May 21, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:23 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from the May 14, 2018 meeting were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett met with the Commissioners and told them that they are going to need to put a chemical sanitizer in at the Musselshell County Central Commons.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Secretary Kenner was not present. The road crew has been hauling rock at the Delphia Bridge. Mr. Stockert is working on the permit for the Department of Natural Resources and Fish Wildlife and Parks for riprap in the river at Delphia. There was a review of the department budget with Accounting Supervisor Angel.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There is going to be a safety inspection of the jail Wednesday, May 23, 2018.
Clerk of Court Halverson reviewed her budget with Accounting Supervisor Angel and the Commissioners.
Treasurer Nelson reviewed her budget with Accounting Supervisor Angel and the Commissioners.
Des Coordinators Fisher and Russell gave their weekly reports to the Commissioners. They have no changes in their budget. They are continuing to monitor the river for flooding. They are getting the official offer letter for the FEMA PDMC Grant to the Lekse’s today. They are hoping to have the offer for the Carson’s on next week’s agenda.
Public Comment on the Coal Board Application for a new call system and bed replacement project at Roundup Memorial Healthcare.
Brad Howell was present.
Commissioner Berry said he feels it is a valid project and sees minuscule environmental impact.
There was no other comment.
Meeting closed.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi reviewed her budget with Accounting Supervisor Angel and the Commissioners.
There was a telephone call from Rose Martin voicing her disappointment that the Senior Center is being referred to as a “Central Commons”.
Public Comment on the Environmental Assessment for the TSEP Grant for the Goffena Bridge.
Arlene Goffena, Tom Stockert, Kathy Thompson (Stahly Engineering) Mike Goffena, Bob Price, Bruce Hoiland, Brenda Goffena, Jason Goffena, David M. Goffena, Troy Evens, Glenn W. Goffena and Stan Pisle were present.
After everyone was given a copy of the Environmental Assessment Ms. Thompson said that she welcomed any ideas or input for when it goes before the Commissioners. Ms. Thompson also gave out a Design and Cost Estimate (available for review at the Clerk & Recorders Office) for the Bridge replacement and they want to look at every option. They won’t know if funding has been cut until it goes before the Legislature. Mike Goffena asked why the cost is more since the last meeting? Ms. Thompson said that it was just a rough estimate. Commissioner Borner said she thinks that the public safety issue will help with the report. Mr. Price asked how long this should take? Ms. Thompson said that the money hadn’t even been appropriated yet and will go before the 2019 Legislature and we can start the design by June of 2019. Mr. Hoiland asked if the old Railroad bridge removal was included? Ms. Thompson said no but she would like to get it put into the grant. The consensus was to move forward with option #4. Ms. Thompson said that it would be helpful to have other people there when the application is submitted. Accounting Supervisor Angel said that there is $434,000.00 in the bridge fund. Ms. Thompson said that $15,000.00 had already been used for grant preparation which can be used as match. Mr. Price said that Stahly Engineering has done a good job.
Meeting closed.
Public Comment:
Troy Evans, Brenda Vescovi, Stan Pisle, Pam Liggett, Kathy Thompson, Lisa Liliberte and Brad Howell were present.
Ms. Vescovi asked if the Tenant Agreement for the Musselshell County Central Commons was completed? Accounting Supervisor Angel said that the Commissioners had just received it from the County Attorney and will need to go over it. Ms. Vescovi said that she would like one to take to the Musselshell County Council on Aging Board Meeting on May 22, 2018. Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Goffena said that they did not have a problem with the Board having a copy of the Agreement as long as they remember that it is just a draft. Ms. Angel said that it was a very basic standard commercial lease agreement and that there are some blanks. The agreement is not for simplicity, it is for the protection of both parties. Ms. Vescovi said that there will probably be a lot of questions. Commissioner Berry said that was ok.
Mr. Pisle asked where the name Musselshell County Central Commons came from? Commissioner Goffena said it was suggested by an employee and others agreed. Commissioner Borner said that it was listed on the agenda for decision and anyone could have commented and also the Commissioners liked the fact that the name honored the old Central School. There was no intention of making anyone feel slighted.
Ms. Vescovi said to not be surprised if people are angry with the name and that there are no signs. Commissioner Berry said that there will be signs so people know where to go.
The address for the Senior Center, Food Bank and Golden Thimble are as follows:
Senior Center- 610 2nd Street West.
Golden Thimble- 113 7th Avenue West.
Food Bank- 117 7th Avenue West.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to move Item #3 and #4 to the top of the business. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign Resolution 2018-13 to submit the TSEP Grant Application and to sign the Environmental Assessment Form for the Goffena Bridge. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.
Item #1 to discuss and vote on a Lease/Rent/Use Agreement for the Musselshell County Central Commons was tabled until the Agreement presented to the Commissioners by the County Attorney can be reviewed.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sponsor the Coal Board Grant Application for a new call system and bed replacement project at Roundup Memorial Healthcare. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried. Accounting Supervisor Angel reminded Mr. Howell to add the Administration fees to the amount of the grant.
The Commissioner went to the Musselshell County Central Commons for a walk through with the Architect.
Meeting closed.
Last modified: March 4, 2019