June 19, 2017 Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from June 5th & 12th, 2017 were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners after a few clerical errors were fixed.
There was a letter to the Commissioners from the CEO of Roundup Memorial Hospital regarding zoning and soil reports they are expecting for the Physical Therapy Project. (Available for public review at the Clerk and Recorders Office)
Kathy Pfister visited with the Commissioners regarding the County Website. What is and what isn’t allowed on it? There was a person wanting to put group meetings on the site. There should be a policy for the website. The Commissioners will put it on the agenda for June 26, 2017. Ms. Pfister said that Roundup Public School District is requesting a speed limit study from the State Highway Department on Highway 12 East and Alec Roy Road, due to a change in the school bus route and schedule.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly report to the Commissioners.( Secretary Kenner was not present ) Needed work is to begin on the Musselshell Shop. They are going to be working another week in the Eastern District. The final inspection on the E. Parrot Creek Road Bridge was done. Mr. Stockert had some complaints and would not sign off on the project. The Coal Board is requesting an environmental review process for the End Dump the department is asking for funding for. More information is going to be needed on the issue. The safety meeting held June 15, 2017, went very well. Commissioner Goffena told Mr. Stockert that he is happy with the way the Road Department is being ran.
Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Lesnik asked about cameras at the fairgrounds. The Commissioners told him that a new system is being worked on. Mr. Lesnik asked about events at the fairgrounds because he has been asked the question and would like to know how to respond properly. Commissioner Berry said that if a group wants to hold an event they have to provide proof of liability insurance that is given to the County Agent. The policy is not very expensive and easy to obtain. For weddings or reunions a persons home owners insurance may cover the liability. But a certificate from the insurance company is required to file with the County Agent.
Amy Angel with Accounting met with the Commissioners. Ms. Angel suggest hiring auditors for retirement system it is required by State to be in audit compliance. Ms. Angel also suggested going to single year audits to have better and more updated information. The County will have to budget in for single year audits. All Commissioners agreed. Ms. Angel talked with Fire Council President Brad Pfeiffer regarding issues with the FY 2016/2017 budget and told him that when it’s the next budget time she will go and help. Commissioner Goffena said that he is going to let the Fire Council know that they are able to go to the Coal Board for grants. Ms. Angel also suggested hiring and auditor to do a depreciation schedule on FEMA projects that were done during the 2011/2013 floods.
DES Coordinator Carlson gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Bill Milton was present. Fire Restriction Calls will start to be weekly starting June 26, 2017. Musselshell County is reducing the burn permits to barrels and campfires. There may be a Stage 1 Fire Restriction after the June 26, 2017 call. Mr. Carlson submitted a letter from the Department of Military affairs regarding a reduction in funds ($400.00) for the FY 2017/2018 EMPG Grant Application. Mr. Carlson also submitted a seconded appraisal from Barta Appraisal Service on the Beverly Eiselein property. Some demolition has begun at the Stage Stop/Riverside property. Commissioner Berry suggested contacting County Departments to see if they can salvage or use any of the material and suggested a policy were the County Commissioners view the property before demolition begins. The talks with Fish Wildlife and Parks are going good. The Commissioners think if they are going to lease the Stage Stop property for a fishing access it would be best if they take responsibility for any liability and weeds. Commissioner Goffena said to hold off on the tin roof until Monday.
Superintendent Chad Sealey met with the Commissioner regarding the Central School Purchase. Brenda Vescovi, Natalie Hazelton and Amy Angel were present. School Board update they are ready to go with whatever the Commissioners want as soon as the Brownsfield Abatement is completed. Commissioner Goffena stated his frustration with the Brownsfield Program that is taking so long and would like to drop the project. Mr. Sealey agrees about the time taken and said that the Grant was written for the all three part of the school and does not know how it would work to take out the parts the County wants. The Commissioners are going to be hiring an architect today at the 3:00 business and will follow his suggestions on a contractor and maybe the abatement will be done by that time and everything may fall into place. The Commissioners are concerned with the sharing of heating and electrical services with Homeword. Mr. Sealey is going to have a 2 year Technology Contract for Services drawn up between Roundup Public Schools and Musselshell County for IT Services.
