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Commissioner Minutes March 19, 2018

April 5, 2018

March 19, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.


The Commissioners did not approve the minutes from the February 5th, 26th, March 5th and 12th minutes.


Adam Carlson was present for observation.


Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Angel told the Commissioners that our Auditors are Joseph Eve/WPIFLI and they are currently working on the last 3 years. 2015 and 2016 are being done together because the County received more than $500,000.00 in federal grant money but the leg work for 2015 has already been done. The Department of Local Government sent approval of Joseph Eve/WPIFLI and we are in compliance. The Audits were done after the annual reports were done so we do not have to submit the reports, the adjustments will be noted in the audits. When an audit is done there has to be a letter sent from the County Attorney if there were any legal matters that are still ongoing and they were never sent. Ms. Angel suggests we do what the school does and do a pre-audit audit. Ms. Angel will contact Joseph Eve/WPIFLI and see if we are able to do it. Commissioner Borner said that we have never sat down for a facts and findings from an audit and we need to do that.  Commissioner Goffena said that we don’t need to micro manage the Accounting Office.  Commissioner Borner said it is not to micro manage but to just understand more.  When the County is consulting with and has a contract to be signed it needs to be on the agenda.  Commissioner Borner said that she had talked to the State and the AFR(budget report) from the County has not been received for the FY of 2016, 2017 and 2018 and the one for 2015 was returned. There was a claim for late fees of $1,700.00 assessed for the AFR’s being late last summer and Commissioner Borner would like to see the claim to know what account it was taken out of.  (Update: Ms. Angel talked to Local Government Services and was told that the Clerk & Record’s office is supposed to send in the Budget Reports.  Clerk & Recorder Tomassi stated that she has never received a Budget Report and was never told that she needed to send them in because her office does not deal with finances like some Counties because we have an Accounting Department.  Ms. Angel said that as long as it is ok with Clerk & Recorder Tomassi she can register to submit them electronically and they will be “Audit Reports in Lieu of Financial Reports.(the auditor will submit the Financial Reports)  Commissioner Borner said that we can put it on the agenda next week.  Commissioner Berry asked if the only main change was that it had to be done by Ms. Angel or Ms. Tomassi?  Ms. Angel said yes. Commissioner Berry said we have to do it get registered. Ms. Angel also said that the Local Government Services said that we can have a pre-audit audit for 2016 & 2017 but not for 2015 because it has already been started.)   County Agent Mat Walter would like to have his check book for the Extension Office done separately.  Ms. Angel told the Commissioners that there was a water bill from the City for the Musselshell County Central Commons that was almost $900.00.  Ms. Angel called and there had been a leak that was fixed and checked with the Contractors and they had power washed walls in the Commons this needs to be checked on.  Commissioner Berry said that we will talk to Mark Qualman from Quest Service Corp. today at his weekly meeting.


Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The Resolution for the Gas Tax Appropriation needs to be started and we need to state the project and register signature authority. The Commissioners said they will let Mr. Stockert decide on what he think needs done.  They delivered sand to the city lot East of town and a load at the Roundup shop. Mr. Stockert had a letter to the Commissioners regarding his disappointment that the Road Crew did not get an 8 hour holiday pay for working on a holiday for snow removal.(the letter is available for review at the Clerk and Recorders Office) The Commissioners said they will talk with the Accounting Department to find a solution and that they know that the Road Crew has been working very hard and appreciate them. There was a local price list for current local contractor assistance submitted.  Ms. Kenner also gave the Commissioners an updated phone list. Mr. Stockert also had a letter regarding a personnel issue.


Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They will be starting on the fencing around the impound lot but they will need to take down some trees first. They are watching the ice jams and run off on the river. Under Sheriff Lesnik told the Commissioners that there is a real concern with their office building. There is movement and cracking and they are on borrowed time.  Mr. Lesnik asked where else there is to go for funding for a new jail besides Bonds. Commissioner Borner reminded Mr. Lesnik that if we get any kind of grant the County is going to have to come up with the match, so we need to find other options. The Inter-cap program was mentioned.  Commissioner Goffena said we need to get public support.  Commissioner Borner asked if they can compile a list of numbers for building needs e.g.; just a holding area, or a small bed facility or a regional facility.  Mr. Lesnik said he will get  together a projection of costs.  The Commissioners said that as far as the roof on the building, they are waiting on the weather but they have talked to Mark Qualman about it.  They think that Mr. Qualman should get a tour of the facility so he has an idea of how bad things are.  Both Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik welcomed the idea.


Tayla Snapp with Congressman Gianforte’s Office visited with the Commissioners. Commissioner Goffena asked if she knew of any financing for a new jail?  Ms. Snapp suggested going to  She does know from traveling around that a big facility could sure be used. Ms. Snapp asked about the suit with the Signal Peak Mine.  The Commissioners told her that they were still in talks.  Ms. Snapp said she is going to be setting up an appointment with the mine soon. Ms. Snapp also said that Mental Health is a big issue everywhere and there is talk that help is coming.


