June 26, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from the June 19, 2017 meeting were reviewed an approved by all Commissioners.
Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The help wanted ad for maintenance/operator is going to run for 2 weeks in the Roundup Record Tribune. The Road Department was awarded the End Dump from the Coal Board. Ms. Kenner is sending a thanks you letter to the Coal Board. Ms. Kenner asked abut the environmental reviews that the Coal Board is wanting when there is an application submitted. Commissioner Goffena went to the meeting regarding the review and his understanding is that there are 3different levels of impact, if there is miniscule impact on the environment then the public is notified by minutes on the County website or listed on the County agenda is acceptable, any public notification. Detrimental impact needs a Public Meeting, the 3rd level would need an Environmental Impact Statement. Commissioner Goffena signed the Invitation to Bid for a used loader. Ms. Kenner told the Commissioners that they are waiting to hear from the Montana Department of Transportation regarding the issues Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert had with the Parrot Creek Bridge Project.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners regarding vacation time. The Commissioners are going to talk to MACo.
Larry Lekse visited with the Commissioners. Mr. Lekse said he was working on the hand rails at the Grand Stand and that they need cleaned badly and that maybe Court Compliance can work on the issue? The Commissioners said they will ask the Court Compliance Officer about it. Mr. Lekse said he thinks the Road Department should go to the Coal Board for a new shop.
Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Commissioner Berry asked if they still had patrol cars with the busses when school is in session? They said that they do when possible and they really do try to remind everyone that they have to stop for buses. Mr. Lesnik asked that vacation hours be looked at for officer retention. He will gather the numbers and bring them before the Commissioners.
Neil Baumgardner with ADDCO Office Systems and Karen Lekse met with the Commissioners to talk about the new 5 year agreement for the Hasler IN700 Mailing System. Ms. Lekse had a printout of how much all departments use the system. This system is faster and slightly cheaper. The Commissioners will decide on this at the 3:00 business.
Amy Angel and Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners regarding a Mill Levy Value Form. Levys are going to be going from authorized to actual and the amount is going to go down. Last year from we had 189 that we could have carried to 119 that we are allowed to use. Ms. Angel looked at the Annual Report from Broadwater County that has built a jail and it has been good for them. Ms. Angel told Under Sheriff Lesnik that they could compile money from grants and that it may be something to look into. (No taxpayer money) Commissioner Borner asked where would the revenue from a new jail go and Ms. Angel told her public safety and the general fund. Commissioner Borner said with only so many mills to use how would the grant match money come up? Ms. Angel said coal proceeds. We need to get the public behind us on a new jail and how everyone is going to benefit.
Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners regarding a speed study that is being done on Highway 12 East around Alec Roy Road to see about reducing the speed limit for the new bus route. 2017-O-571
DES Coordinator Carlson gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The County will be going into Stage 1 Fire Restrictions at the 3:00 business. There will be new floodplain permit for bank stabilization along US Hwy 12 East between Roundup and Musselshell. The permits will be processed over the next 2 weeks for public comment. 2017-O-575
Carroll Hageman visited with the Commissioners regarding being able to use the school annex for a vacation bible school. The Commissioners said that they will no more after the 3:00 business and meeting with our architects and that Mr. Hageman should come back afer the meeting or call. (The buildings will not be done by the time the bible school is being held.)
Brian Johnson and Jason Fitzgeral from Collaborative Designs, Mark Qualman from Cost Gurus and Superintendent fo Roundup Schools Chad Sealey met with the Commissioners. Mr. Johnson thanked the Commissioners for hiring Collaborative Designs to do the work for the Central School Building and asked how the decision making process works for the County? The Commissioners told him that they need a 2 (two) Commissioner vote but all 3 (three) Commissioners need to be involved. Mr. Johnson then went over the meeting goals for the Central School Project and had some general project, process and communication questions. The budget is approximately $950,000.00 Mark Qualman is going to be the owners representative and will be at the Commissioners meeting every Monday to update them and get questions or concerns answered. There will be a Public Notice after they have all met a few times to get everything worked out and a direction so the public can be advised. Existing property conditions were discussed. Mr. Johnson gave the Commissioners 3 project design options to look at. One of the options included the Panther Den. Mr. Sealey will present buying the Panther Den to the Board at the next meeting. June 28, 2017 at 6:00 P.M.
Public Comment:
Theresa Doumitt, Bette Ross and Adam Carlson were present.
Ms. Doumitt told the Commissioners about the Soil sample test that was done at the site where they are wanting to out a Physical Therapy Center at the Hospital. )Available for public viewing at the Clerk & Recorders Office)
Bette Ross told the Commissioners that the Sheriff’s Department went to the Camber of Commerce about having only 1 parade next year due to costs for staffing. Also Ms. Ross would like to put up no littering signs. The Commissioners will look into it and the cost for the County.
End of Public Comment.
Item #1to discuss the Brownsfield Grant for the Central School Annex was tabled until more information is available. Item #4 to discuss and decide on a Policy for the County Website was tabled until there is more information.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign the Technology Contract for Services between Roundup Public Schools and Musselshell County effective July 1, 2017 to be revisited on July 1, 2019. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried,
Commissioner Berry made the motion to review and sign the Lease Agreement with ADDCO Office Systems for the Hasler IN700 Mailing System. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. 2017-O-577
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign Resolution 2017-13 Setting Stage 1 Fire Restrictions. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: December 13, 2017