March 5, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present
The minutes from the February 5th and 26th meeting were not reviewed by the Commissioners.
Secretary Hagstrom was absent. Minutes will be taken by Clerk & Recorder Tomassi.
Tom Dunn attended the meeting for observation.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert called in to cancel the weekly meeting because the entire road crew was out clearing roads and Secretary Kenner was snowed in
Joe Mattern met with the Commissioners regarding a drainage ditch at the bottom of Horsethief Road that is causing water to go into his yard. Mr. Mattern would like a drain culvert put in. The Commissioners will talk to the Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert about the issue. Commissioner Goffena mentioned that he had received a call regarding Daily Road.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Dodge is ready to be traded and the 2013 Ford Explorer is ready for lights and decals. The department is good with patrols vehicles once it ready to go. All deputies are doing really good and he has no complaints.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Assessor Johnson with the Department of Revenue was also present and said that she is no longer allowed to figure out the mill levy for the upcoming Hospital District mill levy. She forwarded a website to Ms. Angel and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi so they can calculate the tax increase of a voted levy of 20 mills.
Ronnie Burns, Troy Evans and DES Deputies Fisher and Russell joined the meeting.
Ms. Angel said that there will be a conference call with Scott Graham and Jason Seyler from DEQ on Tuesday March 6th, 2018 regarding the asbestos abatements. Nadene Wadsworth with FEMA is checking on funds from the Brownsfield Grant. Mr. Graham said that the work done on the Davies Mine can be used as soft match as long as it is not Federal money, and we will be applying for it but we will not get reimbursed until 2019. Ms. Wadsworth said that you cannot ask for an extension of a grant until 90 days before the grant expires. The DNRC Construction grant can be used as a soft match and Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development will be willing to work with the County on the Brownsfield Grant. Commissioner Borner would like a list of approximately how much soft match we have accumulated so far. Ms. Angel said that if a flood happens this year the properties in the buyout program will still be appraised at the 2016 value. The extension given to the Eiseleins to have an extra 30 days to vacate the property should not have been given and the County will be getting dinged on it. Any property in the programs cannot be salvaged after the appraisals per FEMA regulations without following proper disposal procedure. Anything taken out the property for any reason needs to be taken off of the appraisal amount. It is up to the Commissioners to try to get back property that was salvaged from County owned buyout properties so we don’t have to pay for it or it will be taken off of the grant reimbursement amount. Commissioner Goffena handed out a notice regarding the return of the salvaged material taken that he would like to go into the Roundup Record. Mr. Russel & Mr. Fisher noted several errors in the notice and asked to correct the notice and resubmit to the Commissioner. They also questioned the need for the notice as all parties had been contacted and a plan for recovery was already in motion. There needs to be a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Roundup, regarding the City property that is included in the buyout. There will be an Inter-local Agreement between Musselshell County and the Friends of the Musselshell School, Inc. on the March 12, 2018 agenda.
Deputy DES Russell gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Flood Plain Permit for Great West Engineering has been signed and submitted. They are reviewing the EOP (emergency operation plans) for flooding and evacuations. The new plotter will arrive this week and Roundup Memorial High School graciously accepted the donation of the old one. They will be needing training on the NIFRS (national fire incident reporting system) reporting. There will be a LEPC (local emergency planning committee) meeting on March 13, 2018 and they will be focusing on flooding.
Lorie Jett met with the Commissioners with a personnel issue.
There was a telephone Conference call with Kathie Bailey and Karen at Snowy Mountain Development Corporation where they are working on creating the County and City of Roundup as a Local Opportunity Zone. Because of the 2017 Tax Bill that created a tax incentive redevelopment structure for 25 zones. Snowy Mountain is pursuing this to help Musselshell County become one of the zones. Commissioner Borner will be the contact person for this.
Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corporation, Brian Johnson and Kari Kraske with Collaborative Designs met with the Commissioners. Kathy Pfister and Ronnie Burns were also present. Commissioner Goffena suggested that “No Trespassing” signs be put up at the Musselshell County Central Commons to stop people from going in the building. Mr. Qualman said that signs have been ordered. Mr. Johnson told the Commissioners that everything is on time. The electrical inspector didn’t like the way the electric was going into the stone building. Mr. Johnson said that they can save approximately $2,300.00 by doing the electric a certain way. The State inspector is fine with it. They may put a topping on the handicapped ramp to make it compliant. Samples of the flooring, tiles and siding were shown to the Commissioners. Final cleanup will be at the end of April or early May.
Public comment:
Troy & Coila Evans, Bonnie Comb-DeMaio, Bette Ross, J.K. Kuzara, Danny McCaffree, Dave Liggett, Dave Ponte, Wade Rongen, Bill Trent, Ronnie Burns and Debbie Adolph and were present. RECORDED
Ms. Ross asked what was going on with the Fair Board? Commissioner Goffena told her that the next meeting is scheduled for April 19, 12018.
Mr. Rongen submitted a letter regarding Adam Carlson. ( Available for review)
Mr. Kuzara asked about the “Notice Regarding Public Comment”. If it was excepted yet? Commissioner Berry told him it was on the 3:00 business. Mr. Kuzara said it is not the law and should not be excepted as written and offered to write up a new policy for the Commissioners to review. If it is needed Mr. Kuzara will take matters to the District Court.
Mr. Ponte asked why the County Attorney does not attend meetings.
Mr. Rongen read e-mails between himself and Brian Hopkins with MACo. regarding the hiring of an HR Attorney (Available for review)
Ms. Adolph said she talked to Mr. Hopkins also and received the same answer as Mr. Rongen.
Mr. Liggett questioned the latest audit and why it is not made public. Commissioner Goffena told him to talk to Accounting.
Mr. Evans asked why if there is no criminal intent as stated by Commissioner Goffena and Berry, they are still proceeding at the tax payers expense.
Mr. Evans asked why the Commissioners don’t answer the questions. Mr. Kuzara said they don’t have to if they don’t want to but they do have to record it.
Close of Public Comment.
Item #1 to discuss & vote on the placement of the new Weed Building was tabled again until next week. Item # 4 to discuss and approve that agenda items should be approved following the close of the current Monday business for the following week was tabled until we get more information. Item #5 to discuss and approve the notice regarding regulation of public comments during Commissioner meetings was tabled until more legal advice is gathered.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign Resolution 2018-8 asking the Board of County Commissioners to Submit the Question of Placing a 20 Mill Levy on the Ballot for the County Hospital District. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Berry asked how often this was done? Clerk & Recorder Tomassi said every 5 years. Commissioner Borner told the group that there was an example of how it will effect taxes on the Resolution to view and that this is the only way for local government to raise taxes.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign Resolution 2018-9 determining Fair Market Value for sale of County owned property. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Goffena said that the County takes the appraised fair market value given by the Assessors Office and that these lots just sitting vacant.
End of 3:00 business.
Bruce Hoiland, Mike Goffena, Troy Evans, Joe Stahl, Ronnie Burns Wade Rongen and Under Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners.
Mr. Hoiland brought in e-mails to Jeff Olsen with the Department of Transportation from himself and Mike Goffena regarding the replacement of Goffena Bridge. (Available for review) Mr. Hoiland wanted to know why the County is not talking to the State regarding replacing the bridge? Mr. Hoiland said that Goffena Bridge is rated #1 to be replaced and why doesn’t the County want to save $400,000.00 by talking to the State. The State has money and is looking for bridges to replace. Commissioner Goffena said that Stahly Engineering re-assessed the bridge and put it on top of the list and they are looking into replacing the bridge with the State. Mr. Hoiland said that Jeff Olsen is the man to talk to, they have the money and are willing to spend it.
Commissioner Berry said that if a mistake has been made, we will look into it and we will have Stahly Engineering contact Mr. Olsen and thanked Mr. Hoiland for bringing it to our attention.
February payroll = $121,685.85 Check # 23156 – 23181
February claims = $149,968.00 Check # 62846 – 62975
Last modified: March 4, 2019