July 24, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from the July 5th , 2017 and the July 17, 2017 meeting were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners.
Greg Wilhelmi met with the Commissioners regarding the rumbles strips that were installed in the center of the highways by the Montana Department of Transportation. Mr. Wilhelmi has done a lot of research regarding the strips and has found that they could drop property value by 10% due to noise pollution. The Department was supposed to have public outreach before installing the strips but did not. There are different kinds of strips that can be installed to were the noise isn’t so bad. MDOT Policy states that they cannot be within 650 ft. of a residence, but they are. The guidelines are not being followed. Mr. Wilhelmi left the guidelines with the Commissioners and they will make some calls to find out more information.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner met with the Commissioners to open the Bids for a used loader. Brad Nealy from Titan, Kevin Sedgwick from Tractor & Equipment, Tom Hunt from Tri-State Trucking Equipment and Matt Eaton from RDO Equipment were present.
T & E= 2008- 950H $138,700.00 6300 hours no warranty
2012- 938 K $123,750.00 5600 hours 2 yr warranty
2014- 524K JD $118,500.00 2038 hours no warranty
2012- L90 Volvo $96,750.00 5019 hours no warranty
Titan 2011- 821F Case $124,500.00 4300 hours 1 year warranty
Tri-State 2014- L110G Volvo $184,977.00 1010 hours 3 year warranty
RDO 2012- 544K $83,000.00 6257 hours no warranty
2015- 624K $115,000.00 4950 hours 6 month warranty
Commissioner Borner made the motion to take under advisement. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. A letter was sent to a resident regarding destruction of private property. They would like letters from the County Attorney regarding some encroachments on County ROW’s. An Accident Investigation Policy needs written for the Policy Manual. The remodel of the Mussleshell shop will begin this week.
Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. There are no local fires at this time. Some preliminary budget issues were discussed. Mr. Lesnik is going to talk to a resident that has put up a fence for horses on County property.
DES Coordinator Carlson gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There will be an Resolution for a Emergency Declaration on the Agenda regarding wildfires. There were 5 fires this past week. Three were lightning and two were human caused. We are going to request a meeting with Nadene Wadsworth from FEMA to discuss appraisal fraud.
Mark Qualman with Quest Services Corp., Amy Angel and Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners. Mr. Qualman had the contract for the Commissioners to sign from Collaborative Designs to sign at 3:00 business. Purchasing the Panther Den from the School District was discussed. They can not offer more than it was appraised at. This will be decided at the 3:00 business. They will be going out for bids for construction of the Social Services buildings in September. The renovations are mostly interior so weather is not an issue. We are waiting on the State Historical Preservation Office Letter before anything can be done. The Brownsfield Abatement has to be done before the property can switch hands. Mr. Qualman said he has looked over the invoices received from KLJ and is questioning the hours and unit rates. Mr. Qualman is going to call KLJ. Brian Johnson from Collaborative Design joined the meeting. Mr. Johnson had a drawing of the purposed plan for the cafeteria. Mr. Johnson is working with a designer of kitchens- Michael Miles and they are going to have a detailed list of what is going to be done( the $4000.00 fee will be taken out of Collaborative Designs fee: per Brian Johnson) Next week they hope to have a drawing of the food bank and classroom area. They need to get with Superintendent Sealey to discuss switching power over to the County.
Public Comment:
Bill Milton, Linda Picchioni and Christopher Hamilton were present.
Bill Milton told the Commissioners that from last weeks meeting that there is still a concern from the County about partnering with Homeword with the old Central School Building. Mr. Milton hopes that the Commissioners be open to opportunity to work with Homeword, get the costs together and that it will be beneficial to all parties to work on re-purposing the building. Mr. Milton wants to encourage working together. Mr. Milton also wanted to address the current health plan and the medicad expansion for the hospital and wanted to know if the Commissioners have looked at how it will effect Musselshell County. Commissioner Berry said the question is how much can the State afford. Everyone needs to take a hard look at the Legislature in 2019. Commissioner Goffena said it is a very complex issue.
End of public comment.
Item #3 to discuss employee vacation days was tabled after the discussion that MACo suggested raising salaries of the employee on a temporary basis to the County limit amount and then do a Memo to employees to use their vacation or lose it. They are going to visit with accounting to figure in the budget and to get the employee names and information. Executive decision. Item #4 to discuss the complaint conclusion was table as an Executive Decision. Item #5 to discuss the Policy Amendment regarding employees public statements was referred to County Attorney Peterson. Item #10 to sign the Encroachment Application for Sec. 7, T-8-N, R-27-E submitted by Christopher Hamilton was tabled until County Attorney Peterson looks at some paper work that Mr. Hamilton had.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Memorandum of Understanding from the Montana Wool Growers Association Predator Control Fund for $1,239.00. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to offer the Roundup School District $65,000.00 for the Panther Den Building. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Borner feels that we should negotiate the price and reminds everyone that the Panther Den was in the original offer of $1.00 but was taken out when the previous Architect said the renovation was going to be very expensive. Commissioner Borner says she thinks we should offer $45,000.00. Commissioner Berry said he thinks that offer is to low and amended his motion to offer $55,000.00 and they cover abatement fee. Commissioner Goffena seconded the offer. Commissioner Borner said Nay. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to temporarily (as of August 14, 2017) add a 2nd work day to the Commissioners schedule until they get through the budget process. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion: Add Tuesdays for a follow up from Monday’s business and to address important decisions from the Monday meeting. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign Stahly’s Engineering Agreement for the Delphia Bridge TSEP Grant Program. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion: This was to be done by KLJ but was not delivered. The State gave the County an extension and the money is still there to use. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign Certificate of Survey 2017-5, in the W2W2 of Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 26 East, submitted by Gil and Julie Majerus. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Contract between Mussleshell County and Collaborative Design for the Senior Facility/Central School. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion: Mark Qualman from Quest Services Corp. looked over the contract made a few changes and they feel ready to sign the contract. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sing Resolution 2017-16 a Declaration of Emergency submitted by DES Coordinator Carlson. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion based on an ok from legal council regarding having to not add 2 mills. (Amended Resolution 2017-16 A not adding 2 mills was signed on July 31, 2017)
The Commissioners visited with Clerk of Court Halverson regarding the jury chairs in the courtroom. The Commissioners told Ms. Halverson to get some prices together and that she should get new ones as long as her budget allows.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried .
Last modified: December 13, 2017