June 5, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
Canvas of the 2017 Special Election with Election Administrator Tomassi and all Commissioners.
May 30th 2017 meeting minutes were not viewed or approved by the Commissioners.
The Road Department had nothing important to discuss this week, so they were not present.
Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The Sheriff’s Department received approximately $6,000.00 from FEMA for reimbursement from the Dahl Fire for the Cash Reserve Account. Projected revenue for the future was discussed. More information will be available when Ms. Angel from Accounting is available. Moving the Court Compliance Department to the Sheriff’s Office was discussed. As of now the department will remain in the courthouse until renovations are completed .
DES Coordinator Carlson gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Bill Milton, Dave Liggett and Troy Evans were present. There is still some electrical work that needs completed at the fairgrounds for a 2011 FEMA project. Mr. Carlson will be meeting with Eliasson Electric this week. The next Fire Restriction County call will be on June 26, 2017. As of now there are no restrictions. Mr. Carlson is working to get Memos of Understanding to the Commissioners for the Pre Disaster Mitigation Grant. Commissioner Goffena wants permits and water rights worked on for the larger Pre Disaster Buyout Program. Mr. Carlson explained that getting them done before the award could conflict with the grant and that the cost will not be refunded if they are not awarded the grant. Mr. Carlson gave the Commissioners the letter from Beverly Eislein accepting the County’s formal offer of $140,000.00 for the FEMA 2015 Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant.
Donna Marmon and Sharon McLeod with Forever Swimmers met with the Commissioner regarding trying to get the swimming pool in the Community Center up and working again. There have been 2 (two) mechanical engineers in to look at the pool and building. They will not be changing anything electrical but the bathrooms will be modified to make them ADA accessible. They need to get a structural engineer in to look at the east wall. As of 2008 it is required to have a bonding bar.(a grounding wire for lightning) They are visiting with other communities for information on how things are ran. Committees are formed using school officials or board members, County Commissioners etc. They would really like to form a Parks and Recreation District/Director because there are so many things to do here and there would be someone in charge with things for kids to do, even without the indoor pool. They are doing fund raisers, there will be an RSVP Dinner Theater and raffle tickets are being sold.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners regarding a claim with Verizon. Commissioner Berry asked about the Homeland Security Grant? Mr. Solberg said there is no word yet and plans will be drawn up when and if they are awarded the grant.
Public Comment:
Bill Milton, Theresa Doumitt, Bette Ross, David Liggett and Erin Janosos were present.
Bill Milton said that he had done some research on the FEMA projects and wants to acknowledge that he feels that over the last few weeks there have been positive results from the meetings, such as- Fish Wildlife and Parks ownership vs. lease, feels positive the Eiselein property deal was done and having a policy in place, permits and memorandums of understanding in place, water rights are important and he’s glad it is being addressed. Mr. Milton is glad the public was and is welcome to work with the County to make it a great project. He likes the direction it all is going and the due diligence being done and wanted to express his gratitude and support.
Theresa Doumitt said she is grateful for the progress being made.
Dave Ligget said he echos what Mr. Milton said. It is good to get people out of the flood zone and the programs are very positive for the County.
Ms. Ross said she was present to learn and be supportive.
End of Public Comment.
Item #2 to discuss and approve the County offer of $25,000.00 towards the Physical Therapy Room at the Roundup Memorial Hospital only with a $25,000.00 match from the Community. (RMH is $50,000.00 short on what they need to complete the project) was tabled until there is more information.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2017-12 adopting the 2017 Musselshell County Growth Policy Resolution. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to integrate the 135% County Tax Appraisal cost into the FEMA Buyout Policy from now going forth with all grants. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Discussion: The Acquisition guideline are the County Market Value plus 35%. Commissioner Borner said that she would like to look at the different ways to do the methodology for the FEMA Buyouts. Commissioner Berry said that integrating the County Tax Appraisal cost into the policy is fair and everyone will be clear on where the County is coming from. Commissioner Berry amended his motion subject to 25% match from participants if soft match does not cover all the match. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Commissioner Goffena also agrees. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to appoint Standford Pisle for the At Large Fair Board Member and have random term lengths of 1 to 3 years that will be drawn for all members. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign the Encroachment Application for Section 20, Township 5 North, Range 24 East, Dean Creek Road submitted by Wendy Cutter-Colins subject to Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockerts approval. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried. (Approved by Mr. Stockert)
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
May Payroll = $108,767.56 Check # = 22857 – 22906
May Claims = $227,624.07 Check # = 61476 – 61630
Last modified: December 13, 2017