was given a copy of the TSEP Scoring Criteria.

1. Health and safety problems

2. Financial need

3. Design approach

4. Long term County Planning

5. Funding package

6. Economic development

7. Community support

Ranked applications are to be presented to the 2019 legislature, there are 5 scoring levels and additional factors taken into account by TSEP i.e. number/type of vehicles that use the bridge daily, number of homes accessed by the bridge, year round or seasonal residences, critical access and safety. The Delphia Bridge scoring total points was 14. The Goffena Bridge scoring was 17. Mike Goffena said that it should be said that a lot of equipment is used on the Goffena Bridge and asked if there has ever been a count of vehicle use? Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert said he may have old data and will look. Ed Raasted said that roads change drastically during certain seasons and there may not be a lot of houses but there is a lot of traffic so what the road is used for should be added to the details. Mr. Benjamin asked who all present supported Goffena Bridge? 100% of citizens present supported Goffena Bridge. Mr. Stockert said that they could possibly rebuild Goffena Road for inkind match if the bridge is replaced. Paul Goffena said he has gravel that he will sell for cheap to help. If the Goffena Bridge is selected they will have to get the old railroad bridge out of there. Mr. Raasted asked what the detour route would be for the Goffena Bridge. Mr. Stockert said it would probably be the Delphia Bridge. Mr. Benjamin said that the hydraulics will be critiqued strongly from previous flooding and upstream and downstream impact will be looked at also. Mike Goffena said that we can not over state the safety concerns. Mr. Benjamin told everyone that letters of support should be sent to go with the application. Commissioner Berry told everyone that we will keep working on it. Mr Benjamin said that it will go to Legislature in 2019 so fall of 2019 or 2020 will be the time frame.


Marcia Balich, Troy & Coila Evans, Rita Neumiller Chuck Carson and Terry & Dennis Vidic were present. Mayor Jones sent a letter of support for Flood Plain Mitigation.

Ms. Evan told the Commissioners that one thing she didn’t expect to see when she was painting her portraits was the amount of pain she saw in their eyes. She wonders if that pain caused their hearts to harden, causing them to lead the County in a way that would cause more harm than good? Leaders go down as great good or down right bad, people recall the greats as well as the bad. What made you run for office to lead out County? What kind of leader do you want to be and how do you want remembered? Commissioner Goffena said he thought she was going to apologize. Mr. Evans asked what she needed to apologize for?

Ms. Balich asked the Commissioners when Barta Appraising was coming? The Commissioners said around the 8th of February, 2018 and they are going to start on the Carson property and then they will prioritize the other properties. The County will make an offer based on the appraisals and there is a chance to counter offer if they don’t agree. Commissioner Goffena said that they will be appraised as in the flood zone unless damaged within the last 2 years. The County can back out at any time. Ms. Balich asked if the Commissioners have made a decision to move forward? The Commissioner said yes. Ms. Balich asked if there are any stumbling blocks? The Commissioners said it would be the match needed. Commissioner Berry said we need to try to get the money from FEMA as we go instead of getting behind.

Ms. Vidic asked if any of the properties might get left out? Commissioner Goffena said only is they don’t accept the offer given. Commissioner Berry said as long as the soft match is coming in, we will keep it moving. Commissioner Borner said the hard part is identifying soft match.

All of the Commissioner want the program to move forward.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to decide on the Goffena Bridge for the TSEP Grant Program. Commissioner Goffena asked him to withdraw his motion so he could make the motion. Commissioner Berry withdrew his motion. Commissioner Goffena made the motion to decide on the Goffena Bridge for the TSEP Grant Program. Motion carried,

In light of all that has happened Commissioner Borner wanted it to be put on public record a synopsis of the FEMA Mitigation Program Grant & Partners and to keep the program moving forward to completion. (All documentation is available for public viewing at the Clerk & Recorders Office)

Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Grant Agreement No. RITP-17-0128 for Final Payment on the Jeffries Abandoned Coal Miner Site Assessment and Problem Analysis. From the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Acknowledgement Form 2018/2019 PCT Renewal Scheduled Property Form submitted by MACo. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry said that we should stay with MACo as our insurance carrier unless Joint Powers can come up with something amazing. Commissioner Borner said that there have been other companies in before and we never went with any of them. Commissioner Berry said that as stewards of the County money we should at least look, if Joint Powers can’t come up with anything amazing then we can stay with MACo. Commissioner Goffena said that he is fine with MACo. Accounting Supervisor Angle said that we would have to get a profit and loss statement from MACo to show to Joint Powers if we do decide to look.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the sub-recipient questionnaire for FEMA. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.

Last modified: March 4, 2019

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