July 1, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve the June 24, 2019 minutes after a few grammar fixes. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry did not attend the Hospital Board meeting, but had a call from Signal Peak Energy regarding gravel being removed.
Commissioner Carlson attended a Council on Aging Board meeting Tuesday June 25, 2019. They are working some fund-raising events for replacing the minivan. Bingo Night, Chicken Fried Steak Dinner/Ice Cream Social and an Octoberfest. Commissioner Carlson will look at the Surplus Program vehicles to see if they have a minivan that is available. Commissioner Carlson met with the fire guys Monday June 24, 2019 to discuss the VSIS Insurance. They learned that volunteers are covered if it is an “approved activity”. Tuesday July 25, 2019 Commissioner Carlson attended the Refuse District Board meeting to go over claims and the Republic contract. Commissioner Carlson is going to meet with Mayor Jones to discuss the lease agreement between the City and County for the dump. Commissioner Carlson will mention doing a Memorandum of Understanding instead of a Lease Agreement.
Commissioner Borner did not attend the Mental Health meeting. Commissioner Borner did have a conversation with Paul Johnson and Andy White from Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) regarding secondary roads and Goulding Creek Road. Commissioner Borner also talked to Rod Peterson from MDT regarding the centerline rumble strips. There was an MDT meeting on Friday June 28, 2019 regarding filling in the strips on 87 S. Commissioner Borner is waiting to hear the outcome. Commissioner Borner met with numerous people over the weekend to make sure everything is moving forward at the fairgrounds for the upcoming events.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The air conditioning at the County Complex was discussed. Ms. Jett is going to purchase 2 window units but Commissioner Borner does not want any construction or purchases done at the Complex until they can determine where the funds in the capital improvement account have come from to make sure there will be more funds going into the account. Ms. Jett gave the Commissioners a printout of the cost for the water softener at the Musselshell County Central Commons. Ms. Jett met with salesman from MEBULBS regarding the purchase of light bulbs.
Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert has not met with the City regarding the cement reclamation at the FEMA properties. They are still working on the #4 Road alteration. Ms. Kenner sent all records to WWC Engineering for them to start a survey on the #4 alteration. Commissioner Borner said she had met with Scott Graham from DEQ and some of his bosses to show them the mitigation project and Jefferies Mine. Also discussed at the meeting was MARS the Montana Aquatic Resources Services which is part of the Wetlands Exchange Program. They are continuing the work on Fattig creek and hope to be done this week.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Department is preparing for the 4th of July celebration events. There are currently 6 inmates. The budget was discussed.
DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There were no comments regarding the Flood Plain Permits within the City. They are working on keeping up with mowing County owned property.
Treasurer Hetrick gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. An ad for a new employee went into the paper. They are going to need some more office equipment for the new employee. Ms. Hetrick will ask all other departments if they have any extras before she buys any. Ms. Hetrick will need to talk to the auditors when they finish their report.
County Agents Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Fosjord asked about the budget for the fairgrounds because they would like to get some bug spray for the mosquitos for the July 4th events. Commissioner Borner told her there is not a new budget yet, they will ask the City about using the fogger but if it is not available the Commissioners do not have a problem with purchasing bug spray.
Molly Bell Regional Director for Senator Jon Tester visited with the Commissioners to see if there were any issues, they would like Senator Tester to work on. Ms. Bell had been to the Senior Center over lunch time to talk with residents. Ms. Bell said she had already heard about the water in the City from her earlier meeting. Commissioner Berry told Ms. Bell that our Fire Departments are really good and work together well when needed. Commissioner Borner said flooding wasn’t bad enough this year that we needed assistance but it hurt the infrastructure and tax dollars had to be used. Federal dollars had been cut for the MFLAP program that hurts road infrastructure. Housing in the City limits is old and a real issue. If we don’t have housing, we don’t have a tax base. Ms. Bell said Senator Tester is working on a Housing Summit to get a perspective from Counties across the State. Commissioner Borner said she would like to be notified when it is scheduled so she can attend. Commissioner Berry said she appreciates the way Senator Tester has always been an advocate for the hospitals. Commissioner Carlson said we need a feasible fuel system because the mine isn’t always going to be operating. Ms. Bell also said Senator Tester is going to be having a Town Hall meeting in Billings in the next few months.
The Commissioners went to a mandator walk through meeting with Mark Qualman and contractors that are interested in going out for bid for hail damage repair.
Public comment:
No public comment.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to appoint Tom Hougan, Derin Gebhardt and Kirby Danielson to the Tax Appeal Board. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Berry asked if everyone was notified and asked if they wanted to be on the Board? Commissioner Carlson and Commissioner Borner said they all were. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: July 30, 2019