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Commissioner Minutes June 18, 2018

June 27, 2018

June 18, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.

There was a call for the Department of Labor & Industry Health Bureau regarding a reported safety hazard in the Courthouse.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Stockert told the Commissioners that he recommends awarding the bid in the amount of $180,989.00 for the truck/sander/snowplow to Kenworth. They are still working on runoff/flooded damaged roads. FEMA was here to look at the 4 major road damage/closures and they are happy with the repair and paperwork. They are going to try to find a solution for relocating #4 Road. Secretary Kenner is going to make a list of equipment to go out for bid and is going to talk to other departments to see if they have anything to add to the list.

Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They are waiting on estimates about repairs from the hail damage.

Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report. The auditors will be back this week. The Commissioners said that there was a question asked about hail damage on the Lekse FEMA PDM (pre disaster mitigation) property that the County just closed on.  Ms. Angel told the Commissioners that per FEMA rules, we bought it at the appraised value of pre- 2016 so any hail damage is a non-issue.  They will be looking into a possible new IT agreement.

DES Coordinators Fisher and Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The FEMA visit last week went well.  They said that there was more than $16,000.00 damage to our infrastructure and that they are happy with the way the County has been working on the programs.  Fish Wildlife & Parks are developing a plan for a fishing access on the FMA(flood mitigation assistance) and HMPG(hazard mitigation grant program)properties.

County Agent Walter met with the Commissioners to see if it was ok to buy a new commercial mower for the fairgrounds? As long as there is the money in the budget they do not have a problem with it. Mr. Walter is going to contact the Roundup Rodeo people to see if they are still going to use the fairgrounds over the 4th.  Mr. Walter told the Commissioners that the NRCS office flooded pretty badly and was wondering if there is any office space available?  The Commissioners told him that they would check on it but they are having a hard time finding space.

Commissioner Berry was absent for the afternoon.

Roger Schaad with Montana Made Project met with the Commissioners with pamphlets about new rubber roofing.

Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp. gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Fred Winkler cleaned up the hatch at the Musselshell County Central Commons and will be putting in trench drains. The top priority now are the valves that froze over the winters being replaced. A letter was sent from the County Attorney’s Office to Cucancic Construction on Friday regarding getting the work finished at the Commons in a timely manner.  Cucancic Construction has 7 days to respond and do the work or we will be getting someone else to do it. Brenda Vescovi entered the meeting.  Ms. Vescovi said that they need tables and her desk moved into the Commons.

Bighorn County Commissioner George Wilber III stopped in to visit with the Commissioners on his way through town.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to vote on a Lease/Rent/Use Agreement for the Musselshell County Central Commons for the Council on Aging. Commissioner Goffena second the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to decide on and sign the Letter of Acceptance upping the per capita contribution by Musselshell County to the Mental Health Center in the amount of .50 = $2,294.51. This will up the per capita to $1.61 per our population. Commissioner Goffena second the motion and stated that in the future if there is a greater need, they will need to vote again. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner made the motion to continue the Consumer Representative appointee of Florence Wacker and the Commissioner Representative as Robert Goffena for the Area II Council on Aging. Commissioner Goffena second the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioners Goffena, Commissioner Borner Clerk of Court Halverson and Election Administrator Tomassi did the Canvas of the 2018 Primary Election.

The meeting was closed.


Last modified: March 4, 2019

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