DES Deputies Floyd Fisher and Justin Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Amy Angel was present. Mr. Fisher said they did not have time to do their normal situation report this morning because they were doing an interview with KULR8 regarding pre-evacuation, the ice jams and possible flooding. They did pre-evacuations for some areas of the river.  Packets were given out and everything went good.  All bases were covered and now they are just monitoring it. They have told Musselshell and Melstone to be prepared. The jam at Dean Creek Bridge is 3 miles long. Mr. Russell said that the new plotter is in.  He has found a depreciation calculator for items that were salvaged or taken from the Eiselein buyout.  The FEMA reimbursement should be minimal.  MS. Angel said we need to decide where the 5% match is going to come out of.  Ms. Angel said that the bill for the generators was approximately $10,000.00 over. Adam Carlson said everything was included in the bid and you need to find out why it was over.  Mr. Russell said that they will be meeting with District IV DES Representative Jeff Gates tomorrow to get more information on where and what to salvage to reduce Federal money owed. Structures are the main requirement of these FEMA grants and need removed. Ms. Angel also said that the use of equipment for salvage is better when used for soft match.  Mr. Russell has a request in to the Department of Defense program for a new vehicle.  Mr. Fisher said that they will work through the fiscal year on these programs but they need to put the ad out again for a new DES Coordinator.  Mr. Fisher would like to go to 3 days a week in April.


Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corporation, Kari Kaske with Collaborative Design gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Natalie Hazelton, Cheryl Goffena, Kathy Pfister, Duane Snook and Adam Carlson were present.  Mr. Qualman said the weather is cooperating and everything is going good at the Musselshell County Central Commons.  It should be about 6 weeks. The Commissioners asked Mr. Qualman and Ms. Kaske about the water leak and $900.00 bill the County received.  Neither one had heard anything about it but will check into it. Mr. Qualman and Ms. Kaske are going to start doing a list of everything that needs done every 2 weeks to keep track of everything. Mr. Qualman will get the equipment list and layout to the Commissioners.  Ms. Kaske told the Commissioners that the floor tile is on site.  They will be getting bids from WHC and Stronghold Surface to fix the ramps.  Mr. Qualman will be going to look at the jail.


Cheri Tate and Patty Willis from the Red Cross met with the Commissioners. Adam Carlson and Duane Snook were present.  Ms. Tate is the manager of the area Red Cross and March is Red Cross Month.  Ms. Tate handed out a flyer explaining exactly what the Red Cross. They are non-profit and get their money from donations. The Red Cross helps people in emergencies.  Some examples are helping displaced families, disaster victims with food, shelter and emotional support, supply 40% of the Nation’s blood supply and provide international humanitarian aid and support to military members and their families.  There is a Duty Officer available 24 hours a day at 1-800-ARC-MONT.


Public Comment: RECORDED


Dave & Pam Liggett, Adam Carlson, Duane Snook, J.K. Kuzara, Tana Pinkerton-Cates, Bill Trent, Wade Rongen, Deb Adolph, Meriel Beck and Ronnie Burns were present.


There was no public comment.


Item # 2 to discuss and approve that the agenda items should be approved following the close of the current Monday business for the following week was tabled By Commissioner Berry so they can review the County Attorney draft and gather more information. Item #3 to discuss and approve the notice regarding regulation of public comments during Commissioner meeting’s was tabled by Commissioner Berry for the same reason as item #2. Item #6 to discuss Off Road Bridge Systems and vote on the direction the County will take was tabled by Commissioner Borner until the Montana Department of Transportation visits with us. (there is an e-mail from Stahley Engineering available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office) Item #9 to discuss County Audits, clarification on what years we are having audited, fees and with whom we are contracted with was tabled by Commissioner Berry because of the discussion with Accounting that cleared up and answered the questions.


Commissioner Berry made the motion to build a new Weed Building at the County Shop area subject to the plan that meet the budget. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Berry said that he would like to redo the water test on the property east of town when they can case off the top to see if they get more water. Motion carried.


Open Airport Bids for Engineering.

  1. KLJ – Billings: Planning Proposal and Engineering Proposal
  2. RPA- Helena: Engineering Proposal
  3. Interstate Engineering: Billings Engineering Proposal

Commissioner Borner made the motion to take under advisement by Mark Qualman. Commissioner Berry second the motion.  Motion carried.


There was a discussion for public knowledge that the Musselshell County is going to apply to be put into a new Federal Program designating “Opportunity Zones” which could give investors tax breaks.


Commissioner Borner made the motion to do a Proclamation Declaring April 3, 2018 National Service Recognition Day. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried. (the official signing of the Proclamation will be on next weeks agenda)


Commissioner Berry made the motion (after discussion) to hire Attorney Michele Puggari with the conditions she could come to Musselshell County and do an in depth investigation in a timely manner. Commissioner Goffena second the motion. Commissioner Borner said Nay. Motion carried.


Commissioners Berry and Goffena left the meeting.




Last modified: March 4, 2019

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