Commissioner Minutes November 4, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry was present. Commissioner Carlson was absent.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to add making a decision regarding the payroll system to the 3:00 business portion of the agenda. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion as amended. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve the minutes from the October 28, 2019 minutes and will call Commissioner Carlson to come in sometime this week to approve them. Commissioner Berry was not present for the meeting so will not approve.
Commissioner Borner did not have any board meetings this week but her and Commissioner Carlson did meet with Kirk Keyser to discuss the Counties option for the EDA Supplemental Funding Grant. The grant is for flooding disasters and have to be tied to job creation and retention. Commissioner Borner has a Central Montana Health District meeting this week.
Commissioner Berry did not have any board meetings.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners to go over some tax bills that the County received that have a garbage charge.
John Lamm with Nationwide Insurance called in to talk to the Commissioners regarding plan and option changes that are available for the County employees. Clerk & Recorder Tomassi was present also. The Commissioners will put the item on the November 12, 2019 agenda.
DES Coordinators Fisher and Harper gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The Commissioners were given the new bid advertisement for the Demolition of the FEMA Buyout properties. The ad will be running the week of the 11th and 18th of November, to be in by 3:00 Monday November 25, 2019. The Billings Swat Team did some training exercises with the Sheriff’s office at the FEMA Buyout properties today. The final burn permit flyer was given to the Commissioners for review. Traci Sears, Tom Birney and Stefanie Di Betitto met with the Commissioners to review the Floodplain Mapping Update Project for the Musselshell River. The new mapping will be effective November 15, 2019.
Public Comment:
Dave Liggett was present. Robbin Bartley called in to complain about Goulding Creek Road. Ms. Bartley has lived there for 20 years and has never seen any rock put on it and sometimes when weather is bad the road is impassable. Commissioner Borner told Ms. Bartley that this past June the Commissioners signed a contract with the Montana department of Transportation to fix the road and at the earliest it will be done in 2021. Latest would be 2023.
End of Public Comment.
Sheriff Lesnik joined the meeting.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to add talking about the payroll system to the agenda. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Berry thinks we should call Black Mountain and tell them it is not working and we want our money back and look elsewhere. Sheriff Lesnik said that he talked to Black Mountain and they cannot figure the 28-day, 171-hour work schedule for his office. Commissioner Borner has an e-mail in to Bob Denning and thinks Mr. Lesnik should talk to him also to see if they can come to a solution. The payroll system is working for the other employees and is saving a lot of time.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
October Payroll = $123,870.68 Check # 23825 – 23853
October 3, 2019 Claims = $159,220.95 Check # 65843 – 65945
October 17, 2019 Claims= $105,777.27 Check # 65946 – 66012
Last modified: November 27, 2019