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Commissioner Minutes September 6, 8 and 9 2022

September 28, 2022

September 6, Road Department Meeting

Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert, Secretary Kenner and the new Road Department Secretary Newman were present.

Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly update to the Commissioners. Mr. Stockert discussed the Goffena Bridge replacement and road improvement project. Mr.  Stockert discussed the possibility of using grant funding for the removal of the old railroad bridge. An update was given on the MDT project graveling Goulding Creek Road. The chip seal project on Old Divide Road and #4 Road has been completed. The project was funding from Montana Department of Commerce and Coal Board funding. Signal Peak agreed to pay for the safety striping on Fattig Creek Road. Road Secretary Kenner sent thank you letters to all participating entities responsible for the replacement of Farrel Street Bridge.  Mr. Stockert discussed options for the open maintenance/operator position in the Road Department. Mr. Stockert will accompany the Commissioners on encroachment inspections, followed by a tour of any on-going projects.


Commissioners Final Budget Meeting Thursday September 8, 2022 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Pancratz, CFO Kirk, Treasurer Hetrick and Clerk and Recorder Tomassi were present. Minutes were taken by Clerk and Recorder Tomassi.

Public comment was open regarding the 2022-2023 FY final budget. There was no public comment regarding the budget. Commissioner Goffena closed public comment.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign and approve Musselshell County FY 2022-2023 final budget along with signing Resolution 2022-24 approving the budget. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to adjourn the special budget meeting. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioners September 9, 2022 Minutes

The Meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Pancratz were present. Minutes were taken by Clerk and Recorder Tomassi.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve today’s agenda. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the September 2, 2022 minutes as written. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Commissioner Board Information:

Commissioners Goffena and Turley was in Lewistown and stopped in and met with the Fergus County Commissioners on September 7, 2022. They discussed the “Save the Cowboy stop American Prairie Reserve” issue.

Commissioners Goffena and Turley met for an informational meeting with the Northern Plains Resource Council on September 8, 2022.

Commissioners Goffena, Turley and Pancratz met on September 8, 2022 for the special budget meeting.

New Business:

The Commissioners discussed the County’s financial and investment possibilities of sending a new Road Department employee to the Department of Transportation school in order for them to receive their CDL certification. No decision was made by the Commissioners regarding this matter and will be discussed it again at a later date.

Mike Ruggles, Mimi Wolok and Shawn Flynn form the Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks met with the Commissioners regarding the Riverside FAS Access. Raymond Raths also attended today’s meeting. There are two separate problems with the Riverside FAS Access. The legal descriptions on the properties stacked north-to-south along Riverside Road are incorrect. The other issue is the public access easement location is not correctly depicted correctly. In order to fix the issues, a new retracement survey would need to be completed or the County hires a surveyor to present the issues to the court and files a quiet title action. The Commissioners will contact MACO for their recommendations regarding hiring a land attorney.

DES Director/Fire Warden Russell and DES Coordinator Rook gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Russell is currently tracking down what the FEMA/Federal Government 4405DR Grant is and what it involves. Mr. Russell discussed Mr. Vidic getting a permit from Venessa to remove dirt from the flood plain. Mr. Russell reported that there has been 1 wildland fire, 1 structure fire and 2 false alarms last week. The Community Wildland Protection Plan had their first meeting and there is a 90/10 grant in the amount of $235,000 that Mr. Russell will be applying for. DES Coordinator Rook has been busy taking his S130 test. Fire Warden Russell has started delivering the new radios to the different Fire Departments within the county. The Bull Mountain fire truck was considered totaled when the tire blew on it, but Mr. Russell discussed the advantages of the county buying it back.

Treasurer/County Superintendent of Schools Hetrick met with Commissioners and discussed county investments, budgets and school mills. The Commissioners signed the Melstone School Budget. The Roundup School District has not handed in their budget yet to Superintendent Hetrick’s office.


Public Comment.

Theresa Doumitt wanted to thank the county for the wonderful job of chip sealing #4 Road. The Commissioners gave Mrs. Doumitt an update on the fishing access site and discussed future possibilities regarding more access sites for people to enjoy the Musselshell River. Mrs. Doumitt discussed that the City of Roundup is having seconded thoughts regarding maintenance of the playground at the old Central School property and she will keep the Commissioners up to date when she receives more information.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to sign the formal award for the FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) EMD-2022-EP-00005 in the amount of $116,934. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to table the encroachment permits submitted by William Bergin until the Commissioners and Road Supervisor Stockert meet with Mr. Bergin. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion was carried.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve and sign the Coal Board Draw #2 documents regarding the Roundup Memorial Hospital Generator Phase 2 Project. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.







Last modified: September 28, 2022

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