Public Comments on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission
9:00 Personnel Issue
9:30 Road Department Official Agenda April 2nd, 2018
- Accessing culvert installation, repair, etc. for roads that had run off cross them.
- Has MACO let you know which way to go to compensate for working holidays?
- April 5 from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. we will be having our Basic Wildland refresher course.
10:00 Sheriff
10:30 Accounting:
- Discuss developing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Musselshell County Central Commons and its occupants for utility bills.
- Update of where we are with the Musselshell County Central Commons.
11:00 DES
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Mark Qualman/Commons/Jail/ Roofs
2:00 Tiffany Lyden and Traci Sears/Flood Plain Program and Mapping
Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the
Commission that is not on the agenda.
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.
- Discuss and approve that agenda items should be approved following the close of the current Monday business for the following week.
- Discuss and approve the notice regarding regulation of public comments during Commissioner meetings.
- Review and decide on the July 2018 Final Medical Renewal Rates from MACo.
- Review and sign Resolution 2018-10 Resolving the Interest of the County of Musselshell to Acknowledge and Support the “Snowy Mountain Development Corporation” EDA Application for Revolving Loan Funds.
- Review the Musselshell County Treasurer Quarterly Report ending December 31, 2017.
- Decide on extra budget of $1,500.00 for Brian Johnson of Collaborative Designs to start to come up every week to check on the progress of the Musselshell County Central Commons.
- Discuss and decide on making a commitment to the Sheriff’s Office to back them on a Federal Grant for an extra Officer for 3 years. ( there will be more information on the grant given to the Commissioners when it is available.)
- Review and sign the Service Provider Designation Form for Earmarked Alcohol Tax Money submitted by the Department of Public Health and Human Services.
Last modified: March 4, 2019