October 22, 2018
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner was present. Commissioner Berry was absent.
The minutes from the October 15, 2018 meeting were not given to the Commissioners for review and approval.
Old business:
• Old ambulance barn roof. The Commissioners are going to talk to Ron Solberg and have him call Montana Made Projects.
• Roof on new ambulance. Commissioner Borner looked up the insurance quote they will need to tell Ron Solberg to go out for bids.
• Bids for the Extension Office. Commissioner Borner received the insurance information on this and will need to talk to the County Agent about it.
• Offer from Larry Lekse about installing windows. We have not received a written offer yet and he will be asked again.
• Fee structure for private use of the Musselshell County Central Commons. The Commissioners are reviewing.
• Pay for lift rental. The Commissioners will talk to Brad Pfeiffer from Hawk Creek Fire Department at 11:00 when he comes in with DES.
• Windows at the Commons. Commissioner Borner will check with the insurance company.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Stephanie Downs and Mike Reis were also present. Ms. Kenner talked to Stahly Engineering and Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development Corp. regarding replacement of Farrel Bridge. They will need to get preliminary engineering report done and go from there. The Commissioners would like to get clarification on the price. Ms. Kenner will have Kathy Thompson call in at the Monday October 29th meeting, weather permitting. Ms. Kenner gave the used motor grader specs and invitation to bid as well as the bid package to the Clerk & Recorders Office. Bidding will close on November 26, 2018. The Road Department will be doing a night shift on November 1, 2018 to inspect signs for reflectivity. Weather permitting. Commissioner Goffena said that it was mentioned to him that the Road Department employees should have their drivers license ran occasionally to check for DUI’s for the safety committee Ms. Downs said that her and Mr. Reis were present to discuss Big Wall Road. They know that this winter was really rough and they know the department has been busy getting caught up but when Big Wall Road gets wet it is impassable and needs gravel badly. Mr. Reis said that he had a gravel trailer to use and offered his help. Mr. Stockert told them that they have been busy and that they plan on pulling up the shoulders and ditches on the road but they are about 1 week out. Commissioner Borner said that equipment availability is a problem also and that they have been working with only 1 grader and that they have been working on fixing culverts that got washed out. Ms. Kenner also mentioned that bus routes and most used roads are always the priority. Commissioner Goffena said that it is always nice to hear from the public.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Thomas submitted his Inmate Insurance form to the Clerk & Recorders Office. There are 3 inmates in jail at this time.
DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Brad Pfeiffer from Hawk Creek Fire Department was also present. Mr. Fisher received a call from Greg Davis with the Environmental Protection Agency. They have received a grant so they can do a survey on buildings the County is looking to buy. This would be for lead paint and asbestos. There will have to be a letter of extension for all properties that need demo’d. Mr. Fisher will be meeting with DNRC on Wednesday October 24, 2018 to go over details for next fire season. They will be looking for a Deputy Des employee in the spring. Mr. Pfeiffer gave the Commissioners an Agreement for Building Demolition regarding the big Lekse building. The County will pay for the scissor man lift and the gradall fork lift for the price of $2,500.00. The work cannot be done until early spring. Commissioner Borner made the motion to suspend the rules and sign the Agreement. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Theresa Doumitt met with the Commissioners on behalf of Roundup Memorial Healthcare (CEO Brad Howell could not make it do to an illness in the family) asking the Commissioners to sponsor the Coal Board Application for a bed replacement project at the hospital. There will be a public hearing at 11:30 Monday October 29, 2018 in the Commissioner’s office. To be voted on at the October 29, 2018 3:00 business. A resolution/letter of determination that there is no environmental impact (if there is none found at the public hearing) will also be signed on the 29th. Ms. Doumitt gave the Commissioners the current funding plan for the bed replacement project.
Public Comment:
Natalie Hazelton, Brenda Vescovi, Edith Sloan, Gary Toombs, Sharon McLeod, Coila Evans, Dave Liggett, Bill Trent, Erin Janoso and Randy Hafer were present.
Ms. Vescovi said that she really hopes the Commissioners will agree to Mr. Hafers plan for the seniors.
Ms. McLeod said that hopes they can have a meeting of the minds with Mr. Hafers plan for the seniors.
No more public comment.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to discuss the plans for donated lots at the old school. Mr. Hafer said that he has put a great deal of thought into the project. (Mr. Hafer gave the Commissioners his previous and new offer) This started a long time ago and is good for the Community and Mr. Hafer offered the land to the City but they did not want it all and suggested offering part of it to the County. The main concern was the playground and parking for seniors. Commissioner Goffena’s concern are the hedges. Mr. Trent suggested plumb trees. Mr. Hafer said he is trying to compromise to make the project work and give easy access to the seniors. Mr. Hafer said that at the last City Council meeting they approved the project contingent on the Commissioners agreement. Mr. Hafer said this is the offer and a gift that does give additional parking to the seniors. If the offer is not accepted all of the property will be Mr. Hafers. Ms. Doumitt said the City utility offices and emergency office are in agreement that the plan works and offered that maybe the Roundup Community Partnership can help with funding for trees or something for the County. Ms. Hazelton thinks this plan works well for the seniors. Ms. Sloan said that Commissioner Goffena has been working on this for a long time and has been in on it from the beginning and now will be in on it at the end. Commissioner Goffena said he wants yellow lines in the parking area. Mr. Hafer reminded everyone that not every space is best for every person and that the parking spaces are standard. When the County owns the property they can do what they want. Commissioner Borner made the motion to accept the offer as written and presented. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Borner thanked Mr. Hafer for working on the project and bettering the Community.
After opening the 1 coal bid received, Commissioner Borner made the motion to accept the Bid from Gebhardt Post Plant & Saw Mill to purchase coal at $110.00 a ton. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Commissioners will go out for bids for coal every August.
Meeting closed.
Last modified: March 4, 2019