September 8, 2020
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Goffena was present.
Mike Turley was present for observation for the day.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda for the day as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the August 31, 2020 minutes as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena did not have any Board meetings last week.
Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Goffena went with Sheriff Lesnik on Friday September 4, 2020 to observe the fire and did not make the Town Hall meeting with MACo
Commissioner Borner had a MACO Resolution meeting on Wednesday. The Resolution Committees send policies to MACo, then they help support them in legislature.
Kelly Gebhardt with Roundup Airport, John Bach, Tyler Lindbloom and Veronica Meyer (via Zoom) from Interstate Engineering, Steve Studder and Jay Steinmasel from Knife River gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The milling of fabric and removal of test strip #1 has been completed. Crews plan to perform test strip #2 on 9/9/2020. 9/10/20 they will begin patching on the runway after the test strip has passed. They will continue to clean up along the edges and grade fill material. Central Electric has arrived on site and will start installing underground equipment. NOTAMS are placed until October 4, 2020. The next meeting will be Monday September 14, 2020.
Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The Commissioners were given information on the truck they are wanting to purchase. There is a FWP meeting on September 14, 2020 at 1:00 for the proposed Riverside Fishing Access. A couple Road Department crew members worked on the fire mover the weekend. Today they are mowing on Goulding Creek, checking roads, signs in the Eastern District, retrieving the dozer from the fire and blading on Horsethief.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Lesnik updated the Commissioners on the evacuations and fire. The COVID-19 reimbursement was discussed. The Commissioners are voting to apply for the reimbursement on today’s 3:00 business.
DES Coordinator Harper and Fire Warden Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Russell updated the Commissioners on the Bobcat Fire. There is a Type 2 Management Team in place. The fire is 50% contained. There were 10 primary structures lost with 13 secondary structures lost. Red Cross has relocated to the LDS Church for the duration of the incident. The Human Society is sending food for dogs, cats, chickens and currently working on hay as well. There were 3 new addresses given last week. Mr. Harper reported that there are 8 active cases in Musselshell County and 21 pending. There was memo sent to Sara Hartley, FEMA CFM regarding the Carson buyout FEMA-FMA-PJ-08-MT-2016-001.
County Agent Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Fosjord had a Land Use Agreement for the Fire Fighters staying at the Fairgrounds. There will be a “Re-imagining Rural workshop September 15, 2020 at the fairgrounds from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. There is a 4H Council meeting this evening. Ms. Fosjord will be out of the office from September 17, 2020 until September 25, 2020 to get married.
Treasurer Hetrick gave her weekly report to the Commissioner and discussed the School Mill Levies. They will be approved and signed at the 3:00 business portion of the agenda.
Contract Manager Mark Qualman called in to the Commissioners meeting and will be looking into getting a 30 x 40 storage unit for the Courthouse.
Public Comment:
Mike Turley and Deb Adolph (via GoToMeeting) were present.
No Public Comment.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2020-27 allowing the County to establish a Capital Improvement Fund for the replacement, improvements , and acquisition of property, facilities, or equipment that costs in excess of $5,000.00( total project cost) and that has the life expectancy of 5 years or more; and the capital improvement plan may receive funds from up to 10% of one or more property tax levies and may receive funds from any source. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2020-28 giving a .25 cent raise to Elected Officials, a .50 raise to County employees with 1% longevity. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena voted to change the employee Medical Insurance coverage from 30 hours to 20 hours. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2020-29 for Budget Levy Decrease of County Wide Transportation and Budget/Levy Decrease of County Wide High School Retirement and Elementary School Retirement. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2020-30 Establishing a base wage of $12.00 for County employees. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena vote to apply for the COVID-19 reimbursement. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve and sign the Request for Payment Draw #2 for work on Brownsfield RLF project in the amount of $64.50 submitted by Snowy Mountain Development Corporation. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made to approve and sign the Request for Payment Draw #5 for work on Brownsfield RLF project in the amount of $4,615.86 submitted by Snowy Mountain Development Corporation. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Goffena did claims on September 3, 2020.
Claims for the 1st batch for September, 2020 = $1,298,554.98
Last modified: November 2, 2020