July 31, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner was present. Commissioner Berry was absent due to vacation.
The July 24th, 2017 Minutes were reviewed and approved by the Commissioners that were present.
County Agent Mat Walter met with the Commissioners with a personnel issue. Mr. Walter said that the Comfort Station bathrooms at the fairgrounds will be fixed when there is a plumber available. Money was donated by the Musselshell County Recovery Team for the new bathroom fixtures.
Matt Wolcott with DNRC met with the Commissioners. Mr. Wolcott told the Commissioners that there are 2 teams staying at the fairgrounds for the next week and a half. There are no more volunteers working on the Bruner Mountain Fire only their teams and they are working on repairing roads. Signal Peak donated two water trucks to work on the fire. Mr. Wolcott said that he cannot make any promises but he would like to be advised of the amount of overtime worked by County employees. He understands that it can put pressure on budgets and they will see about trying to help.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Kenner has been assisting a Mr. & Mrs. Ghionea on researching a County Rd. No evidence was found the road has been abandoned or closed. The road is the ROW needed for the Ghioneas to assess their property in T-11-N, R-25-E, Sec. 3, and sits on the section line of BLM Land and Flatwillow Colony property. As of now there is a fence going through the middle of the road. It needs to be placed on our County map as a red dotted line to show it is a public non-improved or maintained road. A draft letter was drawn up for the Commissioners to sign. There was also another property owner that had called asking about access from the same road. The Commissioners said they will ask the County Attorney for his opinion on the matter. The department is going to the Coal Board for a motor grader. This should exclude the environmental review because it is equipment. Mr. Stockert told the Commissioners that after looking over the bids received for the used loader, he has decided to go with the bid submitted from RDO for the 2015 624K John Deere with a 2 year warranty for $122,870.00. The new hire Terry Jorgenson is starting today. They were called out on 5 fires over the weekend. There was a very close call that Mr. Stockert feels was due to lack of communication. Mr. Stockert is going to attend the Stake Holders meeting with DNRC today at 10:00 in the Ambulance Barn. The crew is working on the Musselshell shop remodel and repairs at the County shop.
Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners with a personnel issue.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Angel has been making phone calls to FEMA, the State and MACo regarding Resolution 2017-16 Emergency Declaration that the Commissioners signed on July 24, 2017 and DES Coordinator wants to put into effect. Ms. Angel is concerned about the 2 mills that will have to be raised if it goes in. There is already money available that needs to be spent before taxing the taxpayers. We are waiting on a response. ( Resolution 2017-16A changing the language and amending Resolution 2017-16 Emergency Declaration was signed by the Commissioners after questions were answered by the appropriate parties.) Treasurer Nelson joined the meeting to ask if she can do her department budget on August 7, 2017 instead of August 14, 2017. Ms. Nelson will be doing her budgets at 10:30 on August 7, 2017.
DES Coordinator Carlson gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Alaska Incident Management Team is staged at the DES Office and at the fairgrounds. The Community Assistance Visit for Flood Plain Management went well and were please that everything has been documented and records are kept in order. The DES truck is in the shop at this time.
Mark Qualman with Quest Services Corp. met with the Commissioners. Natalie Hazelton, Brenda Vescovi, Amy Angel and Kathy Pfister. Mr. Qualman told the Commissioners that the bids for the Brownsfield abatement should be in on August 11, 2017, and should be done by the end of August. Then work can begin in the annex. Sometime in September all parties involved in the renovation of the Senior Center should meet with the Commissioners to go over plans. Mr. Qualman will be in contact with KLJ regarding the EOC (emergency operations center) sometime this week. Brian Johnson with Collaborative Design joined the meeting with a preliminary drawing of the classroom remodel. Next week Mr. Johnson will have a drawing with dimensions of the remodels and do a walk through with the all people involved to help with finalizing plans.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave the Commissioners an amended Emergency Declaration with language without the 2 mills being added. Ms. Angel also told the Commissioners that Auditors Joseph Eve are working on the depreciation schedule and protested taxes forms.
Item #1 to discuss employee vacation days was tabled after the discussion that MACo suggested raising salaries of the employee on a temporary basis to the County limit amount and then do a Memo to employees to use their vacation or lose it. They are going to visit with accounting to figure in the budget and to get the employee names and information. Executive decision. Item #2 was dismissed by the Commissioners based on the opinion of the County Attorney that 1st adverse possession of a property has to be Court ordered.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign Certificate of Survey 2017-6 for the NW4, SW4 of Sec. 4, NW4, SW4 of Sec. 11 and the NE4, SE4 of Sec. 15 in Township 9 North, Range 29 East submitted by Ralph & Michele Rindal. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign Certificate of Survey 2017-7 in the NE4, N2SE4, Gov. Lots 3 & 4 of Section 33 and the NW4, N2SW4, Gov Lots 1 & 2 of Sec. 34 in Township 9 North, Range 31 East submitted by the Scott & Laurie Elarton Revocable Trust. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Encroachment Permit for an approach in Section 19, Township 8 North, Range 27 East, East Parrot Creek Road submitted by Tobias Schrock. Per Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockerts approval. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to Sign Resolution 2017-16 Amending Resolution 2017-16 Emergency Declaration Section 10-3-402 MCA. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried
Delegation of Authority for the Bruner Mountain Fire was submitted by DES Coordinator Carlson.
Last modified: December 13, 2017