October 9, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Kenner gave the Commissioners a copy, for review, of the “Public Notice” that will be in the paper for the side dump trailer Coal Board application. Ms. Kenner gave the Commissioners Mushroom Mine Road documents. Donna Pedrazzi submitted a statement of how much they purchased land for to try to get a value on the land where the purposed relocation of #4 Road easement is going to be. The County will be doing a title search of the property. The Commissioners would like to see a list of the bridges to be repaired or replaced. Hawk Creek Volunteer Fire Department is going to take down the Lekse Building. The Road Department is trying to repair all the damage from last winter/spring runoff. Limited man power and weather is making it difficult.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There are 3 inmates in jail. Mr. Thomas is going to ask the State who is responsible for issuing burning citations. The Commissioners discussed the speed limit heading south out of town. They may talk to Montana Department of Transportation about reducing the limit.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi talked to the Commissioners regarding the new hire for Clerk & Recorder/Accounting.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. We have received a Grant from the Department of Crime Control for the Sheriff’s Office. They will put it in the Judgement Loss Fund. Ms. Angel talked about the TIFD (Tax Increment Finance District) that the City is trying to establish. Ms. Angel thinks it will be a benefit for the future to encourage businesses and improve infrastructure.
DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Fisher asked that all Department Heads look at the Lekse and Carson FEMA property to see if there is anything their departments can use before demolition. Commissioner Goffena said that the Senior Center will take the cupboards. The appraisals for the remaining FEMA Grant properties should be done by next week. No one showed up for the Public Meeting regarding the Flood Plain maps. There is an appeal process for the Flood Plain Maps and the forms can be picked up at the DES Office or the Clerk & Recorders Office. Fire Council training schedules are being set up for this winter and they are trying to set times for the burn of the Lekse and Carson properties.
Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp. met with the Commissioners to discuss Cucancic Construction and the works still needing done at the Musselshell County Central Commons. All 3 entities need to meet with an agreed upon list to complete and have a walkthrough of the Commons. Mr. Qualman suggested that Brian Johnson with Collaborative Design be present also. A list from the ladies at the Commons will be sent to both Mr. Qualman and Mr. Johnson and a letter will be sent to Cucancic Construction.
Gary Toombs and Jim Schladweiler from Roundup City Council, met with the Commissioners to discuss the TIFD (Tax Increment Finance District) that the City is trying to establish. The City is considering setting up a 5 member board and 1 nonvoting City Council member. The program allows Government entities to get money from property taxes. The baseline is 2018 and if the assessed value go up the money will go into the TIFD and can be used only by the entities in the District. The program is a public private partnership to address blight. Amy Angel joined the meeting and gave her support to the District. Mr. Toombs said that it makes it more appealing for other business to come here. Commissioner Berry said it is interesting to have innovative ideas for the County.
Theresa Doumitt, Gary Toombs, Jim Schladweiler, Bill Trent and Erin Janoso met with the Commissioners with a new printout of the lots being donated to the County from the Developer of the old school Randy Hafer. After comments from City Council, the developer is offering the lots west of the alley to the County and East of the alley to the City. Mr. Hafer will move the basket- ball hoops at his expense. Ms. Doumitt thinks it’s great that he is willing to do this. Mr. Schladweiler said that the City has asked to have only parallel parking on 1st Street West and 6th Avenue in front of the building. Ms. Doumitt said that the developer’s lawyers said that he could directly deed the lots to us. Commissioners Goffena said that the City has an ordinance to not divide lots. Ms. Doumitt said that Mr. Hafer has committed to pay for the cost of the transfer. Commissioner Borner asked what the next step is? Mr. Schladweiler said they all need to get together and decide. The City hasn’t voted yet but they are acceptable to the proposal. Ms. Doumitt said that the Mayor asked that it be voted on at the next Council meeting on October 16, 2018. Mr. Schladweiler said that the fire chief needs to look at the hedges to make sure there is fire access with the hedge and fence that is there. The Commissioners will put it to vote on the agenda October 15, 2018.
Public comment.
Erin Janoso was present.
No public comment.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign as written the Inter-local Agreement with the City of Roundup property acquired through the FEMA Grants. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign as presented the Inter-local Agreement with the Community Library. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2018-19 NOT allowing the County Treasure to issue a tax deed to Tract 13 of RLC investments COS 1977-11 Section 5, Township 6 North, Range 26 East. (Also known as Hampton Road and McCord Road) Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2018-20 allowing Musselshell County Elected Officials to receive a .10 cent cost of living increase. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners with accounts receivable and to tell them that the fascia on the old ambulance barn is to short and there needs to be another down spout on the jail. Also need to repair the damage to the new ambulance barn roof. Montana Made Products needs to be contacted. The DES vehicle was discussed. The starting rate of pay for dispatchers was discussed.
Heidi Gabel from American Title & Escrow called to discuss doing a Title Policy for the property for the purposed re-location of #4 Road is. The cost will be $490.00 and will take 5 to 7 days.
Meeting closed.
September Payroll – $112,005.83 Check #- 23387 – 23417
September Claims – $199,509.34 Check #- 63901 – 64020
Last modified: March 4, 2019