July 30, 2018
The meeting was opened at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The July 23, 2018 minutes were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They are waiting on forms from FEMA regarding the Emergency Declaration for repair of flooded roads. They need to get estimates on roof repair and go with who can get the repairs done the fastest.
Judge Spaulding met with the Commissioners regarding the damage of his office and the Courtroom. Now that the roof is fixed Servpro is going to come in and do the interior cleaning in September. They are going to need to find someone to do new duct work while the ceiling is out and install a new air conditioning unit. The Commissioners will talk to Mark Qualman from Quest Service Corp. to look for someone to do the work. We will also call our local contractor.
DES Coordinator Russell gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Bill Koss was present. There are still no fire restrictions for Musselshell County. They will be meeting with County Fire Chief again on Monday. There is a a Designation of Applicant Agent & Applicant Assurances on the Agenda today for the Emergency Declaration from FEMA for Ragged Point Road, Delphia Bridge, 4H Road, #4 Road and Melstone Custer Road. Mr. Russel and Mr. Fisher will both be out of the office and County Fire Chief Mihalovich will assume coordination if there is a large incident. If Mr. Mihalovich is unavailable Eastern District DES Jeff Gates will assist.
Mayor Jones met with the Commissioners regarding tabling the Inter-local Agreement for Court Services until after the November Election. She would like the County Attorney and the City Attorney look over the old one and make the agreement between the City and County with input from the new Justice of the Peace. The Commissioners all agreed.
There was a Department Head meeting. The next meeting will be in October.
Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp. gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Roger Schaad with Montana Made Projects was also present. Mr. Schaad gave the Commissioner the building permit to approve and pay. The Commissioners told Mr. Qualman about the work that needs done in the Courtroom and Judges chambers. Mr. Schaad would like the new unit installed before a freeze so he can get it sealed on the new roof. Mr. Qualman would still like the County Attorney to send another letter to Cucancic Construction for the work that has not been finished at the Musselshell County Central Commons.
Ernie Woods with HC Resources met with the Commissioners regarding an Oil & Gas Lease for County owned minerals. The Commissioners will have the County Attorney look at it and put it on the Agenda for Monday the 6th of August.
Dolores and Douglas Newton met with the Commissioners regarding a letter they received from the State regarding the gate at Mushroom Mine Road. Commissioner Goffena said that it is not a County road and the County only has an emergency easement across it but will check on the situation.
Sheriff Thomas met with the Commissioners but had no news.
Public Comment:
Weed Coordinator Beck was present.
Ms. Beck said that she heard there was someone who complained about weeds. Ms. Beck asks that any person that has a weed complaint to please come to her office and fill out a complaint form so it can be handled properly.
No more public comment.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and award the bid for the Weed Building without added alternates to CN Construction for $119,277.00. as long as they have proof of insurance and there is a timeline. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion
Commissioner Borner made the motion to review approve and sign the Encroachment Permit for a parallel line on Section 29, Township 7 North, Range 26 East on Ambush Road submitted by Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign the Zoning Compliance form submitted by Riverside Contracting, Inc. for Section 9, Township 11 North, Range 31 East. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Designation of Applicant Agent Assurance for the FEMA Declaration. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
End of business.
Last modified: March 4, 2019