Amy Angel from Accounting met with the Commissioners with a personal issue.
The Commissioners had a telephone conversation with Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development Corp. regarding the Environmental Study that the Coal Board is asking for with the End Dump that the Road Department is going to the Coal Board for funding. Ms. Bailey said that all Planning and Equipment Grants are going up for the Environmental Review and that there is going to be a meeting for public comment to weigh in on the matter at the Coal Board meeting. The Commissioners asked Ms. Bailey about the Brownsfield Grant. Ms. Bailey said she was going to be emailing documents for review on Monday the 26th and will go out for bids once they get back to her. Ms. Bailey told the Commissioners that once they hire the Architect for the Central School she needs to get with him.
Public Comment:
Andy Koval, Linda Picchioni and Adam Carlson were present. Mr. Koval with Child and Family Services met with the Commissioners regarding the security door at the office. The warranty ran out on the door and the mother board or lock mechanism went out on it and it needs replaced. Mr. Koval said that Cliff Fawcett had looked into the replacement an it will be approximately $350.00 to $400.00 to replace, and was wondering if the Commissioners would be willing to replace it. All 3 Commissioners made an administrative decision to replace it and have Mr. Fawcett send the County the bill.
End of Public Comment.
Item #3 to discuss the Brownsfield Grant for the Central School Annex was tabled until more information is available and an Architect is hired. Item #6 to review and sign the Lease Agreement with ADDCO Office Systems for the Hasler IN700 Mailing System was tabled until more information is obtained.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss and approve the County offer of $25,000.00 towards the Physical Therapy Room at the Roundup Memorial Hospital only with a $25,000.00 match from the Community. (RMH is $50,000.00 short on what they need to complete the project). Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Berry said that he would like to rescind the offer after looking at the budget. The County health insurance has gone up and so has the property and casualty insurance and he thinks we better hold on to as much money as we can. Commissioner Borner agrees. Commissioner Berry yea, Commissioner Borner yea, motion to not give $25,000.00 to Roundup Memorial Hospital for the Physical Therapy room. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss and decide on moving the Sheriff’s Department excess funds to the Capital Improvement Fund. 50% to the Equipment Fund and 50% to the Building Fund. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Based on information from accounting motion carried. Item #6 to review and sign the Lease Agreement with ADDCO Office Systems for the Hasler IN700 Mailing System was tabled until they can get more information.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to decide on the capacity of involvement Homeword is going to have with the Central School Annex. Commissioner Goffena seconded. Discussion: Commissioner Berry said that Homeword not have any involvement until the Architect goes over everything and can guide the County. Commissioner Borner said that they should at least have a conversation to see if they can help save the tax payers dollars and leverage funding and is worth trying to find a way. Commissioner Berry said the Architect will look at everything. Commissioner Goffena is concerned about the sharing of electric and heating and thinks that keeping it separate will benefit the County. Commissioner Borner said that conversation can help. Commissioner Berry thinks it will only slow down the process. Commissioner Berry voted yea, Commissioner Goffena seconded with yea, Commissioner Borner voted nay. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to hire Collaborative Designs on the requests for Proposals for an Architect for the Central School Annex. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Berry said that all of the proposals were very well done and feels that no interviews are needed, he is basing his decision on 3(three) things. 1. They worked on the new school, 2. Familiarity with the project, 3. They have ties to Roundup. Commissioner Borner said her only hesitation was the percentages ratings that were mentioned in the proposal. Commissioner Goffena said that they have been hiring contractors this way forever. Motion carried.
Ms. Picchioni asked the Commissioners if they would be meeting on July 3rd for the normal Monday Meeting? After discussion the Commissioners decided that due to the Fourth of July Celebration the County Commissioners will meet on Wednesday July 5th, 2017. The Courthouse will still be open.
Des Coordinator Carlson asked about a decay ordinance for the Floodplain? The Commissioners told him to talk to County Attorney Peterson or Sanitarian Baldwin.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: December 13, 2017