May 15, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from the May 1st and May 8th meeting were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners.
Canvas of the May 2, 2017 Hospital Board Trustee Election. All Commissioners and Election Administrator.
Clerk and Recorder Cheryl Tomassi and Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners regarding the new website. It is up and running but not complete. It still has some stock photos, unfilled pages and information. The builder hasn’t been able to upload the Commissioners minutes, but he has been able to post the agenda. Ms. Pfister stated that the costs may go up because the cost to build is different than housing the data.
Amy Angel from Accounting met with the Commissioners with a Human Resources issue.
Due to the lack of time the Road Department did not get to give their weekly report to the Commissioners.
Sheriff Thomas and Under Sheriff Lesnik gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They discussed doing a line item adjustment for spending authority for the County’s match to the Signal Peak Grant for the new police car. $15,839.00. If they come in under budget, Under Sheriff Lesnik would like to split the difference between the capital improvement fund and the equipment and machinery fund. Commissioner Berry asked Under Sheriff Lesnik about his overtime. Mr. Lesnik said that he had so much overtime because 3 shifts were being covered by 3 people since Sheriff Thomas was off due to surgery. There will be little overtime this pay period. The last of the newly hired deputy’s is attending the academy and will be done in July.
County Agent Mat Walter met with the Commissioners. The Extension Office received a grant from Signal Peak to redo the bathrooms at the extension office and a grant from MVCF (Musselshell Valley Community Foundation) for learning lab kits for the 4-H kids. Mr. Walter and maintenance man, Will Donahue are working on projects at the fairgrounds, cleaning up trees, mowing and fixing grandstand seats/stairs. The 4-H Council will be nominating a person to serve on the newly re-established Fair Board.
Mayor Jones, David Liggett, Woodrow Weitzeil and Gary Toombs met with the Commissioners to discuss a new Interlocal Agreement with Law Enforcement. (Commissioner Borner was absent due to a Memorial Service) Mayor Jones gave a copy of the agreement to the Commissioners and also a Finding of Facts Surrounding the Inter-local Agreement for Law Enforcement and the City of Roundup. (Which is available for public review in the Clerk and Recorders Office) Mayor Jones said that the City has searched for money but they just do not have it to give. Mr. Toombs asked who was asking to change the Inter-local Agreement and suggested to run an all County Wide Safety Levy Election to ask the public for money. Commissioner Goffena told Mr. Toombs that Under Sheriff Lesnik is the one asking for more money. Commissioner Berry explained that the longwall miner at Signal Peak is supposed to be in Musselshell County at the end of the year and that will improve taxes in Musselshell County for at least the next two (2) years. If everything works out with the mine then we would not need to run a levy. Mayor Jones has a recommendation from City Council to suggest that the City will sign the same agreement as before and run a mill levy election. The Commissioners said that they will discuss this with the Sheriffs Office on Monday May 22, 2017.
Public Comment:
Nathan Eiselein, Gene & Delores DesJarlais, Erin Janoso, Theresa Doumitt, Emma Fraser, Bill Edwards, Marsha McCleary, Troy Evans, Bill Milton, Shawn Youngblood and Pam Liggett were present. Amy Angel from Accounting was present also.
Theresa Doumitt read a letter of support of the Disaster Resiliency Project and relocation program. (Available for public viewing at the Clerk and Recorders Office)
Bill Milton read a Letter of support for the FEMA Buyout Program and the Eiselein Property. ( Available for public viewing at the Clerk and Recorders Office)
Theresa Doumitt read a letter submitted by Linda Yount with the Roundup Community Partners in support of the FEMA Buyout Program. (Available for public viewing at the Clerk and Recorders Office)
Theresa Doumitt read a letter submitted by Wendy Beye in support of the Disaster Resiliency Program. (Available for public viewing at the Clerk and Recorders Office.)
Erin Janoso came in support of the FEMA Buyout Program. Ms. Janoso said that she is here to support the future of her daughter and other children.
Pam Liggett said that she is here to support the program and that Fish and Game is also in support of the FEMA Buyout Program. Ms. Liggett asked why the Commissioners are not following the guidelines?
Bill Milton would like to see the breakdown and spread sheet of all the money for a better idea of what the real numbers are. How much the County pays, the tax payer and FEMA and what is the impact on the County Budget. Mr. Milton is concerned that the County will lose future grant money and loans because we are on the high risk list.
Theresa Doumitt spoke about the re-purposing of the buildings, future of the properties and that people will relocate in other County properties and improve these houses.
Ms. Fraser said that people would improve the taxable value when they purchase other properties that are not in the flood zone. Why can’t the Commissioners follow the guidelines and get the third appraisal on the Eiselein property.
Mr. Evans spoke about the economic impact on the community that the FEMA Buyout Program provide Musselshell County and is in support of the programs.
Nathan Eiselein asked that the Commissioners please reconsider the 3rd appraisal on the Eiselein property.
On May 17, 2017 the Commissioners received a letter in support of the FEMA Mitigation Buyout submitted by Steve Crosby. ( Available for public viewing at the Clerk and Recorders Office)
Amy Angel explained that the properties in the flood zone can never be rebuilt on again and must become “green space”. All those houses are currently on the County tax rolls and will be approximately a $20,000.00 tax loss to the County when they are removed. The County has never received money up front from FEMA. The County has to put up the money and then is reimbursed from FEMA.
Commissioner Berry said that he feels a third appraisal is not necessary. Mr. Berry said that he was elected to take care of the tax payers money. The County has to come up with 25% match for some of these projects. That is a lot of taxpayer money. Afterwards the properties must become green space and will need to be sprayed and maintained.
End of public comment.
Item #2 to sign the Quit Claim Deed from Musselshell County to Chris Hamilton for piece of land by the Gage Bridge that the County owns to be used for a fishing access was tabled until there is more information. ( There is research being done and we are finding that Mr. Hamilton and his family may own this property and Musselshell County only has an Easement on it) Item #4 to decide between KLJ Engineering and Stahly Engineering on the TSEP Application for the Delphia Bridge was tabled until more information is gathered.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to keep the Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services the same with no update. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion. There was a recommendation from the City to run a Countywide Safety Mill Levy Election. The Commissioners will discuss this with the Sheriffs Office Monday May 22, 2017. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to table the 2 different offers, discuss and sign the chosen offer to Beverly Eiselein for the property acquisition with FEMA. There was no seconded motion. Commissioner Borner said that the County still has to make a decision on the offers. Commissioner Berry said that if the County is going to pay the higher price for the property, then the County is going to have to pay higher prices for all the other properties in the program. It will end up costing the tax payers more money and he was hired to be prudent with the tax payers money. Motion failed for lack of a second.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign the Encroachment Application for an approach in Section 29, Township 7 North, Range 26 East, Ambush Road. Submitted by Danny Acord. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign the Final Request for Reimbursement No. 4, for AIP 3-30-0066-013-2016 submitted by KLJ. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve adding budget line item 2920/ revenue and budget for DNRC/Weed Department. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: December 13, 2017