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Commissioner Minutes July 9, 2018

July 18, 2018

July 9, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.  Secretary Hagstrom was absent due to vacation and the minutes were taken by Clerk & Recorder Tomassi.

Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Kenner submitted wording and map for the purposed route change of #4 Road. And abandoned area that keeps flooding after the new route is complete. We need to make sure DES contacts FEMA regarding this matter. Ms. Kenner gave copies of the bridge submittals to the MDT Off System Bridge Nomination for 2018. They are going to check with accounting regarding the purchase of a new pressure washer. It is getting dangerous for the crew when blading on some of the heavily traveled roads.  Residents are not abiding the warning signs.  Is it possible to maybe have them patrolled when working?  They are hoping to get 4-H road opened for the fair. The Commissioners said they could use the West Bridge to get in.

Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report. There was an HR issue. Mr. Thomas told the Commissioners that Shaun Dutton from 1st Security Bank will be doing the appraisals on the vehicles in the impound lot so they can be picked up for salvage. They have received 6 applications for the deputy position. They discussed the trailer in the ditch on Highway 87 by Ambush Road.  It was being transported without a permit and it is the Department of Transportation’s responsibility.

John Husar stopped in to introduce himself and explain that he is working on a future wind farm project North of town. It is a 200 million dollar project and is hoping to go commercial around 2021.

DES Coordinator fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. DES Coordinator Russell has been working on addressing issues with Mid-Rivers.  They haven’t heard from Key Insurance where the County Insurance claim status is. Commissioner Berry said that Key Insurance should be meeting with the Commissioners regarding the status on claims. Mr. Fisher will talk to Accounting regarding the purchase of the truck from the Sheriff’s Department.

Open Weed Building Bids: Tom Vandeberg & Meriel Beck were present.

EEC                                         = $302,900.00

CN Construction                      =$173,220.00

ARCH 406                              =$293,764.00

Commissioner Borner made the motion to take the bids under advisement. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Weed Coordinator Beck said that she will take the bids to the Weed Board meeting for review and give the Commissioners their recommendations.

Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp. gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Qualman is staying on top of the repairs at the Musselshell County Central Commons and reminded the Commissioners to not make the finals payment to Cucancis Construction until the repairs are completed. Copies of the bids to replace roofs at the jail and Courthouse were given. Mr. Qualman will be in contact with the roofing company.

Clerk & Recorder Tomassi asked the Commissioners if it was ok to put an ad in the paper for a fulltime Janitor/Rural Addressing help in the paper since we didn’t get many applications for part-time? All 3 Commissioners said yes.

Public Comment:

Present were Troy Evans, Coila Evans. Deb Adolph, Mayor Sandra Jones, Adam Carlson and Jerri Krenko.

Mr. Evans read a letter (available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office) opposing Commissioner Goffena going to Washington D.C. for Montana Day on tax payer dollars.

Ms. Adolph said she supports Commissioner Borner going to Washington D.C. as the best representative for Musselshell County.

Mayor Jones said that when she received the invitation to go to Washington D.C. she extended the invitation to Commissioner Goffena because he is the Chairman. MS. Jones said that there are issues on the table that are important for Montana infrastructure and the Rural Water Project, law enforcement and they want to hear the voice of Montana. The more voices the better.

Ms. Evans said that she commends Commissioner Borner for paying her own way to Washington D.C. and is glad that Commissioner Goffena wants to go.

Mr. Carlson was just curious about #4 on the agenda.

Ms. Krenko wanted to know when they were going to get the Food Bank area in the Musselshell County Central Commons locked so she can get in there. Commissioner Goffena said they are working on getting everything done as soon as possible.

Commissioner Goffena read a statement (available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office) supporting his experience and reason he should go to Washington D.C.

Ms. Adolph asked if there was a budget for the Washington trip? Commissioner Goffena said no there was not.

Commissioner Borner said that the invitation to Washington D.C. was to all Commissioners and there are no hard feelings, she is just glad she is able to afford to pay her way because she knows that County couldn’t pay for a three Commissioners to attend.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Snowy Mountain Development Corporation and Musselshell County in regards to writing of a Coal Board Grant for a road grader. Commissioner Borner second the motion.  Discussion: Commissioner Berry asked if we should flood the Coal Board with grants all at once? Commissioner Borner said that she had a discussion about it with Snowy Mountain Development and it is because the Coal Board will ask the County which ones are the priority. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve the Maternal Child Health Block Grant Match Agreement between Riverstone Health and Musselshell County. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the agreement between Musselshell County and Riverstone Health to provide parental, postpartum and pediatric/maternal and child health services in Musselshell County. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Goffena said that this is an essential service needed in this County.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign the Memorandum of Understanding between Yellowstone County and Musselshell County for the Fetal, Infant, Child and Maternal Mortality Review. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Technology Contract for Services between Roundup Public Schools and Musselshell County. Commissioner Borner second the motion.  Discussion:  Commissioner Goffena said that the County is approving a $5,000.00 increase in Director of Technology Toombs contract and he has done a wonderful job for the County.  Commissioner Berry said that he is also local.   Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve the necessary modifications for the Food Bank in order for them to become legal with the State of Montana. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Berry said this is the last big hurdle to get them moved in. Commissioner Borner said she spoke with Larry Lekse about putting in the needed folding door.  Motion carried.

End of business.



Last modified: March 4, 2019

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