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Commissioner Minutes July 8, 2019

July 19, 2019

July 8, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 8:34 a.m. by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present. Clerk & Recorder Tomassi took the minutes.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda as amended after removing item number 1 from the 3:00 business since that was completed last week by the Commissioners. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made a correction on the July 1, 2019 minutes to change the wording from “pond project” to “mitigation project”. Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the July 1, 2019 minutes after Commissioner Borner wording correction. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson did not have any Board meetings but will be attending the Refuse Board meeting being held on July 10, 2019. Commissioner Berry did not have any Board meetings but will be having a conference call at 3:00 today with the MACo Healthcare Trust Board. Commissioner Borner did not have any Board meetings but will be doing a TSEP Grant webinar tomorrow.

Old Business:

Commissioners agreed to take Wells Fargo item off of the agenda and to change item (b) to read Extension and Fairgrounds repair instead of Hail Damage to County property. Kathy Bailey from SMDC is keeping the Commissioners update on the Farmers Union Building. Commissioner Carlson is still working on the policy for claims. The accounting audit is still in progress and there has been nothing new regarding the audit.

New Business:

The Commissioners received a resignation letter from the DES Coordinator Walleser. Discussion followed and all three Commissioners agreed to call the last two applicants to see if they are still interested prior to advertising for the position again.

The Courthouse roof is still leaking and the Judge’s Chambers is soaking wet again. Montana Made Products are trying to repair the leak.

Clerk & Recorder Tomassi spoke to the Commissioners regarding the annual budget. Ms. Tomassi has found employees are being paid out of the wrong budgets and it needs to be corrected.  Clerk & Recorder Tomassi mentioned that Darla Erickson and Tami Gunlock from the Montana Department of Administration will be coming to Musselshell County on July 16, 2019 to give all the Department Heads a budget presentation.  Ms. Erickson and Ms. Gunlock will then meet with the Commissioners regarding internal control.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners.

Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner and Supervisor Tom Stockert gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Kenner will be talking to Kathy Bailey from SMDC regarding applying for a Coal Board Grant for a Pole Barn so that they can park all their equipment in for protection. 4-H is interested in the scale from the old Butcher Block and they want it moved to the fairgrounds.  Currently the location of where the scale will be placed at the fairgrounds is still unknown. Supervisor Stockert will contact SMDC and talk to Kathy about a grant that is for environmental issues. Accounting restructuring is still moving forward. There are no raises approved until the final budget is reviewed. There has been nothing new regarding the DCI results on Cameron Road. The Commissioners will be calling the Jensen’s regarding clearing up the title and giving the County a Right-of-Way Easement on the #4 alternation. The Road Department will not meet with the Commissioners on July 22, 2019 because they will be busy doing hot mix repairs. Commissioner Borner will let Andy know that the Commissioners agree with the scope of work on Goulding Creek Road.

Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners and reminded the Commissioners that the steps at the Sheriff’s office are dangerous. Commissioner Borner mentioned that WWC Engineering is working on providing the necessary documentation in order for the County to go out and get bids for repairs. Sheriff Lesnik reported that there were no altercations in Musselshell County during the busy 4th of July weekend.  Sheriff Lesnik mentioned that there have been a number of sovereign citizens showing up in Roundup. The Sheriff’s office currently has a man in jail that is a sovereign citizen and currently has $225,000 in warrants against him.

DES/Flood Plan Administrator Fisher met with the Commissioners. Mr. Fisher will be receiving the photos and time calculations for the removal of the building at the old Lekse property from Brad Pfeiffer this week. Mr. Fisher will be advertising the County flood plain permit process in the newspaper and out by mail. Mr. Fisher mentioned that Mayor Jones called him and is trying to think of a way to combine the Flood Plain administrator for the City and County and make it a full-time position.  Mr. Fisher mentioned that after numerous attempts, he still has never received anything from BMVFD for the RFA/VFA grant system. Because of this the County will not receive all the money this year from the grant.

County Agent Fosjord gave an update on the fairgrounds. Ms. Fosjord would like more gravel at the fairgrounds if possible. The Commissioners advised her to call either C-Brewer or Florin and see if either one of them can provide the fairgrounds with gravel. They can pull gravel from the County gravel pit, just let Tom Stockert know first. The Commissioners agreed that it was okay for grounds worker Will to go ahead and get the repairs done on the brush hog along with new blades. Commissioner Carlson mention the certified scale that will be moved to the fairground for future use by 4-H.

Rod Nelson from the Department of Transportation in Billings returned Commissioner Borner’s calls that she left with them to let her know that they are addressing the rumble strip issues on 87 South.

Bob Downey from Denning, Downey & Associates, P.C. came in to talk to the Commissioners, Treasurer Hetrick and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi about the Forensic Audit that he will be completing for Musselshell County covering missing audit years of 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Mr. Downey will be working to get Musselshell County audits out of the “Disclaimer of Opinion” status that the last completed audits have been in. All Commissioners agreed that Commissioner Borner will be the contact person with Mr. Downey, but everyone else will be included on all his emails.

Commissioner Borner opened the public meeting at 3:25 p.m. There was nothing on the agenda for this week. Present at meeting was Erin Janoso and Aurora Janoso. There was no public comment. Meeting was adjourned.

Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioner to let them know that the roof at the EOC is almost done being repaired and that the TV fee might need to be raised in the future. Mr. Solberg has not had time to make any progress on the renovations to the old ambulance barn.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.

June 21, 2019 Claims = $248,595.80                                                          Check # 65237 – 65319

July 8, 2019 Claims = $182,053.73                                                              Check # 65320 – 65413

June Payroll = $112,994.29                                                                            Check # 23684 – 23716



Last modified: July 30, 2019

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